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Florida Attorney General investigating treatment of children with autism, needs your input

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Please Circulate FAR & WIDE to Florida's Wonderful

Autism Community

Excerpt From the Port Saint Lucie (FL) News Saturday

July 12, 2008:

.....The Office of the Attorney General is interested

in talking with parents of children with autism who

have concerns about their child's treatment in

schools. Parents with concerns can call the citizen

services hotline at ... (Please read the


article - link below)

Comments by Dennis Debbaudt:

As autism advocates, it's not every day that

opportunity comes knocking. Especially when it comes

in the wake of, to put it mildly, an unfortunate

situation such as Barton's. (Google Barton


But what an opportunity.

Our stories need to be heard and Florida Attorney

General Bill McCollum wants to - needs to - hear them.

Bill McCollum's office has set up a toll free number

to do just that: . His office is also

organizing a day to hear from us in person.

While it may be difficult to travel to attend a

hearing, writing a letter or putting your story on

videotape may be an option for some of us. Others yet

may need the assistance of an interpreter. Please take

the time and effort necessary to get your story to the

attention of the Attorney General.

Write the letter. Ask for a help to translate your

story. Ask your friend with a video camera to record

your comments. Best of all, plan on attending the live

event to share your story

However the medium we choose, now is the time to be

heard by the chief law enforcement officer in the


It's rare when opportunity comes knocking. For the

sake of our children and adults and their families who

live with autism every day, take full advantage of it.

Dennis Debbaudt

Port Saint Lucie, Florida




After PSL autistic boy's case, Attorney General

weighing more complaints from parents

By Colleen Wixon (Contact)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

TALLAHASSEE — Stemming from its investigation into a

Port St. Lucie autistic boy voted out of kindergarten,

the state Office of the Attorney General is looking at

how children with autism are treated in Florida


" We want to understand this issue on a more global

scale, " said Sandi Copes, press secretary for the

Office of the Attorney General in Tallahassee. " To see

if there is an underlying problem. "

Since the office's initial investigation into the case

of 5-year-old Barton, several people with

autistic children have come forward with their own

complaints, Copes said.

Parents are expressing frustration their complaints

haven't been heard, so the Attorney General's office

wants to talk with them to see if there's any way to

help, she said. Those discussions could take place in

the coming weeks, she said.

The investigation began after told his mother,

Barton, he was voted out of his kindergarten

class by his fellow students. Morningside Elementary

teacher Portillo told police she wanted to

hear from his peers how his behavior affected others.

She then took a poll as to whether should be

allowed to return to the classroom, according to


lost the vote, 14 to 2.

At the time, he was in the process of being tested for

Asperger Syndrome, a type of high-functioning autism.

He since has been diagnosed with the disorder, Barton


The St. Lucie County School District continues to

investigate the incident.

When the Attorney General's office investigated 's

situation, Barton mentioned other parents who had

contacted her regarding the treatment of their

autistic children, Copes said.

Barton said she is glad parents finally have someone

paying attention to them.

" Finally, things are getting done, " she said. " There

is some justice in it. "

It's no longer just about , she said.

" There are other children out there that have been

waiting (for help) a very long time, " she said. " No

one has been listening forever. "

The Attorney General's office is trying to compile a

list of participants to meet and talk about their

issues, Copes said. The investigation is statewide and

not concentrating on one area in particular, she said.

Meanwhile, Barton said parents are trying to mobilize.

She said now is the time for parents with complaints

to come forward.

The Office of the Attorney General is interested in

talking with parents of children with autism who have

concerns about their child's treatment in schools.

Parents with concerns can call the citizen services

hotline at

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