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Fw: Thoughts on coughing, mucous, phelgm, and tools for immune system support

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Thoughts on coughing, mucous, phelgm, and tools for immune system support

Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health NewsletterSeptember 20, 2010Dear Reader,With cold and flu season approaching, I thought I wouldsend out a reminder on the importance of not suppressingan acute cough.When your body is experiencing a viral infection, it usescoughing as an eliminative mechanism. To supress a coughis to slow down your recovery.The same goes for phlegm and mucous production. Phlegmand mucous are produced to help eliminate unwantedsubstances from your body.Whenever your body produces phelgm or mucous, try tofacilitate their removal from your body. Constant snifflingto avoid having to blow your nose may be more comfortablein the moment, but this will only prolong congestion ofyour sinuses and nasal passageway, which will impede healing.When you are congested with phlegm and/or mucous, usesome water (or salt water) and your blowing capacity toremove these materials and the substances that they carryfrom your body. Do this often, throughout the day, asmany times as is necessary.For more information on colds and flus, please feel freeto view:http://drbenkim.com/cold-flu- difference-health.htmlAnd some related information on gargling:http://drbenkim.com/how- prevent-sore-throat- progressing-cold***UPDATES ON NATURAL HEALTH TOOLS1. The two most important health tools that I've reliedupon over the last several years to keep my immmune systemhealthy are acerola cherry powder (truly natural vitamin C)and our original super green food formula.I've been taking both of these formulas daily for seven yearsnow, and I recommend them without reservation to anyonelooking to experience optimal immune system strength.To learn more about these tools, including feedback fromothers who use them, please feel free to view the following:Greens:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=3Acerola Cherry Powder:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=48These are powders that you need to vigorously mix intohealthy liquids. Blending works best, but a fork andstrong wrist action will suffice. One teaspoon each per 50pounds of body weight daily is the recommended servingsizes for adults and children alike.If you prefer capsule or tablet versions, they're availableat the following pages:Greens in Capsule Form:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=98Vitamin C Whole Food Tablets:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=112I hope that you find these resources to be as helpefulto you and your loved ones as they've been to my family.***That's all for the moment. I do have some informationon heartburn symptoms and multiple sclerosis that I'dlike to share this week, so you should be seeing me againsoon.Until then, let's remember that we're not punished FORour sins. Rather, we're punished BY our sins.How's that for a little bit of a lift? :) Seriously, ifyou really meditate on this, I think you'll find it comforting.Warm regards,Ben KimBox 23017, Barrie, ON L4N 7W8, CANADA

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