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Broward: register for 9/27/08 parent workshop Weekend w/the Experts

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Date: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 1:40 PMSubject: register for 9/27/08 parent workshopTo: fcc10broward@..., deniseslist , jamunoz@..., podsangels@..., info@..., bmorgan@..., info@..., vision@..., srodwin@..., wendybellack@..., shhoaglund@..., babmediate@..., makeadifference4kids@..., brianfr@..., colleenFNDLS@..., margarita@..., " Yvette F. Fernandez " , " L. " , steveo2394@..., cpeterson@..., anita@..., dennis@..., slkimbo46@..., Rnewman@..., acechair@..., smstarin@...

Parent Advocate Groups & Organizations:

Please share this information with parents in your network. An updated first semester master schedule of workshops is attached.



Greetings Parents!

This is a reminder to register for the second " Weekend with the Experts " ESE Parent Education Workshop to be held on Saturday, September 27th. To register, contact DiLuzio/FDLRS Program Specialist-Parent Services at or kimberly.diluzio@.... A $10.00 registration fee is required (check or money order made out to: School Board of Broward County). Financial assistance is available, if needed.

Additional ESE Parent Education Workshop information is available on the ESE website at:


September 27, 2008

(9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

Building Respect and Abolishing Bullying in our Homes and Schools

Participants will receive an in-depth overview of bullying to help them protect their children whether they may be an aggressor, target, or bystander. The tools given will be useful both within the home and school environment. The workshop will focus on the three key elements:

What is bullying and what are today's trends in violence?

Why should we care about bullying - what are its short and long term effects on each of us? and

What can we as parents can do to help our children prevent and intervene safely when bullying occurs?


Aimee C. Wood, M.S., L.M.H.C.; Prevention Specialist

Tresha Fletcher; Positive School Culture Specialist

About the presenters:

Aimee Wood and Tresha Fletcher work within Student Support Services, Office of Prevention Programs for the Broward County Public Schools. Ms. Wood began her career as a Family Counselor, working with youth deemed ungovernable, runaway and truant, then moved on to write a Sun-Sentinel parenting advice column for seven years, and finally focused her efforts on violence and substance abuse prevention within the Office of Prevention by being both a trainer and the co-creator of a Telly Award winning television show, " Reality Avenue " .. Ms. Fletcher has worked extensively and for many years with students -

modeling and promoting the creation of positive learning environments as a teacher and a Peer Counseling Coordinator. Both presenters are members of the Anti-Bullying Taskforce and have played key roles in the development of Broward County's Anti-Bullying Policy. These presenters have trained thousands of students, teachers and parents on bullying and the power that each of us holds to prevent violence and intervene safely.

Nova Southeastern University

(Health Professions Division Assembly Building;

Room 2103, Auditorium A)

Hope you can join us!


FDLRS Program Specialist, Parent Services

Broward County Public Schools

Exceptional Student Education

600 SE Third Avenue

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301



-- ACE Chair

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