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Re: I need some advice....

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Dear Carol,

I think you meant to direct this post to another listmate. Carol


<< Susie, my doctor disagrees with your doctor. I asked specifically

about eating a high protein diet, and he said that what you eat does

not contribute to protein in the urine. >>


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At this point in time, I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, but why not

do a Google search on the effects of a high protein diet on kidneys. I did,

and there's all kinds of studies that have been done.


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Sorryl can't give cites but I recently read that lowered sodium intake

doesn't help lower BP as much as had been previously suspected.


In a message dated 12/23/2002 9:37:10 AM US Mountain Standard Time,

genna@... writes:


> Since both Type 2 and Blood Pressure often respond to weightloss - salt has

> to be very limited. Usually I do with less than 300 mg a day - sometimes

> under 100 mg.



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> The reason is I talked to my Endo and he does

> not recommend doing a low carb diet because when you eat low carbs you end


> eating protein instead, so he said this puts more strain on your other


> like your kidney's and liver to break down this much protein. Have any of


> all been told this by your doctors?

**There is NO study supporting the claim that increased protein in the diet

will put your kidneys at risk, unless they are already damaged. There is a

preliminary study out on Atkins showing NO damage to any organs on a low

carb diet. The biggest concern from informed people that still don't like

the idea LOL, is lowering carbs means lowering fruit and vegetable intake,

and it doesn't have to. I eat a 15g carb serving of fruit with lunch and

afternoon snack. As long as I eat it with protein and fat, it slows down

and lessens the sugar spike for me, and I make sure to eat plenty of low

glycemic vegetables, which I love and some of which are so low they are

practically " free " foods.

I'm a type II on insulin by choice (for better control without drugs), not a

type I, but I eat a moderate carb diet and it works great for me.

Your doc is working for you, and as your knowledge and experience (keep

those charts) increases, you should be able to show him how what you are

doing is working, and challenge him to find a written, proper study that

shows any damage caused from low carb. A lot of not up to date docs seem to

think low carb SHOULD damage something, because it isn't the " established

(high carb) " way. Well for many of us glucose intolerant folks, the

" established " way made us sicker and sicker, kinda like the guy that wrote

for help a couple of days ago. vicki is a type I and can probably chime in

here, but I know she feels the same, as our dm histories have run similarly

since our dx and this list began.

Happy Holidays to one and all, and remember, a moment on the lips could be a

lifetime of complications.


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Somehow, somewhere, somebody decided that eating a lot of protein causes

kidney problems. My doctor disagrees. The problem is in the kidney

function itself and is not a result of dietary protein. It is a result of

too high blood sugar levels for way too long. This kidney damage from

eating protein thing sounds like just more of the high-carb, low-everything

else pyramid diet myth perpetrated by cereal manufacturers and their

advertising agencies. I'm anxiously waiting for the beef industry to pick up

on the low-carb diet studies and start advertising their wares as

extensively as processed grain products are advertised. Then we can get

this debate out to the public in the proper forum - tv ads. (LOL)


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