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Fw: Career Development for People with Disabilities Sept. 10

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Wilbur Hawke wrote: Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 10:26 AMTo: wilbur@...Subject: Fw: Career Development for People with Disabilities Sept. 10Please share!"Training Resource Network Inc." To Melinda Coulter/D20/DCF@DCF cc 08/27/2008 02:36 PM Subject Career Development for People with Disabilities Sept. 10 Please respond to info@... Career Development Web Course Sept 10-23, 2008 - Melinda - TRN, Inc. is offering its popular

2-week, 20-hour web training covering key principles and hands-on tools for innovative vocational assessment, career development skills, and vocational profiling for youth and adults with disabilities. (Course highlights below.) A key factor in the job success of students and adults with disabilities is the job match. This course is an opportunity to learn how to support people to develop a career path that makes sense for them. Registration is $149 US. Participants can log on at any time during the course period and participate in the training. The course is taught by Rob Hoffman. Rob is the Director of Community and Employer Development for Region 7 CRP-RCEP and is responsible for the development and delivery of training and technical assistance on employment services and business partnership strategies. Registration is limited, and previous courses have filled to capacity. To learn more about the

training and to register, go to: http://www.trninc.com/entry/welcome2.asp Course Outline Principles of Career Planning: Using self-determination, person-centered planning, discovery to develop career goals. Vocational Assessment: Career exploration strategies, including job shadowing and internet-based assessments, plus other tools such as interest inventories, workplace audits, and situational assessments. Career Development: Understanding how to build confidence for self-presentation through enhancing job seeking skills, appearance, interviewing, skills portfolios and more. Vocational Profiles: Developing career goals, future statements, resumé building, and vocational profiles. Please forward this announcement to your colleagues. **Now over 1000 graduates. NOTICE: Florida has a broad public records law. Most writtencommunications to or from state officials are public

records that will bedisclosed to the public and the media upon request. E-mail communicationsmay be subject to public disclosure.

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