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i bought lamb at whole foods about a week ago and on the label thats

printed for the weight machine at the supermarket it says " sell by

2/12/08 " today is the 14th. i forgot to put the meat in my freezer.

it looks fine, but it has an odor that is putting me off. i know that

i am sensitive to smells more than most. i asked my neighbor and she

said its fine and she would use it.

i am unsure if this might make me sick..

it was so expensive that i feel guilty if i dont cook it.

do people think it will be ok?

obviously i take total responsibility..

i just cant seem to decide.. and it is the first day after drinking

the nut milk i am feeling human again with energy.. ready to cook!!


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If you're uncertain about the lamb, cook it and gift your neighbor with

it! It won't go to waste, and you won't make yourself sick worrying about


We had some chicken last week -- it smelled OK to me, but when Harry bit

into it, he said, " This has gone off. " So I dragged some

homemade hot dogs out of the freezer, and we had those, the green beans

I'd originally fixed, and some homemade pickles.


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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thanks marilyn,

that's what i did this morning!

my neighbor was thrilled and i made myself a veg casserole with

dripped yogurt! came out delish and i made quite a mess, steaming and

sauteing and stuffing it into a corningware!

i must say i am feeling so so much better today!!

i had energy and i slept 10 hours (been sleeping 7+ hours a night this

past week) i think scd is helping my insomnia and it is totally

helping my eyesight! i know it sounds crazy, but i dont feel i am so

light sensitive and i dont need to wear my glasses all the time!!

it is so awesome!


my teens and twenties sucked.. i think my late twenties/thirties are

going to rock! i have never felt this energized and i am still so

green to this whole thing.

> If you're uncertain about the lamb, cook it and

> gift your neighbor with it! It won't go to waste,

> and you won't make yourself sick worrying about it.

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Boy!, that certainly is a long time for it to be sitting around!(presumably refrigerated) & I dont blame you for not wanting to waste it. I would give it a really good wash & dry off with paper towels, cook it with lots of fresh herbs eg. rosemary, & go by the odor when its cooking/cooked. Someone else may have other ideas.



i bought lamb at whole foods about a week ago and on the label thatsprinted for the weight machine at the supermarket it says "sell by2/12/08" today is the 14th. i forgot to put the meat in my freezer.it looks fine, but it has an odor that is putting me off. i know thati am sensitive to smells more than most. i asked my neighbor and shesaid its fine and she would use it.i am unsure if this might make me sick..it was so expensive that i feel guilty if i dont cook it.do people think it will be ok?obviously i take total responsibility..i just cant seem to decide.. and it is the first day after drinkingthe nut milk i am feeling human again with energy.. ready to cook!!jodi

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