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Some Informative Articles from ScienceDaily Health Headlines

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ScienceDaily Health Headlines

for Monday, September 20, 2010

Lack of access to healthy food may contribute to health disparities in kidney disease (September 19, 2010) -- Processed and fast foods enriched with phosphorus additives may play a role in health disparities in chronic kidney disease, according to a new study. Previously, genetics was considered the leading reason blacks are four times more likely to progress to end stage renal disease than whites and have much higher rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality in early chronic kidney disease. ... > full story

Imbalanced diet and inadequate exercise may underlie asthma in children (September 19, 2010) -- Even children of a healthy weight who have an imbalanced metabolism due to poor diet or exercise may be at increased risk of asthma, according to new research, which challenges the widespread assumption that obesity itself is a risk factor for asthma. ... > full story

Using chest compressions first just as successful as immediate defibrillation after cardiac arrest, study finds (September 20, 2010) -- In cardiac arrest, is it best to start pumping on the victim's chest or give an immediate shock to the heart? A new study has found that both rescue strategies are effective, yet chest compressions before defibrillation may be best in events where emergency response times are longer than five minutes. ... > full story

Easily blocked signaling protein may help scientists stop parasites (September 20, 2010) -- Researchers have identified a parasite protein that has all the makings of a microbial glass jaw: it's essential, it's vulnerable and humans have nothing like it, meaning scientists can take pharmacological swings at it with minimal fear of collateral damage. ... > full story

Adolescents with fibromyalgia who are physically active report lower levels of pain and disability (September 19, 2010) -- Adolescents with fibromyalgia who are physically active report lower levels of pain and disability, according to a new study ... > full story

How does Prozac act? By acting on the microRNA (September 18, 2010) -- The adaptation mechanisms of the neurons to antidepressants has, until now, remained enigmatic. Research now sheds new light on the mechanisms of action of these drugs which have been used for more than 30 years and are heavily consumed. ... > full story

Father absence linked to earlier puberty among certain girls (September 17, 2010) -- Girls in homes without a biological father are more likely to hit puberty at an earlier age, according to a new study. The findings held only for girls in higher income households, and even after the girls' weight was taken into account. ... > full story

Popular supplements to combat joint pain do not work, study finds (September 17, 2010) -- Two popular supplements taken by millions of people around the world to combat joint pain, do not work, new research finds. ... > full story

Researcher discovers new 'anti-pathogenic' drugs to treat MRSA (September 17, 2010) -- A researcher has identified new anti-pathogenic drugs that, without killing the bacteria, render methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus harmless by preventing the production of toxins that cause disease. ... > full story

Bacteria identified that may lead to inflammatory bowel disease in certain individuals (September 17, 2010) -- Certain bacteria that inhabit the intestine provide the environmental trigger that initiates and perpetuates chronic intestinal inflammation in individuals who are genetically susceptible to inflammatory bowel disease, a study has found. ... > full story

Healthy diet rocks when it comes to fighting kidney stones (September 17, 2010) -- Certain key ingredients of a diet designed to prevent high blood pressure can ward off kidney stones, according to a new study. The results suggest how low-fat dairy products and/or plants may have potent kidney stone-fighting properties. ... > full story

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