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3 month testimonial

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Hello Everyone!

I have been on SCD for 3 months now and would like to

share my experiences with you. (No 3 month flare so


I have had UC for 28 years with frequent periods of

remission. The last two flare-ups were particularly

severe and I was close to losing my colon. I refused

to take prednisone again because I feel worse on it

and it never seemed to help much anyway. When I found

SCD and read BTVC I committed to the diet

wholeheartedly! It was a very rocky start and I must

admit there were many times that I felt like giving

up, but I stuck with it and this group helped me so

much (Thank you!).

My most recent flare was in Sept. I started the inro.

diet on October 5 and stayed on it for about 2 weeks.

I did notice early improvement which was wonderful,

but I got a bad cold/cough which caused a set-back. I

stuck with the diet though. Then I felt like a miracle

occurred when a few weeks later I was in remission

again. I felt so good that I quit my medication

thinking it never helped anyway. Well, it must have

been helping because I had another flare this time

with scleritis (inflammation of the white of my right

eye). I was miserable and in a lot of pain, but I

stuck with the diet adding one food at a time from the

food stages list on pecanbread.com.

Needless to say, I went back on my medication while

sticking with the diet and have been in remission for

about 1 month now. I have absolutely no symptoms of UC

at this time. It is wonderful!

I know this diet is helping! It IS hard to follow, but

it gets easier as time goes by. I spend hours in the

kitchen preparing food, but it is well worth the time.

I am able to bake with nut flour and eat raw pineapple

and apples without the skins at this time. I feel I am

eating healthier than at any other time in my life and

I feel better than at any other time in my life. I

have energy. I lost 20 unnecessary pounds on this

diet. The best thing of all, though, is that I am

healing on this diet! I am working with a Naturopathic

doctor who supports this diet and recommends necessary

supplements/vitamins. I hope to reduce my medication

gradually with his help and get totally off meds in

the future. I still see my regular gastroenterologist

twice a year and will have a colonoscopy in June. I

don't share the diet with him, because he is not

supportive of anything other than meds and following a

" healthy diet " (I heard this for years and

unfortunately followed his advice for years). I am

hoping and praying for healing of my UC with this

diet, but if I can at least stay in remission with it,

I will be happy!

I hope my experiencs will give hope to those of you

suffering from UC. I am still a " newbie, " and I don't

know what the future holds, but I am committed to SCD

and have the highest hopes for a healthy future. I

make a daily list of what I need to prepare for the

day and try to just take one day at a time.

Here are a few quotes from BTVC that have stuck with

me: " The strictness of this diet cannot be

overemphasized nor should the difficulty of adhering

to it be minimized. " " It is unwise to undertake this

regimen unless you are willing to follow it with

Fanatical Adherence. "

Thank God for Elaine Gottschall!!!

I wish you all the best for a healthy 2008!



UC 28 years, Colazal

SCD 3 months

--- Andy Shier wrote:

> Sorry to hear about your UC diagnosis. Not a fun

> journey.


> Flagyl is a very potent antibiotic and each time you

> use it it will be less effective. Times may have

> changed since I was diagnosed a decade ago, but I

> would have thought they would have started you on

> azacol or prednisone to control the flares. In my

> experience the only thing that has worked

> consistently is prednisone, but the side effects can

> be rough.


> I am new to the SCD diet, finishing the intro today

> so I can't make any claims on its effectivness, but

> so far so good. From what I am reading it is and

> all or nothing diet, so if you aren't following it

> 100%, it probably wont help you.


> Good Luck!

> -Andy


> Sent from my Blackberry, please excuse any typos


> Got my Diagnosis today



> Hey all,

> Finally went to the GI doc today. He said definetly

> UC, so at least

> that is behind me. It was pretty much what I was

> expecting. Have my

> first scope on Monday, will find out the severity

> at that point, and

> hopefully get some meds. I've been doing really bad

> for the last week

> with up to 20x bloody d a day, even with SCD.

> Although I know Im not

> eating what I should, namely plain chicken broth

> and little else. I got

> flagyl this trip to the doc, anything I should

> expect from this?

> Thanks for any input-







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