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Looks like S510 Passed Anyway

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This just came into my mail from the Washington Post:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/29/AR2010112903881.htmlThe Senate on Tuesday approved the biggest overhaul to the nation's food safety laws since the 1930s, voting 73 to 25 to give vast new authorities to the Food and Drug Administration; place new responsibilities on farmers and food companies to prevent contamination; and--for the first time--set safety standards for imported foods, a growing part of the American diet.The bill has also revealed a divide between the burgeoning local-food movement and major agriculture

businesses. Small farmers concerned about the cost of new federal regulation were initially opposed to the bill and argued that since most cases of national food-borne illness are caused by large companies, small producers should not be required to meet the same standards.Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), a farmer, added an amendment before Thanksgiving that would exempt small farmers and those who sell directly to consumers at farmers markets and farm stands.But the Tester amendment has angered large agriculture groups, which argue that no one should be exempted from producing safe food. The Produce Marketing Association and the United Fresh Produce Association have withdrawn their support for the bill in light of the Tester

amendment.************************************************************************************So Big Agriculture (Monsanto/Dow) actually could complain that this new law should pertain to small farmers, Gezee..Congress should all be locked up, and then we can show them the documentary called Food Inc, and maybe they would understand that these corporate thugs should be held accountable, they use practices that should be BANNED..it's not the little mom and pop farmers that should be scrutinized, its THEM...But our Congress has their hands in their pockets with these corporations, same as in Big Pharma/AMA/ Wall Street/and worst of all Religious groups..Lobbyists are the disease of our country...MH

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