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Re: die-off pain

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i am still i am very confused as

maybe i do something wrong?


The answer is, on this healing journey of ours, is that we're on a

slippery slope and we take three steps forward, then sli-i-ide two steps


And then we take another three steps forward, and sli-i-ide two

steps back.

You will continue having those slides, regrettably, because the Bad

Bacteria keep fighting back. But gradually, so gradually you may not even

notice it, you will get better and better. And then, one day, you will be

able to look back and realize it has been weeks or months since the last

such episode. NORMAL will, in fact, be no incidents.

After all, look how far you have come already, undertaking your trip to

Israel and everything!


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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Gosh - you are inspiring Marilyn - so sick of being sick and having

everyone ask how I ma - and as much as i say better moments

here/there - we want them to become the norm and live again



thanks eileen

> >

> >

> > >i am still i am very confused as maybe i do something wrong?

> >

> > Jodi,

> >

> > The answer is, on this healing journey of ours,

> > is that we're on a slippery slope and we take

> > three steps forward, then sli-i-ide two steps back.

> >

> > And then we take another three steps forward, and sli-i-ide two

> steps back.

> >

> > You will continue having those slides,

> > regrettably, because the Bad Bacteria keep

> > fighting back. But gradually, so gradually you

> > may not even notice it, you will get better and

> > better. And then, one day, you will be able to

> > look back and realize it has been weeks or months

> > since the last such episode. NORMAL will, in fact, be no


> >

> > After all, look how far you have come already,

> > undertaking your trip to Israel and everything!


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