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Fw: Feds order farmer to destroy his wheat crops - the truth about food tyranny

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From: NaturalNews <insider@...>Subject: Feds order farmer to destroy his wheat crops - the truth about food tyrannyepifany97523@...Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 4:06 AM

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Today, I bring you a true story about how the federal government ordered a farmer to destroy his wheat crops that he was using to feed his own chickens. The government, you see, claimed authority under the "commerce clause" of the US Constitution and ordered this farmer to burn his crops.

Why would the U.S. government order farmers to destroy his food crops? Once you read my article, you'll know exactly why... and you'll truly understand the dark agenda behind S.510 and the Food Safety Modernization Act:http://www.naturalnews.com/030799_food_freedom_Wickard_vs_Filburn.html

You're not still drinking tap water, are you? A new report reveals that a toxic carcinogen has been found in the water supply of over thirty major U.S. cities. Yet another reason to get a water filter:http://www.naturalnews.com/030797_hexavalent_chromium_water.html

Vitamin C cures everything from colds to cancer. How does it work? Find out more:http://www.naturalnews.com/030792_vitamin_C_cancer.html

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