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I thought judges are not supposed to give sentences according to their beliefs, they are to make judgement according to the law, and this case, this is infringing on your personal beliefs, what of the constitution, are not the AMA/Doctor and the state of Michigan infringing on the beliefs of this mother who is protecting her child from what she believes in?I wonder if the ACLU does any work related cases on this sort of thing?From: Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...>Subject: [health] Fw: SENTENCED TO VACCINATIONS or FACE JAILTIME"Natural Health and Living" <health >Date:

Saturday, November 27, 2010, 3:15 PM

----- Original Message -----


Dr. Horowitz

5-Step Healing Program

Latest Flu News

Medical Veritas Journal





by Sherri Kane

, MI (Healthy World News; 11-26-10) It looks like "PharmaFascism" has defeated religious freedom in America.

Dr. Timur Baruti's patient, Cochrane, 20, arrived at his office completely upset over County's Judge Beebe's ruling that she get her 2-year-old daughter, , injected with five vaccines, or go to jail, pay a fine, and even have her child taken from her.

According to Dr. Baruti, a Michigan based family physician who was interviewed on the Insight Hour on BBSRADIO.com, by Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and R.J. Hampton (archive available here), the 35-year-old judge's decision was based largely on her personal beliefs about vaccines. Beebe sentenced Cochrane on November 22, 2010, because she had gotten her own three children vaccinated, and believed it was the right thing to do, according to the child's grandmother, Amy , who attended the sentencing. Judge Beebe was reported "unavailable for comment" when telephoned for an interview.

It appears that Beebe's ignorance about vaccination risks, and blind personal bias, has set a demonic precedent in the United States, violating constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom by completely disregarding the Immunization Waiver Form, signed and submitted by Cochrane as allowed by the State of Michigan's Department of Community Health for all religious and philosophical objectors.

By Beebe's fascist ruling, she now places the child at risk for a host of life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as mercury intoxication linked to autism.

Beebe's decision completely contradicts what she said in a 2008 interview for MLive.com, claiming that as family court judge, she hopes she can work to make families safe and healthy.

"This is a case if judicial misconduct and overstepped authority," Dr. Horowitz said about Beebe condemning a mother and child to a lifetime of sorrow, if any one of the eighty-six common autoimmune diseases linked to childhood vaccinations result from her ruling.

Dr. Horowitz has been at the forefront of vaccination risk awareness since 1996 with the publication of his award-winning text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional? This book links pandemic AIDS, nerve injuries, cancers, respiratory ailments, and inflammatory diseases to vaccine ingredients and lab animal contaminants. He places the origin of HIV/AIDS in Merck pharmaceutical company's experiments in New York co-sponsored by the Army, the CDC, FDA, and NIAID.

"The top three articles posted in the "vaccine awareness" folder at Tetrahedron.org explain and assert blood-purity laws--the religious reasons to exempt from vaccinations," Dr. Horowitz said and then continued:

"Now we need to add a personal declaration for parents to sign, notarize, and file with the courts, decreeing sovereignty and proclaiming the right to resist vaccination intoxications and violations of constitutional guarantees protecting life, liberty, and property, in this case freedom to protect one's own child."

In March of 2008, Beebe was Governor Granholm's pick for County Family Court, a very young judicial appointee. Before that, she worked in the prosecutor's office for six years.

Dr. Baruti regrets Beebe's medical ignorance and potential harm her unjust ruling has on his patients and the nation.

He is among a rare group of medical doctors who has thoroughly researched vaccination risks, and refuses to give them to his patients. He has resisted drug company bribes and propaganda to provide his patients with education and alternatives. He is an avid supporter of silver hydrosols to prevent infectious diseases, like the flu, and is concerned about water pollution that pharmaceutical antibiotics cause.

During the BBSradio.com interview, Dr. Baruti was asked if Big Pharma had ever approached him to promote their vaccines.

"A couple of them," he replied. "Gardasil and the one for Shingles, . . . . They said they would give us some type of 'special pricing,' is how they put it; and they would help with providing us with literature to provide to people. . . . After looking into it, and doing my own due diligence, I decided not to do that."

The vaccine maker, Merck, claims Gardasil helps prevent the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer. Research indicates the Gardasil vaccine actually presents cancer risks, and includes a sterilizing agent.

Court rulings promoting such risky vaccines evidence the global depopulation agenda as presented by Bill Gates. Gates, and leading globalists that include central bankers, powerfully impact public opinion and legislation upon which the entire vaccine industry advances. This is beautifully exposed in Dr. Horowitz's latest film PharmaWhores: The Showtime Sting of Penn & Teller.

Gates is the world's leading contributor to "vaccination programs" through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Microsoft's founder began massively funding vaccine research at the same time he settled his dispute with global financial regulators threatening to break up his company for anti-trust violations. (Read about Goldman Sachs pressuring Gates and degrading Microsoft beginning in 2000 by CLICKING HERE.)

"Whenever you read or hear that Bill Gates has donated millions to 'vaccination programs' as a humanitarian service, don't believe it," Dr. Horowitz advises. "Most of his so-called 'donations' have gone to companies or entities controlled by his partners at Goldman Sachs, like CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, co-chairing with Murdoch the Partnership for New York City--which is a Rockefeller founded drug ring--the same people, partners, and firms, implicated in the crashing economy, the bankrupt housing industry, the 911 "terrorist attacks," the 2009 Swine Flu fright and 'pandemic' fraud, and the recent BP/Halliburton/Transocean oil rig demolition in the Gulf of Mexico."

According to BigPharma's propaganda, "effective vaccines could save 30 million lives by 2030," said Jerald Sadoff, president of a vaccine foundation that received $200 million from Gates to test new vaccines.

But Gates personally contradicts this common claim while expressing his love for vaccines in PharmaWhores. He encourages deadly vaccination side effects, celebrating the fact that these will reduce global populations by 10-15%. This, obviously, is the opposite to health-protection and life-extension most people ignorantly assume vaccines provide.

"One of the things we found, when we researched the vaccine additive called Polysorbate 80 in Gardasil," added Dr. Baruti, " is that it caused sterility and infertility in women. Now they want to give it to young ladies, and even young men, as of February, 2011."

This information evidences the fact that this vaccine was made primarily for sterilization to support global depopulation. R.J. Hampton, Investigative Journalist and TV show host of We are Change Hawaii, commented, "As a woman of color, I know this particular vaccine (Gardasil) has been targeting minorities. The way to eliminate a group of people is to eliminate the breeders, and those that would carry the future genes. It's a very real thing that we have to guard against." No pun intended.

Dr. Horowitz's book, Emerging Viruses: Aids & Ebola: Nature Accident or Intentional? records how many man-made plagues were developed in labs controlled by pharmaceutical profiteers, now celebrating Judge Beebe's ruling.

He attributes Beebe's decision largely to the fact that Cochrane, a single mother, fighting for custody rights with her pro-vaccine x-husband, signed for social assistance, giving the government virtual title over 's fate, including legal responsibility for the vaccination decision.

"If Beebe thinks she made the right ruling, she has a lot to learn," Dr. Horowitz said. "Requiring children, as wards of the State, to get vaccinated is reminiscent of Merck's Hepatitus B Vaccine trials involving gay men in New York and mentally retarded children at Willowbrook's State School on Staten Island. Judges there, too, neglected the risk of giving children chimpanzee-cultured and contaminated viral vaccines that best explain the school's closing in 1976, and the so-called "gay plague" outbreak in the Village at the same time due to the same 'vaccine program.'"

A friend that I contacted to discuss the Cochrane case stopped me mid-sentence, and asked. "Is this happening in America?"


More History Making News & Views. . . .

New News About 911

Rupert Murdoch, the mainstream media mogul controlling FOX News, Time/Warner, and the Wall Street Journal, has suspiciously allowed one of his mainstream propagandists to consider 9/11 as "an inside job."

On November 13, 9/11 Truth Activists, Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti appeared on Geraldo 's show "Geraldo At Large" on Fox News. Before then, Geraldo called 9/11-truthers, "Nut cases." The three men talked about "BuildingWhat?", a new TV ad campaign drawing attention to World Trade Center Building 7's unexplained collapse that appeared identical to the two trade towers' free fall. (Obviously another demolition.)

It seems the Illuminati want you to consider Building Number 7 as evidence for a US Government conspiracy. The huge structure turned to dust six hours after the twin towers collapsed. The evidence implicates Bush, Cheney, Rockefeller, and the Goldman Sachs (GS) gang, including Murdoch and Larry Silverstein. Murdoch is Co-Chair, with GS's Lloyd Blankfein, of the Partnership for New York City exclusively responsible for all the financial profits and losses from 9/11. Silverstein, who leased and insured the towers, is also a partner in the group.

This emerging truth risks a popular uprising, or even bloody revolution, as people finally awaken to the genocides destroying this nation, our families, and human rights.

This calculated risk is best explained by Protocols #17-19 in the Masonic, not Jewish, Protocols of the Elders of Sion. These "protocols," first leaked in 1776, read:

"17. By such measure we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, . . . the constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into OUR DESPOTISM.18. The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence - a matter which we shall arrange for - of their rulers, will clamor: "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders - frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts - who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives."19. But you yourselves perfectly well know that TO PRODUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF THE EXPRESSION OF SUCH WISHES BY ALL THE NATIONS IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO TROUBLE IN ALL COUNTRIES THE PEOPLE'S RELATIONS WITH THEIR GOVERNMENTS SO AS TO UTTERLY EXHAUST HUMANITY WITH DISSENSION, HATRED, STRUGGLE, ENVY AND EVEN BY THE USE OF TORTURE, BY STARVATION, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, BY WANT, SO THAT THE [sHEEPLE] SEE NO OTHER ISSUE THAN TO TAKE REFUGE IN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN MONEY AND IN ALL ELSE."

Thus, Murdoch and his partners, on behalf of the Illuminati, wish you to detest the US Federal Government (not Goldman Sachs/JP CHASE that directs it); and prepare to pick up arms in a bloody revolution. DON'T DO IT! THEY HAVE ALREADY LOST TO THE 528LOVERevolution.

Glenn Beck Heralds "Globalist Agenda"

Also on FOX, spilling beans of truth from his boss's pot, is Glenn Beck. He has complained, in recent days, about a globalist conspiracy killing America. Duhhhhh! What else is new?

Tell Beck, an alleged "faithful Mormon," to do something meaningful with his position, like promote the Spiritual Renaissance instead of World War III with anti-American New World Order propaganda. Refer him, and other celebrities, to LOVE528.com and i528Tunes.com--the most powerful peace and prosperity movement in the world.

ABC/GoldmanSachs Reports on Bizarre Federal bin Laden Fraud

Earlier this year, ABC News released an article with a "Wanted" poster of, allegedly, Osama Bin Laden, created in PhotoShop. Two days later, another article was released by ABC News, titled: "Spanish Lawmaker's Photo Used for Bin Laden Poster; Spanish lawmaker horrified that FBI used his features for new US poster of Osama bin Laden"

Gaspar Llamazares, a lawmaker for the United Left party (shown in three-out-of-four photos on the left) stated to ABC News that he was horrified the FBI knowingly used his features for a U.S. Poster of Osama Bin Laden.

The alleged updated photo of Bin Ladin appeared on a U.S. State Department Web site where a reward of up to $25 million was offered for C.I.A retiree, Bin Ladin. This answers the big question, 'Did they really ever want to capture him?

Llamazares said he planned to ask the U.S. government for an explanation and reserved the right to take legal action.

Remember folks, ABC/Disney/GoldmanSachs is also responsible for bringing you controlled opposition celebrity, . A new mainstream documentary called "Inside Job," points the finger at Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street giants, for creating the ecomomic collapse. But, the mainstream has failed to mention who is really pulling the strings....Rupert Murdoch, Rockefeller and the Bush clan, the Rothchild League of Bankers, the Royal Family of England, and Soros, too, as Glenn Beck accurately warns.

Check out the new independent documentary by Walter Burien titled, The Corporation Nation made for "We the People" about corporate governance and America's fascist dictators.

Special Announcements . . .

OxySilver Professional Now Available for Oral Use

OxySilver is introducing OxySilver Professional to the general public for ORAL use only. OxySilver Professional was previously available by prescription only through licensed medical doctors for use with "crashing" patients in infectious disease wards or plague areas. It is twice as concentrated as regular OxySilver, and has tested effective against everything we have seen so far sourcing from BigPharma's bioweapons labs.

Instead of $125 per 8 oz. bottle, regular price to doctors only, the limited time special provides the hyper-concentrated OxySilver Professional at the regular OxySilver price of $49.40; with additional discounts up to 40% available for case purchases. (Due to the short supply and limited time availability, priority will be given to Healthy World Affiliates for distributing the product. (ORDERS FOR THIS OXYSILVER PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL MUST BE MADE BY TELEPHONE. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-888-508-5787; OR 1-888-KO-GERMS.)

PHARMAWHORES: The ShowTime Sting of Penn & Teller




The 2010 Accolade Award-Winning Film

Our Specialty Products

Little Known Cures

Liquid Dentist for reversing tooth and gum diseases, plus provides powerful nutritional immunization against more than 500 strains of bacteria and untolled numbers of viruses! You get a lot more than dental health with LD528...

Tetrasil broad spectrum non-toxic antibioticGI FloraPro intestinal probiotic

ZeoLife World's Best Broad Spectrum DetoxificationGreen Harvest

Suppressed by the Drug Cartel and Detested by Vaccine Makers. The Top Selling Silver Hydrosol Goes Far Beyond Anything Ever Developed for Immunity from Infectivity.CALL: 1-888-KO-GERMS

Healthy World Distributing, LLC Copyright©2010 THIS SITE USES 128 BIT SSL TO ENSURE SECURE ORDERS

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[ Tetrahedron Publishing | Love The Real Da Vinci Code | Healing Celebrations ]

-------------------------------------------------------------------This e-mail was sent to zanymystic@... because you are subscribed to at least one of our mailing lists. If at any time you would like to remove yourself from our mailing list, please feel free to do so by visiting:http://www.healthyworldmessage.com/unsubscribe.php?g=4 & addr=zanymystic@...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had thought this case, and cases like these should be taken up with the ACLU.. They had sent me a survey and in it I replied that I thought that these cases where you as a parent or an individual has the right to say no to vaccines and it violates our constitutional laws.From: Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...>Subject: [health] Fw: SENTENCED TO VACCINATIONS or FACE JAILTIME"Natural Health and Living" <health >Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 1:08 AM



Dr. Horowitz

5-Step Healing Program

Latest Flu News

Medical Veritas Journal





by Sherri Kane

, MI (Healthy World News; 11-26-10) It looks like "PharmaFascism" has defeated religious freedom in America.

Dr. Timur Baruti's patient, Cochrane, 20, arrived at his office completely upset over County's Judge Beebe's ruling that she get her 2-year-old daughter, , injected with five vaccines, or go to jail, pay a fine, and even have her child taken from her.

According to Dr. Baruti, a Michigan based family physician who was interviewed on the Insight Hour on BBSRADIO.com, by Sherri Kane, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and R.J. Hampton (archive available here), the 35-year-old judge's decision was based largely on her personal beliefs about vaccines. Beebe sentenced Cochrane on November 22, 2010, because she had gotten her own three children vaccinated, and believed it was the right thing to do, according to the child's grandmother, Amy , who attended the sentencing. Judge Beebe was reported "unavailable for comment" when telephoned for an interview.

It appears that Beebe's ignorance about vaccination risks, and blind personal bias, has set a demonic precedent in the United States, violating constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom by completely disregarding the Immunization Waiver Form, signed and submitted by Cochrane as allowed by the State of Michigan's Department of Community Health for all religious and philosophical objectors.

By Beebe's fascist ruling, she now places the child at risk for a host of life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as mercury intoxication linked to autism.

Beebe's decision completely contradicts what she said in a 2008 interview for MLive.com, claiming that as family court judge, she hopes she can work to make families safe and healthy.

"This is a case if judicial misconduct and overstepped authority," Dr. Horowitz said about Beebe condemning a mother and child to a lifetime of sorrow, if any one of the eighty-six common autoimmune diseases linked to childhood vaccinations result from her ruling.

Dr. Horowitz has been at the forefront of vaccination risk awareness since 1996 with the publication of his award-winning text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional? This book links pandemic AIDS, nerve injuries, cancers, respiratory ailments, and inflammatory diseases to vaccine ingredients and lab animal contaminants. He places the origin of HIV/AIDS in Merck pharmaceutical company's experiments in New York co-sponsored by the Army, the CDC, FDA, and NIAID.

"The top three articles posted in the "vaccine awareness" folder at Tetrahedron.org explain and assert blood-purity laws--the religious reasons to exempt from vaccinations," Dr. Horowitz said and then continued:

"Now we need to add a personal declaration for parents to sign, notarize, and file with the courts, decreeing sovereignty and proclaiming the right to resist vaccination intoxications and violations of constitutional guarantees protecting life, liberty, and property, in this case freedom to protect one's own child."

In March of 2008, Beebe was Governor Granholm's pick for County Family Court, a very young judicial appointee. Before that, she worked in the prosecutor's office for six years.

Dr. Baruti regrets Beebe's medical ignorance and potential harm her unjust ruling has on his patients and the nation.

He is among a rare group of medical doctors who has thoroughly researched vaccination risks, and refuses to give them to his patients. He has resisted drug company bribes and propaganda to provide his patients with education and alternatives. He is an avid supporter of silver hydrosols to prevent infectious diseases, like the flu, and is concerned about water pollution that pharmaceutical antibiotics cause.

During the BBSradio.com interview, Dr. Baruti was asked if Big Pharma had ever approached him to promote their vaccines.

"A couple of them," he replied. "Gardasil and the one for Shingles, . . . . They said they would give us some type of 'special pricing,' is how they put it; and they would help with providing us with literature to provide to people. . . . After looking into it, and doing my own due diligence, I decided not to do that."

The vaccine maker, Merck, claims Gardasil helps prevent the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer. Research indicates the Gardasil vaccine actually presents cancer risks, and includes a sterilizing agent.

Court rulings promoting such risky vaccines evidence the global depopulation agenda as presented by Bill Gates. Gates, and leading globalists that include central bankers, powerfully impact public opinion and legislation upon which the entire vaccine industry advances. This is beautifully exposed in Dr. Horowitz's latest film PharmaWhores: The Showtime Sting of Penn & Teller.

Gates is the world's leading contributor to "vaccination programs" through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Microsoft's founder began massively funding vaccine research at the same time he settled his dispute with global financial regulators threatening to break up his company for anti-trust violations. (Read about Goldman Sachs pressuring Gates and degrading Microsoft beginning in 2000 by CLICKING HERE.)

"Whenever you read or hear that Bill Gates has donated millions to 'vaccination programs' as a humanitarian service, don't believe it," Dr. Horowitz advises. "Most of his so-called 'donations' have gone to companies or entities controlled by his partners at Goldman Sachs, like CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, co-chairing with Murdoch the Partnership for New York City--which is a Rockefeller founded drug ring--the same people, partners, and firms, implicated in the crashing economy, the bankrupt housing industry, the 911 "terrorist attacks," the 2009 Swine Flu fright and 'pandemic' fraud, and the recent BP/Halliburton/Transocean oil rig demolition in the Gulf of Mexico."

According to BigPharma's propaganda, "effective vaccines could save 30 million lives by 2030," said Jerald Sadoff, president of a vaccine foundation that received $200 million from Gates to test new vaccines.

But Gates personally contradicts this common claim while expressing his love for vaccines in PharmaWhores. He encourages deadly vaccination side effects, celebrating the fact that these will reduce global populations by 10-15%. This, obviously, is the opposite to health-protection and life-extension most people ignorantly assume vaccines provide.

"One of the things we found, when we researched the vaccine additive called Polysorbate 80 in Gardasil," added Dr. Baruti, " is that it caused sterility and infertility in women. Now they want to give it to young ladies, and even young men, as of February, 2011."

This information evidences the fact that this vaccine was made primarily for sterilization to support global depopulation. R.J. Hampton, Investigative Journalist and TV show host of We are Change Hawaii, commented, "As a woman of color, I know this particular vaccine (Gardasil) has been targeting minorities. The way to eliminate a group of people is to eliminate the breeders, and those that would carry the future genes. It's a very real thing that we have to guard against." No pun intended.

Dr. Horowitz's book, Emerging Viruses: Aids & Ebola: Nature Accident or Intentional? records how many man-made plagues were developed in labs controlled by pharmaceutical profiteers, now celebrating Judge Beebe's ruling.

He attributes Beebe's decision largely to the fact that Cochrane, a single mother, fighting for custody rights with her pro-vaccine x-husband, signed for social assistance, giving the government virtual title over 's fate, including legal responsibility for the vaccination decision.

"If Beebe thinks she made the right ruling, she has a lot to learn," Dr. Horowitz said. "Requiring children, as wards of the State, to get vaccinated is reminiscent of Merck's Hepatitus B Vaccine trials involving gay men in New York and mentally retarded children at Willowbrook's State School on Staten Island. Judges there, too, neglected the risk of giving children chimpanzee-cultured and contaminated viral vaccines that best explain the school's closing in 1976, and the so-called "gay plague" outbreak in the Village at the same time due to the same 'vaccine program.'"

A friend that I contacted to discuss the Cochrane case stopped me mid-sentence, and asked. "Is this happening in America?"


More History Making News & Views. . . .

New News About 911

Rupert Murdoch, the mainstream media mogul controlling FOX News, Time/Warner, and the Wall Street Journal, has suspiciously allowed one of his mainstream propagandists to consider 9/11 as "an inside job."

On November 13, 9/11 Truth Activists, Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti appeared on Geraldo 's show "Geraldo At Large" on Fox News. Before then, Geraldo called 9/11-truthers, "Nut cases." The three men talked about "BuildingWhat?", a new TV ad campaign drawing attention to World Trade Center Building 7's unexplained collapse that appeared identical to the two trade towers' free fall. (Obviously another demolition.)

It seems the Illuminati want you to consider Building Number 7 as evidence for a US Government conspiracy. The huge structure turned to dust six hours after the twin towers collapsed. The evidence implicates Bush, Cheney, Rockefeller, and the Goldman Sachs (GS) gang, including Murdoch and Larry Silverstein. Murdoch is Co-Chair, with GS's Lloyd Blankfein, of the Partnership for New York City exclusively responsible for all the financial profits and losses from 9/11. Silverstein, who leased and insured the towers, is also a partner in the group.

This emerging truth risks a popular uprising, or even bloody revolution, as people finally awaken to the genocides destroying this nation, our families, and human rights.

This calculated risk is best explained by Protocols #17-19 in the Masonic, not Jewish, Protocols of the Elders of Sion. These "protocols," first leaked in 1776, read:

"17. By such measure we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, . . . the constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into OUR DESPOTISM.18. The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence - a matter which we shall arrange for - of their rulers, will clamor: "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders - frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts - who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives."19. But you yourselves perfectly well know that TO PRODUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF THE EXPRESSION OF SUCH WISHES BY ALL THE NATIONS IT IS INDISPENSABLE TO TROUBLE IN ALL COUNTRIES THE PEOPLE'S RELATIONS WITH THEIR GOVERNMENTS SO AS TO UTTERLY EXHAUST HUMANITY WITH DISSENSION, HATRED, STRUGGLE, ENVY AND EVEN BY THE USE OF TORTURE, BY STARVATION, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, BY WANT, SO THAT THE [sHEEPLE] SEE NO OTHER ISSUE THAN TO TAKE REFUGE IN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN MONEY AND IN ALL ELSE."

Thus, Murdoch and his partners, on behalf of the Illuminati, wish you to detest the US Federal Government (not Goldman Sachs/JP CHASE that directs it); and prepare to pick up arms in a bloody revolution. DON'T DO IT! THEY HAVE ALREADY LOST TO THE 528LOVERevolution.

Glenn Beck Heralds "Globalist Agenda"

Also on FOX, spilling beans of truth from his boss's pot, is Glenn Beck. He has complained, in recent days, about a globalist conspiracy killing America. Duhhhhh! What else is new?

Tell Beck, an alleged "faithful Mormon," to do something meaningful with his position, like promote the Spiritual Renaissance instead of World War III with anti-American New World Order propaganda. Refer him, and other celebrities, to LOVE528.com and i528Tunes.com--the most powerful peace and prosperity movement in the world.

ABC/GoldmanSachs Reports on Bizarre Federal bin Laden Fraud

Earlier this year, ABC News released an article with a "Wanted" poster of, allegedly, Osama Bin Laden, created in PhotoShop. Two days later, another article was released by ABC News, titled: "Spanish Lawmaker's Photo Used for Bin Laden Poster; Spanish lawmaker horrified that FBI used his features for new US poster of Osama bin Laden"

Gaspar Llamazares, a lawmaker for the United Left party (shown in three-out-of-four photos on the left) stated to ABC News that he was horrified the FBI knowingly used his features for a U.S. Poster of Osama Bin Laden.

The alleged updated photo of Bin Ladin appeared on a U.S. State Department Web site where a reward of up to $25 million was offered for C.I.A retiree, Bin Ladin. This answers the big question, 'Did they really ever want to capture him?

Llamazares said he planned to ask the U.S. government for an explanation and reserved the right to take legal action.

Remember folks, ABC/Disney/GoldmanSachs is also responsible for bringing you controlled opposition celebrity, . A new mainstream documentary called "Inside Job," points the finger at Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street giants, for creating the ecomomic collapse. But, the mainstream has failed to mention who is really pulling the strings....Rupert Murdoch, Rockefeller and the Bush clan, the Rothchild League of Bankers, the Royal Family of England, and Soros, too, as Glenn Beck accurately warns.

Check out the new independent documentary by Walter Burien titled, The Corporation Nation made for "We the People" about corporate governance and America's fascist dictators.

Special Announcements . . .

OxySilver Professional Now Available for Oral Use

OxySilver is introducing OxySilver Professional to the general public for ORAL use only. OxySilver Professional was previously available by prescription only through licensed medical doctors for use with "crashing" patients in infectious disease wards or plague areas. It is twice as concentrated as regular OxySilver, and has tested effective against everything we have seen so far sourcing from BigPharma's bioweapons labs.

Instead of $125 per 8 oz. bottle, regular price to doctors only, the limited time special provides the hyper-concentrated OxySilver Professional at the regular OxySilver price of $49.40; with additional discounts up to 40% available for case purchases. (Due to the short supply and limited time availability, priority will be given to Healthy World Affiliates for distributing the product. (ORDERS FOR THIS OXYSILVER PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL MUST BE MADE BY TELEPHONE. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-888-508-5787; OR 1-888-KO-GERMS.)

PHARMAWHORES: The ShowTime Sting of Penn & Teller




The 2010 Accolade Award-Winning Film

Our Specialty Products

Little Known Cures

Liquid Dentist for reversing tooth and gum diseases, plus provides powerful nutritional immunization against more than 500 strains of bacteria and untolled numbers of viruses! You get a lot more than dental health with LD528...

Tetrasil broad spectrum non-toxic antibioticGI FloraPro intestinal probiotic

ZeoLife World's Best Broad Spectrum DetoxificationGreen Harvest

Suppressed by the Drug Cartel and Detested by Vaccine Makers. The Top Selling Silver Hydrosol Goes Far Beyond Anything Ever Developed for Immunity from Infectivity.CALL: 1-888-KO-GERMS

Healthy World Distributing, LLC Copyright©2010 THIS SITE USES 128 BIT SSL TO ENSURE SECURE ORDERS

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[ Tetrahedron Publishing | Love The Real Da Vinci Code | Healing Celebrations ]

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