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Acquiring and Sustaining Wealth

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http://www.care2.com/greenliving/acquiring-and-sustaining-wealth.htmlposted by Deepak Chopra Feb 19, 2009 4:49 amIn order to acquire wealth–or for that matter anything in the physical universe–you must intend it, make a decision to go for it. The decision is unchangeable

with fixity of purpose not countermanded by anything. The universe handles the details, organizes and orchestrates opportunities. You have simply to be alert to these opportunities.Helping others make money and helping other people to fulfill their desires is a sure way to ensure you’ll make money for yourself as well as more easily fulfill your own dreams. The best way to motivate other people to help you fulfill your goals is to help them fulfill their goals.Money is like blood; it must flow. Hoarding and holding on to it causes sludging. In order to grow, it must flow. Otherwise it gets blocked and, like clotted blood,

it can only cause damage. Money is life energy that we exchange and use as a result of the service we provide to the universe. And in order to keep it coming to us, we must keep it circulating.Tithing means giving away a certain portion of your income without conditions or strings attached. When you give, a vacuum is created that attracts even more of what you have given away.Love yourself. Love your customers. Love your family. Love everybody. Love the world. There is no power stronger than love. Also, adopt luxury as a lifestyle. Luxury is our natural state. Adopting luxury as a lifestyle sets the preamble, the

preconditions for the flow of wealth.When we seek money, or a good relationship, or a great job, what we are really seeking is happiness. The mistake we make is not going for happiness first. If we did, everything else would follow.We must never pretend appreciation, but if we feel it, then we must express it. The expression of gratitude is a powerful force that generates even more of what we have already received.Adapted from Creating

Affluence, by Deepak Chopra (New World Library, 1993).

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