Guest guest Posted July 20, 2008 Report Share Posted July 20, 2008 From: sarnets-bounces@... On Behalf Of schafer Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 4:30 PM To: Schafer Autism Report Subject: Today, The Specter Is Autismm Monday, July 21, 2008 Reader Supported Vol. 12 No. 106p In This Issue: • PUBLIC HEALTH Today, The Specter Is Autismm • • MEDIA Radio's Savage Calls Children With Autism " Brats " and Autism a " Scam " - Take Action! National Autism Group and Angry Parents Press Conference Over Savage Insults • • PEOPLE Search To Continue For Autistic Man Missing In Park Britney Spears Joins Generation Rescue • • RESEARCH Autism Parents 'Infection Risk' Researchers Pulling Back The Veil On Adult Asperger Syndrome • • • FINANCE Illinois Leading the Fight Against Autism Province Not Providing Enough Funds For Child Autism Services, Agencies Say LETTERS Celebrity Autism Send your LETTER DEADLINE July 24 For August Autism Events Calendar Submit listing here free! the Autism Calendartm here Hundreds of Local Autism Events PUBLIC HEALTH Today, The Specter Is Autism Rise In Number Of Children Diagnosed With Autism Makes Parents Wary " A poll of parents of autistic children showed 54 percent believe autism is caused by vaccination shots. " By Kathleen O'Brien/The Star-Ledger. Devlin of Denville said she frequently checks for eye contact from her 4-month-old daughter, Delilah. Devlin cradles her newborn daughter, Delilah, with the same devotion she lavished on her four older children. " De-li-lah, " she coos in a singsong voice, holding the 4-month-old baby close to her face. As she did with her other kids, she hopes to elicit a smile, a laugh or a gurgle of recognition. It's a time-honored mother's gesture -- but one that now comes with a twist: This time, Devlin is also checking for autism. Every generation of parents has a worry unique to its era. In the '40s, the specter of polio made mothers frantic about any trip to the neighborhood swimming pool. The '80s brought the sense that every child risked abduction, his photo ending up on the side of a milk carton. For today's parents, that fear is autism. " In my office, that's the big elephant in the room. They'll ask about something else, but what they're really asking is, 'He doesn't have autism, does he?' It is the question for this generation, " said Ari Brown, a Texas pediatrician and spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics. With autism spectrum disorders now diagnosed in 1 out of 150 children nationally and 1 in 94 in New Jersey, rare is the parent who isn't aware of autism. And with that awareness can come a new wariness of vaccines, which a vocal minority of autism activists blame for the jump in cases. Pediatricians report seeing more parents question, delay or even shun altogether the traditional round of childhood immunizations. Such worries never crossed the mind of Devlin, of Denville, with her first two children, now 19 and 13. Autism arrived on her radar screen for the next two kids, now 9 and 3. With Delilah, born 11 weeks prematurely, that concern is front and center. " I never did that with my older kids, " she says of her new habit of checking for eye contact from Delilah. " But now I'm looking specifically for autism. " Pediatricians say this worry has its benefits: Parents are more aware of crucial child-development milestones and as a result, they are quicker to pick up on lags. That may mean some cases of autism -- maddeningly difficult to catch in the youngest toddlers -- are diagnosed earlier. " If you have a child who doesn't talk, I think in other generations they would've said, 'Oh, he's a late bloomer.' It wasn't a big deal, " said Wick, another Denville mother of five. " Now it's definitely a fear for this age of parent. " However, it can make some parents see autism behind every bush. " Thirteen years ago, parents wouldn't be able to answer the question, 'How does your child play?' " Brown said of her early years in practice. " Now you hear, 'Oh my God, my child lines up his trains. Does he have autism?' There are these extreme parents who think every little thing is autism. I have to say to them, 'Sometimes kids can be quirky.' " Singling Out A 'Symptom' Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities marked by an impairment of social interaction combined with communication problems and restricted or repetitive behaviors and interests. The spectrum encompasses a wide variety of thinking and learning abilities, from gifted to severely challenged. While its prevalence has soared in recent years, experts are unsure whether more cases are occurring or simply more cases are being diagnosed. Some parents will single out one small trait or habit of their children as a " symptom " of an autism spectrum disorder, said Segarra, president of the New Jersey chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, who practices in North Brunswick. When a parent voices concern that a child plays with only one toy, for instance, Segarra will ask a checklist of questions about the child's social interaction. This helps the parent see the big picture. Some parents accept their pediatrician's reassurances. Others don't -- leading to more referrals to specialists. " New Jersey has the most pediatric neurologists per capita, and even then, we're booking a year in advance, " said Janice Prontnicki, a neurodevelopmental pediatrician at Children's Specialized Hospital, Mountainside. She sees that looming dread of autism when she diagnoses a significant developmental delay that stems from some other cause. " When I say, 'It's definitely not autism,' you can see how relieved they are, " she said. " A lot of referrals we make are so parents can hear another person, a neurologist, say the kid's okay, " said Carol Calabrese, with Skylands Pediatrics in Sparta. She finds that parents who needn't worry about autism are still concerned about it, while the parents who really should be concerned aren't. In fact, parents are downright eager to have their children evaluated for autism if there is the slightest delay in developmental milestones, said Aradhana Rajkumar, of Pediatric Care in Parsippany. Suspecting Vaccines Apprehension about autism shows up most dramatically with the issue of child immunizations, which some parents view as a culprit in the recent rise in autism. A major study released last year in the New England Journal of Medicine shows no association between long-term neurological and psychological problems and early exposure to thimerasol -- which contains mercury -- in shots. (Use of thimerasol in routine vaccines was stopped in 2001.) However, that has not reassured everyone. A poll of parents of autistic children showed 54 percent believe autism is caused by vaccination shots, according to Harvey , director of Child Neurology and Development Medicine at Goryeb Children's Hospital in town. At a recent talk before a group of family physicians, he called that finding worrisome and " astounding. " Pediatricians report more parents are either delaying shots, asking they be spaced out or refusing them altogether. " They don't listen to me. They don't believe a word I say, " said Naomi Grobstein, a pediatrician with the Family Health Center of Montclair. " They say, 'He's not ready!' or 'He's too young!' " She reminds parents of the lethal risk posed by diseases like measles, diphtheria and tetanus. " It's easy to believe these shots aren't necessary, because we don't see these diseases anymore, " she said. " I ask them, 'What if your child is the one who spreads measles around?' " She reports more parents indicate they plan to seek a religious exemption from the state law requiring immunizations to enroll in public school. Medical exemptions require a doctor's note; religious exemptions simply require a parent to state the shots conflict with the student's " bona fide religious tenets or practices. " Statewide, more parents sought a medical exemption than a religious one until the 2006-07 school year, when the numbers suddenly switched. By the next school year, religious exemptions outnumbered medical ones, 2,105 to 645, according to figures provided by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. (All told, however, both categories account for less than 1 percent of students.) Complicating the picture are celebrities who either blame or suspect vaccines, such as actress McCarthy and radio talk show host Don Imus. Doctors complain they get an unquestioning ride in the media. " It infuriates me to no end, " said pediatrician Calabrese. Her practice has a satellite office in Pennsylvania, where she sees more parents who home-school their children. More of them feel free to refuse or postpone shots because their children don't attend public school. Some of these fears come with the territory for parents. Others may be generated by the information age, said Campagnolo, past president of the New Jersey Association of Family Physicians. " I feel parents today are generally more worried about things than they ever were, " she said. Wick, the mother of five children ages 1 to 11, said she has worried about immunizations, but decided to get her kids vaccinated. " I can see that there are people who just panic, " she said. " But maybe that's something in the culture, that we just want to control everything. " It's important to address that anxiety, said Brown, the Texas pediatrician who is also author of " Baby 411, " an advice book. " If there is something that is keeping you up at night with worry, then you need to go to the pediatrician to check it out, " she said. " That peace of mind is worth the co-pay. " For rest of today's SAR click here: Today's SAR is provided through the support of paid subscription readers. - THANK YOU - $35 for 1 year - or free! Copyright Notice: The above items are copyright protected. They are for our readers' personal education or research purposes only and provided at their request. 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