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SchaferAutismReport: U.S. Study Claims to Clear Measles Vaccine of Autism Link

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sarnets-bounces@... On

Behalf Of schafer

Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 1:26 AM

To: Schafer Autism Report

Subject: U.S. Study Claims to Clear Measles Vaccine of Autism Link

Thursday, September 4, 2008



Vol. 12 No. 129p

In This Issue:


U.S. Study Claims to Clear Measles Vaccine of Autism Link

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Age at Regression in Children With Autism With and Without Down Syndrome


CDC Misses Target With Flawed MMR/Autism Study

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Missing Australian Autistic Girl Found

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U.S. Study Claims to Clear Measles Vaccine

of Autism Link

By Steenhuysen. tinyurl.com/65lmzm

Reuters - Scientists who tried to replicate

a study that once tied a measles vaccine with autism said Wednesday they

could not find any link and hope their study will encourage parents to

vaccinate their children to combat a rash of measles outbreaks.

Parents' refusals to have their children

vaccinated against measles have contributed to the highest numbers of cases

seen in in the United States and parts of Europe in many years.

Measles kills about 250,000 people a year

globally, mostly children in poor nations.

Public health officials have been stressing

the safety of the combined measles-mumps-rubella, or MMR, shot and other

childhood vaccines in the face of vocal groups who claim the immunizations

may cause autism and other problems.

The U.S. Institute of Medicine has issued

several definitive reports showing no connection between autism and any


This study took a new tack. It attempted to

replicate 1998 research by a team led by Dr. Wakefield, then of

Britain's Royal Free Hospital, in the Lancet medical journal that suggested

the vaccine was linked to autism and gastrointestinal problems.

Wakefield is undergoing disciplinary action

for professional misconduct by Britain's General Medical Council and 10 of

his collaborators formally withdrew their original Lancet study.

Scientists at Columbia University in New

York and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta

looked for evidence of genetic material from the measles virus in

intestinal tissue samples taken from 25 children with autism who also had

GI problems. They compared these to samples from 13 children of similar

ages who had GI problems but no autism.

No Differences

The samples were analyzed in three

laboratories that were not told which came from the children with autism.

One of the labs had been involved in the original study suggesting a link

between measles virus and autism.

" We found no difference in children who

had GI complaints and no autism and children who had autism but no GI

complaints, " Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University told reporters in a

telephone briefing.

The team also collected data about the

children's health and immunization histories from parents and physicians to

see if vaccinations preceded either their autism or bowel trouble.

" We found no relationship between the

timing of MMR vaccine and the onset of either GI complaints or

autism, " Dr. Mady Hornig, also of Columbia, said in a statement.

But the study did find evidence that

children with autism have persistent bowel troubles that should be


" No longer can mainstream medicine

ignore parents' claims of clinically significant GI distress, " said

Rick Rollens, a parent and autism research advocate.

He commended the researchers for their work

but said, " This study by itself does not exonerate the role of all

vaccines. "

The CDC estimates that about one in every

150 children has autism or a related disorder such as Asperger's syndrome

-- 560,000 people up to age 21 in the United States.

The findings, reported in the journal Public

Library of Science, can be found at dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0003140.


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