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Fw: Sick-care spending bankrupts California, the real story on Wikileaks, plus a new video

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Sick-care spending bankrupts California, the real story on Wikileaks, plus a new video

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Dear NaturalNews readers,

Gov Schwarzenegger just declared a fiscal emergency in California, demanding huge cuts in sick-care spending.

Conventional medicine, it seems, is bankrupting the state. It will also bankrupt the entire country if we don't put a stop to it. Read why in my article:http://www.naturalnews.com/030638_California_fiscal_emergency.html

Want to know the real story about Wikileaks, net neutrality and the FCC? Here's my take on the biggest news in the history of the internet:http://www.naturalnews.com/030647_Wikileaks_net_neutrality.html

I've just released a crazy new satire video about Janet Napolitano's request that people should "report suspicious activities" they find at Wal-Mart stores. Isn't the mere act of shopping at Wal-Mart suspicious all by itself? Watch this hilarious new satire video (and try not to take it too seriously...)http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=5A4B5D4B84344D5D9CBD262A53D8B071

Here's some good news: There are natural cures for acne (http://www.naturalnews.com/030641_acne_natural_remedies.html) and pomegranates help prevent infections! (http://www.naturalnews.com/030644_pomegranates_infections.html)

More news continues below war veterans' mental health, vitamin D for kids, how to save your eyesight with nutrition and much more (see below)...

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