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Re: Still on the intro diet

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The intro diet is only to be used up to 5 days. Yes you should start to introduce foods. I don't think VSL is legal and definately not the iron. Could you change that to something legal? Are you diluting the juices by at least 50%? Katy

Our 15 year old daughter has been on the intro diet since 2/16.

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Hi Katy. I hear you. The VSL is nothing but live probiotic - 4.4 billion count. Since I can't wrestle the yogurt into her, it appears to be the best route for a probiotic. I know the iron is a problem. The complicating factor is that her hemoglobin & hematocrit levels have been low since December. We tried Floradix (I checked the label - nothing illegal there) and her Hgb/Hct levels actually got worse, so per dr's orders, back on the ferrous sulfate 3x/day. If you have another suggestion, I'm open to suggestion & will run it by her GI doc.We are diluting the juice. We will begin introducing more foods. I had planned on one item for a week to see how it goes. I thought I read that kind of schedule

in the book. Re: Still on the intro diet

The intro diet is only to be used up to 5 days. Yes you should start to introduce foods. I don't think VSL is legal and definately not the iron. Could you change that to something legal? Are you diluting the juices by at least 50%? Katy

Our 15 year old daughter has been on the intro diet since 2/16.

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PS I knew the intro diet was for 5 days, but I also read in the book and on the website when the pain & D subside then intro more foods. The pain & D remain a problem. We read this morning that we can start with cooked fruit, so that will be our first step. Re: Still on the intro diet

The intro diet is only to be used up to 5 days. Yes you should start to introduce foods. I don't think VSL is legal and definately not the iron. Could you change that to something legal? Are you diluting the juices by at least 50%? Katy

Our 15 year old daughter has been on the intro diet since 2/16.

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Hi ..

I have a 17 yr old daughter also on remicade (altho I'm honestly not sure its helping her anymore, and I am sure SCD is helping, altho she still is a reluctant participant) ..

Here are things I did ..

I introduced foods faster than people say (I talked at length with Lucy from Lucy's kitchen and she said she added foods fairly fast as she needed the variety). Ideally you should add slowly and monitor progress, but I'm dealing with a reluctant participant and if I didn't get some variety and good tasting food into her diet she would never have stayed on it. I highly recommend the grain free gourmet books for some great tasting dishes similar to things she is used to eating (available from Lucy or Amazon). For the first few weeks my daughter felt fairly ill still, but I attribute that to how sick she had been and possible die off symptoms .. somewhere around week 4 I noticed a definate improvement altho she still has ups and downs after 2 1/2 months. The remicade alone had not given her total relief and the couple of times she has gone off the diet she has had pretty bad pain within a couple of days, so I'm fairly confident the diet is helpful. I have become quite the SCD cook and the variety makes it possible for her to stick to the diet. I'm sure many people will disagree with me, but kids need to eat and I wouldn't be too afraid of introducing more food into her diet .. you can always pull back again (we have once or twice). One of the things that worked really well for my daughter early on was to coat a baking dish with butter, put chicken pieces (thighs and breasts with skin) in the pan ... place the pan covered in a 325 degree oven .. put sliced carrots and green beans in a frying pan with butter and cook for 10 or 15 minutes until the butter is melted and coating the veggies ... put the veggies on top of the chicken and continue cooking all covered for 2 1/2 hours (you can also add a few spices if she prefers other flavors)... my daughter would eat this much better than the soup and it worked as well for her .. also, you might drip the yogurt and add honey .. it makes the consistency a little thicker or try yogurt made from half and half.

Good luck.


Mother of L

UC 1 yr

SCD 2 mths


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> The intro diet is only to be used up to 5 days. Yes you should

> start to introduce foods. I don't think VSL is legal and definately

> not the iron. Could you change that to something legal? Are you

> diluting the juices by at least 50%?


Welcome to the list.

VSL definitely isn't legal - it has some strains of bifidus in it.

The iron pills may be contributing to D as they can irritate the

lining of the intestines in some cases.

You may want to look at the pecanbread.com website for keys to how you

should introduce food.

(This is only helpful advice, not absolutely the way you must go.)

Scroll down the page until you find the chart:


Also advice for beginning the diet:


Look at the menu on top and click around the website for lots

of invaluable advice.


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I can't arm wrestle her to eat the yogurt or jello.

Hi LaRae -

If you're going to start introducing cooked fruits as you mentioned

(one of the first things I introduced early on), maybe you can spin

up smoothies for her with the fruit and yogurt. Last summer, I made

lots of smoothies with cooked blueberries, and also used (cooked)

the frozen sweet dark cherries from Trader Joe's. Just be careful

not to overdo the amount of fruit at first.

Also, the banana pancakes (I think the recipe is in the BTVC book)

are easy and good early on (blend one egg plus one very ripe banana

in the blender and fry in a pan) - use honey with maple extract for

syrup (if you can find legal maple extract - although the pancakes

are usually sweet enough they don't really need syrup).

I also put cheese on everything early on (still do) - provolone

slices are a Godsend on top of meat, fish, chicken, veggies,


Good luck!


UC diagnosed 12/05

SCD since 7/07

sulfasalazine - 2 pills (down from 6) daily

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Thanks. Yeah, she's a super cheese eater. I just gave her some baked chicken with Farmer's Cheese (a more solid form of DCCC) with a few sliced olives on top. She said it was the best thing she'd eaten in "a REALLY long time." Re: Still on the intro diet


I can't arm wrestle her to eat the yogurt or jello.

Hi LaRae -

If you're going to start introducing cooked fruits as you mentioned

(one of the first things I introduced early on), maybe you can spin

up smoothies for her with the fruit and yogurt. Last summer, I made

lots of smoothies with cooked blueberries, and also used (cooked)

the frozen sweet dark cherries from Trader Joe's. Just be careful

not to overdo the amount of fruit at first.

Also, the banana pancakes (I think the recipe is in the BTVC book)

are easy and good early on (blend one egg plus one very ripe banana

in the blender and fry in a pan) - use honey with maple extract for

syrup (if you can find legal maple extract - although the pancakes

are usually sweet enough they don't really need syrup).

I also put cheese on everything early on (still do) - provolone

slices are a Godsend on top of meat, fish, chicken, veggies,


Good luck!


UC diagnosed 12/05

SCD since 7/07

sulfasalazine - 2 pills (down from 6) daily

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> Farmer's Cheese (a more solid form of DCCC)

Be careful with cheeses. When I first started, I saw something labeled

as " Farmer's Cheese " that looked more like Monterey Jack than DCCC and

I don't think that cheese is legal. I have been pretty religious about

sticking only with cheeses that are specifically listed in BTVC

(which, coincidentally doesn't list provolone, but provolone is legal).

True DCCC really looks exactly like cottage cheese, only dry (funny -

it's dry curd cottage cheese)! :-)


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LaRae, you could just get a acidolphilus capsule and empty it into some food, maybe a smoothie and she wouldn't know it was there. Katy

Since I can't wrestle the yogurt into her, it appears to be the best route for a probiotic.

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We're going to go with the smoothies. She seems to tolerate that really well. I looked at the VSL#3 box, no mention of bifi bacteria, just the lactic acid from yogurt. Is that ok?I've also made note that the solid Farmer's is illegal. Ate our last bit this afternoon. Scratch THAT from the shopping list! Thanks everyone. Re: Still on the intro diet

LaRae, you could just get a acidolphilus capsule and empty it into some food, maybe a smoothie and she wouldn't know it was there. Katy

Since I can't wrestle the yogurt into her, it appears to be the best route for a probiotic.

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I have a bunch on hand myself, because I bought an order right before starting SCD, not realizingthey were illegal. And there, in my fridge, they sit. Unless they've changed it a lot since lastyear, mine say: Bifidobacterium breveBifidobacterium longumBifidobacterium infantisMaraWe're going to go with the smoothies. She seems to tolerate that really well. I looked at the VSL#3 box, no mention of bifi bacteria, just the lactic acid from yogurt. Is that ok?I've also made note that the solid Farmer's is illegal. Ate our last bit this afternoon. Scratch THAT from the shopping list! Thanks everyone. Re: Still on the intro dietLaRae, you could just get a acidolphilus capsule and empty it into some food, maybe a smoothie and she wouldn't know it was there. Katy Since I can't wrestle the yogurt into her, it appears to be the best route for a probiotic. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____Contractor Training - Click HereBe a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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My box didn't say all that, so I went online and sure enough, there's all that bifi. And know what else? CORN STARCH. We're going with the acidophilus capsules, thanks! Re: Still on the intro dietLaRae, you could just get a acidolphilus capsule and empty it into some food, maybe a smoothie and she wouldn't know it was there. Katy Since I can't wrestle the yogurt into her, it appears to be the best route for a probiotic. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____Contractor Training - Click HereBe a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

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