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Re: A Question

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Prednisone can have extremely nasty side effects, especially if you reduce too

quickly. Normally GI doctors suggest that you reduce by 5 mg every 1-2 weeks.

Please check with your physician.

Good luck,


> Posted by: " christinamae1211 " christinamae1211@... christinamae1211

Tue Jan 1, 2008 7:58 pm (PST)

>I started SCD on Saturday morning and have been eating the chicken

>broth soup with pureed carrots, broiled meat and 2 tablespoons of the

yogurt, my D is not frequent only in the morning and there is some

blood. I felt great yesterday, not alot of brain fog like i normally

have, etc. but today I am having problems. I feel weak, have a

headache, feel sick to my stomach, and am having bad anxiety issues,

my gut feels strange as well. I just got over the stomach flu so i

dont think im getting it again, im just wondering if anyone has

experienced this either while starting the diet or while comming off

prednisone? as I cut back to 10mg saturday as well and wonder if my

body is just going crazy because of the taper, diet or what, it almost

feels as if its shutting down on me!

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from my personal experience, the tapering was best when it was done by

1mg at a time.. sometimes every couple of days.. sometimes 1mg a week.

takes time but the setbacks from that sudden drop was somehow easier

for me so i wouldn't have to go back up 5-10-20mg because i felt so

bad. talk to your dr see if he/she is open to that. in my experience

most GI's are not open to that.. but, from my understanding,

endocrinologists do the tapering this way as a rule of thumb.


> I have been on the 5 mg every 2 weeks taper starting dose was 40 mg.

I noticed when I cut back a few days later I feel awful, the 15 mg

taper was rough on me too but I didnt feel like I did yesterday. I

really want to be done with prednisone completely! They have said I am

very sensitive to it, and I can tell!


> ~~ Keller~~


> Re: A Question















> Hi,




> Prednisone can have extremely nasty side effects, especially if you

reduce too quickly. Normally GI doctors suggest that you reduce by 5

mg every 1-2 weeks. Please check with your physician.




> Good luck,


> Jill




> > Posted by: " christinamae1211 " christinamae1211@ yahoo.com



> Tue Jan 1, 2008 7:58 pm (PST)


> >I started SCD on Saturday morning and have been eating the chicken


> >broth soup with pureed carrots, broiled meat and 2 tablespoons of the


> yogurt, my D is not frequent only in the morning and there is some


> blood. I felt great yesterday, not alot of brain fog like i normally


> have, etc. but today I am having problems. I feel weak, have a


> headache, feel sick to my stomach, and am having bad anxiety issues,


> my gut feels strange as well. I just got over the stomach flu so i


> dont think im getting it again, im just wondering if anyone has


> experienced this either while starting the diet or while comming off


> prednisone? as I cut back to 10mg saturday as well and wonder if my


> body is just going crazy because of the taper, diet or what, it almost


> feels as if its shutting down on me!















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