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Fw: Common cause of heartburn, plus final notice on tooth soap and thyroid support

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Common cause of heartburn, plus final notice on tooth soap and thyroid support

Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health NewsletterSeptember 21, 2010Dear Reader,Many people don't seem to realize that a primarycause of symptoms of heartburn is a condition calleda hiatal hernia.To learn what a hiatal hernia is, as well as a fewold school, natural remedies that have worked formany people with this health challenge, please feelfree to view:http://drbenkim.com/articles/ hiatal-hernia-treatment.htmIf you have any questions about the jumping, massaging,and stretching techniques that I've described in thepost above, please use the comments section at the bottomof the post.Hope this information is useful to you or a loved one.***A couple of final notices on special supplies atour natural health shop:1. Until 11 am this Friday, September 24, 2010, everyorder for tooth soap, our all-natural tooth and gum cleaner,will be under a 2-for-1 effect.Please note that receipts won't reflect the free jar(s).However many jars of tooth soap you order, we'll doubleit when we go to package your order.If you haven't tried tooth soap, you can learn about ithere:http://drbenkim.com/toothsoap. htmPlease note that tooth soap is free of preservatives, soextra bottles should be stored in the freezer.2. Also until 11 am this coming Friday, our Thyroid Supportformula is available for a deeply discounted price here:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=113Some notes on Thyroid Support:a) The recommended daily dose is 2 tablets, taken in theevening before bed.B) Thyroid Support is designed to nourish and supportthyroid tissue. My experience has been that it's generallyhelpful to people with hypo or hyperthyroidism.c) Regarding iodine, when it comes from a real foodsource, I have found that it's supportive of thyroid health,even in cases of hyperthyroidism, including Graves' Disease.d) My experience has been that it's fine to take ThyroidSupport along with prescription or natural thyroid medication,including synthroid and armour thyroid, though it's prudentin such cases to do a follow-up test to assess thyroidoutput and TSH within three to six months. But thesematters should be discussed with your personal physicianprior to commencing Thyroid Support.***To close, here's a thought on love that caught my eye thismorning:"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simpleand as difficult as that."Not sure who the author of this quote is, but it sure ringstrue for me, especially when I'm not feeling so loving. :)Wishing you and yours many good things today,Ben KimBox 23017, Barrie, ON L4N 7W8, CANADA

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