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Wise Woman Herbal Ezine - December 2010

Wise Woman Herbal Ezine - December 2010

Healing Wise

Nourishing Infusions—Medicinal Vinegarsreview by Jan Calloway-Baxter, mentor at WWULearn the foundations of the Wise Woman Tradition and begin the journey to optimal health.

Read: Nourishing Infusions - Medicinal Vinegars

Body and Soul

Preparing for Parenthood as a Couple

by Jill D. Chasse, mentor at WWUBuilding a strong relationship can help prepare parents for the joys and responsibilities of adding to the family.

Read: Preparing for Parenthood...

Wise Woman Workshops

Feb. 17-21, 2011: 19th Annual Women of Wisdom Conference Feb. 24-26, 2011: Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way Ashland, Oregon; Contact Candace Cave: cancave@...; 541-324-6021

Empower Yourself

The Environmental Impacts of Technological Medicine

by Harrod Buhner

Excerpt from The Lost Language of PlantsThe Ecological Importance of Plant Medicines to Life on EarthOften not biodegradable, pharmaceuticals can continue to impact the health of not only our bodies but also of the earth's, long after they seem to be gone.

Read: The Environmental Impacts...

Wisdom Keeper

Sensual Pregnancy, Ecstatic Birth, Part 2by Roslyne Sophia Breillat, mentor at Wise Woman University Instead of dreading the changes your body goes through, celebrate the marvelous ability to carry a new life within us. Read: Sensual Pregnancy, Ecstatic Birth

Wise Woman Wisdom

Sacred Heart of by Marie Summerwood

Through the essence of , we can form a deep relationship with the Sacred Feminine.

Read: Sacred Heart of

Divine Feminine Soul

New Moon in Sagittariusby Kathy V. Crabbe, mentor at WWU

Embrace the darkness and use the energy of Sagittarius to release all that no longer serves you.

Read: New Moon in Sagittarius

Nourish Yourself

Nourishment, Kundalini, and the Menopausal Womanby Laneauthor of Divine Nourishment and mentor at Wise Woman UniversityShifting energies as we approach menopause, can help us fully integrate and balance ourselves.

Read: Nourishment, Kundalini...

Grandmother Gaia

Cooking Stylesby Anne-Marie Fryer Wiboltt

Excerpt from: Cooking for the Love of the WorldAwakening Our Spirituality through Cooking

Something as simple as the pots you cook in can yield different results within your meals.

Read: Cooking Styles

Featured Artist

Kris Galli is an artist from western Massachusetts. Her paintings are included in collections throughout the U.S. and in places as far-flung as London and Australia. She is entirely self-taught, and has been painting since she was in her teens.Kris Galli - Artist Gallery

New at Wise Woman University

Medicine Making

by Conroy

The lessons in this course will guide you toward looking outside at the green world to support health and wellness. The goal is to provide the tools for the beginning medicine maker. To help participants feel confident and excited about the plant world and all it has to offer.

Medicine Making with Conroy

Wildcraft: An Herbal Adventure Game!

Kids and Herbs!

A cooperative board game that teaches edible and medicinal plants.

Ages 4 - adult 1-4 players

Learn more

In This Issue:

Healing Wise

Body and Soul

Wise Woman Workshops

Empower Yourself

Wisdom Keeper

Wise Woman Wisdom

Divine Feminine Soul

Nourish Yourself

Grandmother Gaia

Featured Artist

New at Wise Woman University

Wildcraft: An Herbal Adventure Game!

Wise Woman Youtube


Isla Women's Retreats

New at The Wise Woman Bookshop!

Visit the Ezine Archives

Wise Woman Radio

Wise Woman Youtube

-is three now!The Birthday Party video


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Isla Women's Retreats

"The experience of the retreat was so powerfully restorative to my soul's being." ~VeraIsla Womens Retreats

New at The Wise Woman Bookshop!

Your Green Ally 3 CD Set

Susun Weed - 3 and a half hours - Green Nations Gathering 2010

Your green ally is the keeper of the mysteries of the green nations. Your green ally is a guide and a translator for you as you explore the magic of herbal medicine from the heart. Your green ally is a friend and a mentor, a touchstone and a security blanket.

We will touch briefly on finding a green ally, but most of our time will be spent using shamanic trances to learn how to use the flowers, leaves, and roots of any green ally. Your Green Ally 3 CD Set - Read More

Visit the Ezine Archives

Recipes, articles, remedies, reviews, art, and more...101 herbal medicine Ezines for your reading pleasure!the Ezine Archives

Wise Woman Radio

Susun interviews Lynda Yraceburu, gypsy healer. Listen to Lynda

Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock • NY • 12498




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