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freezing my ___ off!!!

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Hi All,

I saw my doctor today - there is quite a bit of " news " I'd like to share - but

will do that tomorrow (very late here)

But I have a question I hope someone can answer (Dr. C - you out there? - or

anyone else)

I was very " distracted " about some stuff she was saying and missed one f her

answers, so let me ask here:

For the last 3 or so months I have been having problems with being " cold " - now

" cold " has been going on for years - but it changed - even now, in the summer,

when people are wearing shorts I am constantly cold - but whenever there is

slightly cool weather (and evening in a building with air condoning) I get cold

to the point of losing all feeling in my fingers and toes - need hot water to

warm them - they get so cold they turn blue! I told my doctor ad she said this

is an expected side effect from the malnutrition (due to the absorption issues)

She said there is a " name " for the condition - but I can't remember it so that

I can look into it more - weird name - something like " necrolysing ... "

Anyone heard of this - does any one know the name? I'd like to learn more about

it but can't without the name.

So if anyone has heard of this please let me know - or let me know a " link " to

find it.

I believe she said something like - your body is concentrating blood to major

vital organs - she also said I should start wearing gloves and extra socks and

be careful as I could hurt my hand or food and not be aware if it.

So hopeful someone know more or I have to wait until my next appointment to get

more information,


Take care


( gloves in the summer - no matter " how " I try to coordinate my wardrobe I think

this might ruin the effect - maybe I'll start a " trend " - with my really bad

memory I will probably lose them - so I though I should put the on a string like

you do for little kids <g>)

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