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Fw: How to keep your wrists, forearms, and elbows healthy

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How to keep your wrists, forearms, and elbows healthy

Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health NewsletterDecember 6, 2010Dear Reader,If you have any health issues surrounding yourelbows, forearms, or wrists, I think that you'llfind the following simple exercises well worthyour while:http://drbenkim.com/elbow- forearm-wrist-exercises.htmPlease note that the exercises in this post can alsolead to improvement in blood circulation and nervetone throughout your upper extremities, so if youhave chronically cold hands or other issues relatedto compromised circulatory or nerve function, I wouldgive the exercises a try.May they serve you well.***I'm often asked to recommend a supplement to supporthealthier hair or nails. Though I firmly believethat the majority of our nutrients should come fromwholesome, balanced meals, over the years, I'veconsistently received positive feedback on ourcomprehensive whole food vitamin and mineral formulawith respect to its effect on hair, nails, and overallsense of well-being.To learn more about this real food and botanicalsformula, view:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=57Here's what one reader had to say about her experiencewith this formula:"When I take this, I get hair growth along my hairlineabove my forhead [sic], plus I have never had long fingernails,but when I take this, they grow strong and long andflexible intead of brittle. I wish I could afford themall the time, because when I run out it takes about twomonths and my nails start to break off again. My energyand well-being is at an all time high when I take thesevitamins and minerals. I can't say enough about them.The best whole food vitamins I have ever taken."---Though the recommended daily dose is six tablets daily,if you're eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, justthree tablets daily can offer plenty of nutritional insurance.https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=57***That's all for today. I hope that you give the exercisesin today's leading post a try - I do them almost daily, andI consider these and other exercises in our archives to besome of the most powerful wellness tools around.A parting thought from Deepak Chopra:"If you are comfortable with being vulnerable, you willattract love."To me, being vulnerable doesn't mean lying down andhaving our ribs kicked in. It means striving to begenuine and emotionally open in relationships that deserveall of our attention.I fully understand that being vulnerable may seemimpossible because there are people out there who don'tmind going on power trips and preying on those whostrive to be gentle and authentic.But hey, my feeling is that we have to do what we thinkis right. As someone once said, how we treat others isour karma, and how others treat us is their karma.Put another way, if someone wants to try to make me feelsmall while I'm trying to be mature, that's on them.Many thanks to those of you who chimed in with yourthoughts on this topic at our facebook page here:http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Dr-Ben-Kim/172806806738Until next time, peace and blessings,Ben KimBox 23017, Barrie, ON L4N 7W8, CANADA

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