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RE: All the Palin messages

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I am a mother of a special needs child. I am usually not political,

but this is an important year. All of you with special needs children,

please think about this. Palin and Mcain want to make all abortions

illegal. That means if your special needs child is raped he/she will

have that baby. I am not for abortion, I mean I would not personally

have one. However, it is not mine or the government's job to tell me

how to handle my body or my child's body. Abortion should not be

birth control, but for Palin to be against it for rape and incest

seems irrational.

If we don't clean up this planet fast, none of the other issues will

matter. Breathing in 8-12mcg of mercury everyday of your life is a

problem. Contaminated food and water may have contributed to your

childs autism. Figure out who is going to help us with that. Probablly

neither, but we have a better shot with a Democrat for that.

Thanks for listening.


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Good point. I discussed this exact issue with a pro-life friend of mine who actually said that she thought that parents of children with special needs usually had their children sterilized!! She explained that's why banning abortion would not impact our kids. Yes that is what she said!! It made me so sad!


Subject: RE: All the Palin messagesTo: sList Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:50 PM

I am a mother of a special needs child. I am usually not political,but this is an important year. All of you with special needs children,please think about this. Palin and Mcain want to make all abortionsillegal. That means if your special needs child is raped he/she willhave that baby. I am not for abortion, I mean I would not personallyhave one. However, it is not mine or the government's job to tell mehow to handle my body or my child's body. Abortion should not bebirth control, but for Palin to be against it for rape and incestseems irrational.If we don't clean up this planet fast, none of the other issues willmatter. Breathing in 8-12mcg of mercury everyday of your life is aproblem. Contaminated food and water may have contributed to yourchilds autism. Figure out who is going to help us with that. Probabllyneither, but we have a better shot with a Democrat for that.Thanks for


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Thank you Bonnie for articulating so well my true concerns

about Palin-Not to mention the many others I have.

Palin-can not possiblely know the fight we parents have

because she is not in the same position that most of us parents are in. She

will not have to worry that if her child’s services are reduced-who will

help feed this child while you are taking care of the other children’s

needs in your family. She will never know the impact of losing much needed

therapy because she can not afford if, when her insurance doesn’t cover

it. I could go on about how she can not fix the fact that the State of FL makes

us jump through hoops to keep the little bit of services we do have, while other

states like NY have state programs that truly support the Autism community by

having ample services for these kids to develop into the most productive

citizens they can be.

To think that just because Palin has a down

syndrome child she will be a strong advocate for us is a grave mistake.

We all hope for the same thing-whoever is elected into

office that they will help our country get back on track. I have no hope that

if McCain wins “we the people” ( the majority of us) will our

situation will improve-I can only think that it will have a negative impact. I

agree wholeheartedly with Bonnie and some of the other list members: “we

have a better shot with a democrat.”

From: sList

[mailto:sList ] On

Behalf Of bonjill5

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008

1:51 PM

To: sList

Subject: RE: All the

Palin messages

I am a mother of a special needs child. I am usually

not political,

but this is an important year. All of you with special needs children,

please think about this. Palin and Mcain want to make all abortions

illegal. That means if your special needs child is raped he/she will

have that baby. I am not for abortion, I mean I would not personally

have one. However, it is not mine or the government's job to tell me

how to handle my body or my child's body. Abortion should not be

birth control, but for Palin to be against it for rape and incest

seems irrational.

If we don't clean up this planet fast, none of the other issues will

matter. Breathing in 8-12mcg of mercury everyday of your life is a

problem. Contaminated food and water may have contributed to your

childs autism. Figure out who is going to help us with that. Probablly

neither, but we have a better shot with a Democrat for that.

Thanks for listening.


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I agree! Also keep in mind that the next president will be appointing at least

one and maybe two supreme court justices. What does that mean for our civil

rights and many other issues?

RE: All the Palin messages

I am a mother of a special needs child. I am usually not political,

but this is an important year. All of you with special needs children,

please think about this. Palin and Mcain want to make all abortions

illegal. That means if your special needs child is raped he/she will

have that baby. I am not for abortion, I mean I would not personally

have one. However, it is not mine or the government's job to tell me

how to handle my body or my child's body. Abortion should not be

birth control, but for Palin to be against it for rape and incest

seems irrational.

If we don't clean up this planet fast, none of the other issues will

matter. Breathing in 8-12mcg of mercury everyday of your life is a

problem. Contaminated food and water may have contributed to your

childs autism. Figure out who is going to help us with that. Probablly

neither, but we have a better shot with a Democrat for that.

Thanks for listening.


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