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FW: glutenfree.com newsletter 2008-08-01

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This is the website I was referring to a few days ago. I receive a weekly e-mail, from them.

Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2008 02:39:54 -0700From: noreply@...To: grncard@...Subject: glutenfree.com newsletter 2008-08-01

August 1 , 2008 Newsletter - Weekly Issue

2008/08/01 - Volume 3 - Issue 8A

IN THIS ISSUE • recently added products• recipe • monthly specials• questions & answers• links• comments


Q1. I am a physician who also has celiac disease. It is important for your readers to know that flax seed in large quantities has estrogen-like properties: flax oil even more so. It should be avoided by breast cancer patients and pregnant women because it can affect a developing fetus. Chris

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A1. Dear Thank you for alerting us to this issue about flax. This is a very important issue as many of us, myself included, take flax oil and use flax seed. I did a search on mainstream sites and some medical sites (PubMed) but was unable to locate any substantive information linking flax seed to increased breast cancer risk. Although there were articles demonstrating the effects of lignans on hormones, I could not find anything that more directly linked flaxseed to increased breast cancer risk. In fact there were several articles suggesting flax seed may have some beneficial effects in fighting tumors. Your being a physician, I am sure you understand the importance of evidence-based information. Since my search was inconclusive, I would be grateful if you could give us references that support your statements as well as information on a definition of "large quantities" so our readers can make their own decisions in consultation with their physicians. I believe our readers would be anxious to know. Many thanks, Beth

Q2. Thanks for your newsletter, it contains a lot of useful information. I have a question regarding yeast breads. My daughter is celiac, and has sensitivities to yeast, dairy, eggs, soy, beef, and pork. I am having difficulty making bread for her. The recipes I've found for yeast-free or quick breads don't seem to turn out. Is there any substitute for yeast? I have substituted the other items that she is allergic to without much problem. Thanks, .

A2. Dear , As you probably already know, it’s not easy to replace both yeast and eggs in a bread recipe and still make it palatable. However, there are a few tips that will help. Living Without Magazine (#953026) often includes a yeast-free bread recipe in their publication. In addition, Orgran makes a yeast-free bread mix (#956125) that's very good. If you are baking from your own recipe, try using 2 tsp. baking powder per cup of flour. In addition, substitute a flax gel for each egg and add the equivalent of an additional egg to lighten the texture. Here’s the formula: 1 egg = 1 Tbsp. flax meal plus 3 Tbsp. hot water. Let mixture stand, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes or until thick. Use without straining. By the way, I think you will have the best luck baking yeast-free bread as rolls or muffins. The smaller size seems to make a tastier baked product. Best of luck, Beth

Q3. Dear Beth, Encouraged by comments in your Q & A, I tried Quaker Rice Cakes and found them to be a nice snack. I especially liked the ones with the chocolate coating. I notice that they're no longer available in my grocery store and, while searching for another flavor as a replacement, I noticed that a lot of the Quaker rice cake flavors now include oat flour. Have you noticed that? While I can buy Lundberg brand, which are gluten-free, I just don't like them as much. Beth

A3. Dear Beth, Thank you for the update. I must confess that I have not bought Quaker rice cakes in quite a while so I did not realize they now contain oat flour. I’ve eaten rice cakes coated with chocolate and thought they were great, but then, I’d eat anything coated in chocolate! Perhaps you can dip the Lundberg rice cakes in chocolate for a treat. I bet they would be tasty. Beth

Q4. Dear Beth, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease after having breast cancer 15 years ago. I truly enjoy and look forward to your e-mails with all the new information. In 2001, I learned about a book called, "Celiac Disease, A Guide Through the Medicine Cabinet". I buy one every year because all the new medicines are in it, plus older ones. I carry it with me in the car and it ALWAYS goes to the doctor's office with me. That way you are able to look up right there if something has gluten in it. It even has over-the-counter medications in it. Sometimes you have to insist to look it up because most doctors are under the impression that a little bit won't hurt you. WRONG. You have to be assertive because just a little can really make you sick. Visit: www.celiacmeds.com. To me this book is a life saver. Good luck to all my Celiac friends. Carol

A4. Dear Carol, Thanks so much for that tip and the advice. Sometimes the things I hear from doctors (and people in general) really surprise me. I guess that’s what keeps us on our toes! Beth

Q5. Beth, I have always enjoyed reading your column and find it so helpful. Also I have enjoyed our conversations at various Vendor Fairs; your smile goes a very long way. Whatever questions I have presented to you have been answered so easily. Now let’s see if you can keep that up; I was reading the most recent issue of Sully's Living Without Magazine and saw a recipe that I thought I would try that included Evaporated Cane Juice. I thought as long as I was going to Whole Foods, I would pick it up there…N.O.T. No one there knew what I was talking about! They looked in their ordering sheets, etc. without answers so I tried my local Health Food Store and the same thing happened until the owner raised a question “what part of the recipe was it in---the dry or liquid?” referring to maybe using the Turbinado Sugar mixed with water as a simple syrup or not. Please help here, Beth as I would like to try the recipe. What is and just how do I find/make CONDENSED CANE JUICE? Thanks, Pickett

A5. Dear , It’s great to hear from you. You have me stumped with your question; I really need more information to help you. I am not familiar with the recipe and, without the name of it, I don’t know where to begin. The person at the health food store raised a good point. Was this added as a liquid or dry ingredient? Also, you mention CONDENSED CANE JUICE at the end of your note. That’s an ingredient I am not familiar with. I have heard of Evaporated Cane Juice and it is most often found in crystal form in natural food stores. I believe one brand is called Florida Crystals. Turbinado sugar or just plain granulated sugar can be substituted for these crystals. Again, if this is a liquid, you can still use the crystals, but you'll have to adjust the other liquids in the recipe. I hope this helps, and I hope to see you at another Vendor Fair! Beth

Q6. Dear Beth, The gluten-free creamed soups that I buy are very thin (like broth almost). Is there a way I can thicken them to make them satisfactory to use in all the recipes that call for creamed soups? I do have the recipe for the gluten-free soup mix but that's not so convenient and I would like the convenience! Beth

A6. Dear Beth, This question comes up often. We are all yearning for that gloppy stuff that comes out of the Cream of Mushroom or Chicken Soup can but that, I’m afraid, is from the days of kitchens past. However, there are ways in which to create a taste and texture that come close. Here are a few suggestions. Start with Glutino brand Chicken Soup Base (#105010) or Shelton Chicken Broth (#955052). For the Glutino soup base, first add powdered milk and water (or warm cream/milk) to reconstitute it. Then mix 2 Tablespoons cornstarch with additional milk to thicken the mixture as it comes to a boil. For the Shelton brand, combine 1/3 cup of cream or milk with 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Bring the broth to a boil and stir in the mixture. Stir until thickened, then remove and use as you would any cream of chicken soup. To make Cream of Mushroom Soup, follow the same process using Glutino brand Cream of Mushroom Soup powder (#105011) or try Progresso Cream of Mushroom soup which is gluten-free. Enjoy, Beth

Q7. Two years ago, at age 75, my mom found out she has celiac & DH. I've had fibro & IBS for 35 years, so the handwriting was on the wall and I went gluten-free last year as well. The benefits were immediate! I'm so glad she shared your newsletter with me-it's such a tremendous help to newbies like me, so thank you for being so knowledgeable and passing information on to us. I moderate a fledgling gluten-free group on Shoutlife.com and frequently quote you (and give your website credit!) on topics of interest. Thanks again, Beth. You're a blessing to us. Barbie, Mims, Florida

A7. Dear Barbie, That’s wonderful to hear. I'm glad we can help. Feel free to quote us anytime. Glad you are feeling well. Beth

Q8. Dear Beth, As a 'newbie' to all of this (I'm gluten, soy, dairy, egg & yeast intolerant) I'm plugging along and slowly learning to cope. I don't know what I'd do without your wonderful newsletter. I'm currently trying to make a mayonnaise that I can eat but am failing miserably. The recipe I'm using is from several vegan web sites and other than substituting hemp milk for soy milk, it is identical. However, it will not thicken. I'm wondering if it is the reduced protein in the hemp milk and if so, is there anything I can do to correct the problem (I've tried a small amount of powdered rice protein to no avail)? I'm 65 years old and I've been cooking for at least 45 of those years, but this problem really has me scratching my head. Thanks for any help you can give me and the rest of us out there with this range of food intolerances.

A8. Hello. Since the egg adds so much protein to mayonnaise, you might try one of my favorite egg replacer tricks; a gel of flax meal. Use 1 Tbsp. flax meal plus 3 Tbsp. warm water. Let stand, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes or until thick. Use without straining. The other possibility is to use a little agar, gelatin or pectin which are all natural thickeners. Mix any of these with a small amount of water and follow the instructions for thickening a cold pudding or mousse on the product package. Hope that helps, Beth

Q9. Hi Beth, Is it okay to use something like Braggs vinegar or immno acids? I've been told its great for all things. Thanks, Terri

A9. Hi Terri, By all means. In fact, we carry Bragg Liquid Aminos (#95-5070). Hope that helps. Beth

Q10. Hi Beth, I've been gluten-free for 8 years. We're planning a trip in August to Hong Kong and Singapore. Do you think I will have problems with the food over there? Thanks for any tips you may have.

A10. Dear , How exciting. I think both are a little challenging, but the good news is that English is the first language in both Hong Kong & Singapore and the cuisine is international. Many people bring along their own gluten-free sauce such as San-J Organic Soy Sauce (#955064), or Kari-Out individual soy sauce packets (#955046) to enjoy traditional Chinese stir-fry dishes. However, curry dishes are also plentiful and generally pretty safe. Enjoy your trip. Beth


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If you have a wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, celiac disease, or you just want to enjoy the benefits of a diet free of wheat, barley, and rye, then this guide is for you. Author Danna Korn explains the medical problems associated with gluten and shows you how to make the transition to a gluten-free lifestyle - and love it! Includes 65 delicious gluten-free recipes plus tips on dining out.

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Rice spaghetti with tomato sauce. Ready-made in a shelf-stable microwaveable pouch. Formulated to be free of the 8 most common allergens.

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Chili Mac is elbow shaped rice pasta with mild chicken chili sauce and pinto beans. Ready-made in a shelf-stable microwaveable pouch. Formulated to be free of the 8 most common allergens.

#954084 Allergaroo-Chili Mac

Price: $3.89

Spyglass Noodles is penne rice pasta with tomato sauce and ground chicken. Ready-made in a shelf-stable microwaveable pouch. Formulated to be free of the 8 most common allergens.

#954085 Allergaroo-Spyglass Noodles

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Click here to see our other new products.


Hardly a weekend goes by in the summer that we are not going to some casual outing. I usually offer to bring a pasta salad as it’s hearty and something I know I can rely on to fill my tummy in case there's nothing else I can eat. Here’s one that I make a dozen times each summer; vary the ingredients to imprint your own signature. Try different types of pasta; use black beans, corn and cheddar cheese in place of chickpeas, olives, tomatoes and feta. You get the picture. I tend to throw in whatever I have around. Enjoy, Beth

Pasta Salad with Chickpeas

12 oz. shells or other small pasta,* cooked al dente, drained and tossed with 2 Tbs. olive oil* 1, 19-oz can chickpeas, drained & rinsed20 cherry tomatoes, quartered (or 1,16 oz can diced tomatoes, drained)2 Tbs. fresh oregano, chopped 3 Tbs. fresh basil, thinly sliced3 Tbs. fresh Italian, flat leaf parsley, chopped3/4 cup pitted Kalamata olives, coarsely chopped3/4 cup roasted red peppers, coarsely chopped3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese, if tolerated1/2 cup Italian or Greek dressing (use more as desired)Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Toss gently. Chill for up to 2 hours. Serve and enjoy.

Hints: Taste before adding salt as the feta and the olives are salty. Do not dress the salad if you are preparing it ahead because the pasta will absorb the liquids. Instead follow “Do Ahead” suggestions below.

Do Ahead: Toss pasta with olive oil and store in a sealed container. Cut up remaining ingredients. Refrigerate everything until just before serving. Toss all ingredients in a large bowl and add dressing.

*Try any one of these:Tinkyada Shells (#954015)Tinkyada Little Dreams (#954022)Glutino Fusilli (#104004)Dr. Schar Fusilli (#304004)


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984001 Glutano - Animal Shapes Regular Price: $3.39SPECIAL PRICE: $1.85 (Best before Sept 26/08)

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958040 's Gone Crackers - Original Regular Price: $4.89SPECIAL PRICE: $4.15

's Gone Crackers - Pepper Regular Price: $4.89SPECIAL PRICE: $4.15

Mali's - Gourmet Lump Charcoal Regular Price: $10.59SPECIAL PRICE: $9.49Please note that specials may not be used in addition to case discounts and are available only while supplies last. In case of a pricing discrepancy, the listed price on www.glutenfree.com will apply.

We carry over 650 gluten-free products from brands such as:

'Cause You're Special, Allergaroo, Amy's, Ancient Harvest, ANDI, Annie's, Bakery On Main, Barkat, Black Ace, Blue Diamond, Bob's Red Mill, Bumble Bar, Cali, Cerrone, Chebe, Cherrybrook Kitchen, Cornito, Cream Hill Estates, Crispy Cat, Dakota Lakes, Dowd & , Dr. Schar, and Sons, Ener-G, Enjoy Life Foods, Erewhon, Freeda, Funky Monkey, Glutano, Gluten-Free Pantry, Glutino, Guiltless, Health Valley, Heinz, IMCG, Jennies, Jo-Sef Glutin-Free, Kari-out, Kinnikinnick, Kitchen Resource, Kitchen Table Bakers, La Tortilla Factory, Larabar, Lesser Evil, Let's Do Organic, Lundberg, 's Gone Crackers, Maxwell's Kitchen, Mother's Mountain, My Own Meals, Namaste, Nana's, Napoli, Nature's Path, New Morning, Nielsen-Massey, Only Oats, Organic Trails, Orgran, Pamela's Products, Perky's Natural Foods, Premier Japan, Publications, PureFit, Really Great Food, Road's End Organics, Running Rabbit, San-J, Shelton's, Sorella, Spectrum, Tambo Bamba, Tasty Bite, Thai Kitchen, Tinkyada, Vance's, Wizard, Yummy Earth, Zojirushi and many more!

You can also place your order over the phone by calling our customer service team.



• Click here to forward this newsletter to a friend. • glutenfree.com has a time-honored reputation as the Number One on-line shopping center for gluten-free consumers; people have depended on us since 1993.• glutenfree.com Celiac Forums is a resource for those with Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance. Stop by today and share your special recipes or find a few new ones.


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