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Re: book review

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Having worked a brief stint as a supermarket cashier - I would have

to agree with Kipkabob's assessment - I was never really paying

attention to what people were buying. I was lost in my own thoughts -

when am I gonna get a bathroom break?, etc.etc.

One exception was when I was assigned the 10AM-2PM shift at the

express lanes. Most people were stopping in to buy lunch. One man

brought up two tiny fancy bottles of gourmet mustard, some Elmer's

glue and a package of glitter. I couldn't resist being a smart-aleck

and told him " Gee, that's a funny lunch, Mister! " . He laughed and

explained that he was buying supplies for an art project to do with

his kids. The bottles would be emptied and turned over on their lids

and the other two ingredients used to make snow globes!!!


> I thought I'd mention a book that some of you might be interested

in.  It's called The Fat Girl's Guide to Life by Shanker.  It's

not an intuitive eating book though I think that it compliments it

nicely.  It's more of an " I'm fat and happy the way I am so screw

dieting and being miserable " type of book.  I first read it in 2005

right after I quit Weight Watchers (for the first time!) and it

was the first book I read that suggested that it's not the end of the

world to be fat.  I read this a year before I learned about IE.  I

bought my own copy awhile back and wanted to finish reading it before

I mentioned it here.  Most of it goes well with IE but there is some

diet stuff- mainly her discussing the diets she has been on and her

time at the Duke Diet & Fitness Centre.  One thing I didn't like was

she talks about when she was on phen-fen and how she lost weight and

would go back on it if she could.  I kept dog earing pages to type

> up here for you guys and I got a lot- too much to type!  I'll try

and pick a few of the best stuff.


> -Stop taking cues from others-whether they are fashion editors or

people you know- and let yourself set your

standards.....Try this: " well here I am.  Maybe I'd like to be in the

process of change, but today I'm in this body.  So why not work with

myself instead of against myself? "   Right now, try to honor the skin

you're in. 


> -You've been so embarrassed to be in your big body for so long that

you're used to hiding.  You try to make yourself look smaller by

rolling your shoulders down and leaning and hiding behind tables. 

Stop that, already.  Everyone knows how big you are.  You know how

big you are.  No one gives a shit.  Stand up straight.  Support your

back.  Look proud.  Look entitled.  You are.


> -For a long time I was incredibly nervous about going through the

checkout line at the supermarket.  I'd assume that the checkout lady

would be silently evaluating my groceries: " She could use more

vegetables...Is the girl going to eat all of this tonight?....She

should put the frozen yogurt back and pick the bagels OR the

oatmeal. "   Maybe she is.  More likely she's wondering when the hell

her shift is over and should she grab some of that cereal on sale to

take home to her family.  Either way, what I buy is none of her

concern.  She can think whatever she wants.  Same thing in a

restaurant.  I'd order ranch dressing (on the side, of course),

knowing that the waitress thinks that I should stick with oil and

vinegar.  I finally realized that it's not her job to decide what I

should and shouldn't be putting in my mouth- it's just her job to

bring it to me. 


> She also mentions the option of taking a bath instead of eating. 

She figures that fat people must be the cleanest people on earth

because of all the baths they take!  :)



> Kipkabob

> (Intuitive eating since September 2006)





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