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2 stretches to keep your back healthy

Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health NewsletterNovember 26, 2010Dear Reader,Two stretches that I've long wanted to share butnever felt that I could properly describe in wordsare now easily shared with the help of a few pictures.Please feel free to have a look here:http://drbenkim.com/stretches- healthy-back.htmThey may seem simple, and they are after you get thehang of them, but they're also super effective atkeeping the pelvis and trunk limber.Please keep in mind that sometimes, in doing thesestretches, you may feel or hear a pop or a click inyour joints. These clicks are what we call cavitations,and represent gas (oxygen and carbon dioxide) escapingfrom the fluid that lines your joints as your jointsare mobilised through stretching.Cavitations are harmless. In fact, in my experience,they're often a sign that the joints that they'recoming from are working properly. When joints areinjured and surrounded by inflammation, they oftencan't move enough to produce cavitations. Food forthought.***From Our Mailbag:Hi Dr. Kim,I just wanted to thank you for suggesting vitamin Ctherapy for my situation. I megadosed using bothacerola cherries and the tablets. I've noticedbig differences with my gums and legs and even my hairover the past three months. Don't know if it's acoincidence, but I also didn't get sick when everyoneelse in my family had wicked strep throat and colds.I'm going to continue to take both for prevention.Thanks so much,Lynn J.Boston, MA---Lynn is a former client of our fasting program whocontacted me about a number of health challenges thatled me to suspect that she wasn't getting enoughvitamin C.The full vitamin C complex, including bioflavonoids,are critical for tissue healing and maintenance ofblood vessel health. Vitamin C is also essential forbuilding and maintaining immune system strength.If you aren't getting enough vitamin C through yourmeals and you have health challenges associated withpoor tissue healing, you might consider one or bothof the following forms of truly natural vitamin C:Acerola Cherry Powder:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=48100% Whole Food Vitamin C Tablets:https://www.drbenkim.com/ sunshop/index.php?l=product_ detail & p=112***That's all for today. Here's to hoping that thefoolishness that's occurring between North and SouthKorea comes to a screeching stop. It boggles my mindthat humans haven't figured out how to avoid killingone another. But then, I guess this is how it'sbeen since day one or thereabouts.Wishing you and your loved ones peace,Ben KimBox 23017, Barrie, ON L4N 7W8, CANADA

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