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I really need some help!

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Hi Misty, I looked at the time of your post and saw immediately that before noon you had already consumed 84 ounces of fluid!  Are you thirsty all the time?  Strictly from the standpoint of "let's see if this helps" why don't you drink no more than one cup of fluid (water, coffee, broth, etc.) per hour for a few days and see how you feel.  I am betting your electrolytes are waaayyyyy out of whack, and the broth will help bring things back into balance.  So, only one cup of fluid per hour, even if your thirsty.  You will still drink a lot of fluid depending on how late you stay up.  To quit caffeine I simply added more and more decaf to my morning pot and over the course of a week eliminated it completely.  I could never go cold turkey either, and why would any one suffer through those terrible migraines when reducing is so much easier?  Now I don't do any caffeine at all, not even decaf (which still has caff, just not as much).  It's great to just wake up in the morning and actually be awake and feel alive and energetic!HTH,Sal Posted by: "Misty Kimble" miztydawn@...   miztydawnThu Feb 28, 2008 10:58 am (PST)I a 5' 4" and weigh 128. I started the 100oz of water a day when I was on the 6WBMO diet a couple years ago (before CD). I guess I don't need so much anymore; actually 1/2 that to be exact. So fare today, I've only had 7 cups of water plus 2 cups of broth plus approx. 26 oz of coffee. Coffee has NEVER helped me have BMs. Maybe it is restricting them now though. I had stopped caffeine for about 6 months before I started back drinking it again in late Oct./Nov. of last year when my CD was only allowing me 2-3 hours of sleep per day. Each time I quit caffeine I don't notice any changes my BMs. Currently, I am trying to stop drinking it. 26 oz. is less than what I was drinking.Hopefully, tomorrow it will only be about 16 oz. When I get down to 1 c a day for a couple weeks, I can finally quit. I can't do the cold turkey thing because I get those I can't get out the bed migraines. Just dropping down a little causes me to have a nagging pain in the back of my head all day, but I can handle that.

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Good Morning Sal, In the past I've done the gradual addition of decaf; however, on SCD decaf and non-caffeinated coffee drinks like www.teeccino.com. The Teeccino gave me a good energy boost in the morning, satisfied my morning coffee craving, but had no caffeine in it at all. <sigh> So, it looks like I'm doing it w/o any help. I'll try the 1 cup per hour. I'm keeping up with all liquids I consume in a day on my fitday.com profile so I can see how much I'm actually drinking. I'll cut back on water and coffee and see what happens. Thanks for all the advice; I really appreciate it. Misty Kimble , LACD SCD Jan 5 08 Sal wrote: Hi Misty, I looked at the time of your post and saw immediately that before noon you had already consumed 84 ounces of fluid! Are you thirsty all the time? Strictly from

the standpoint of "let's see if this helps" why don't you drink no more than one cup of fluid (water, coffee, broth, etc.) per hour for a few days and see how you feel. I am betting your electrolytes are waaayyyyy out of whack, and the broth will help bring things back into balance. So, only one cup of fluid per hour, even if your thirsty. You will still drink a lot of fluid depending on how late you stay up. To quit caffeine I simply added more and more decaf to my morning pot and over the course of a week eliminated it completely. I could never go cold turkey either, and why would any one suffer through those terrible migraines when reducing is so much easier? Now I don't do any caffeine at all, not even decaf (which still has caff, just not as much). It's great to just wake up in the morning and actually be awake and feel alive and energetic! HTH, Sal Posted by: "Misty Kimble" miztydawn miztydawn Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:58 am (PST) I a 5' 4" and weigh 128. I started the 100oz of water a day when I was on the 6WBMO diet a couple years ago (before CD). I guess I don't

need so much anymore; actually 1/2 that to be exact. So fare today, I've only had 7 cups of water plus 2 cups of broth plus approx. 26 oz of coffee. Coffee has NEVER helped me have BMs. Maybe it is restricting them now though. I had stopped caffeine for about 6 months before I started back drinking it again in late Oct./Nov. of last year when my CD was only allowing me 2-3 hours of sleep per day. Each time I quit caffeine I don't notice any changes my BMs. Currently, I am trying to stop drinking it. 26 oz. is less than what I was drinking. Hopefully, tomorrow it will only be about 16 oz. When I get down to 1 c a day for a couple weeks, I can finally quit. I can't do the cold turkey thing because I get those I can't get out the bed migraines. Just dropping down a little causes me to have a nagging pain in the back of my head all day, but I can handle that.

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