Guest guest Posted September 15, 2008 Report Share Posted September 15, 2008 Dawnz, Thank you thank you!! It really helps to hear that. I will be making another favorite dessert today after work - Pnut butter balls!! I realize I have to legalize these types of foods before my "fear" and negative thinking around them fade away. But my goodness, it is scary. I'm determined, however, to completely recover from disordered eating and I truly beleive that IE is the way for me to do this. My instincts are leading me on this path. My intuition says "stick with it". So I will. I guess I was hoping I would be the one person who didn't have to go thru the complete "legalizing" of all foods! Yup, a true case of terminal uniqueness LOL! Oh well. Thanks! Kim IE since Aug 08 Subject: Re: fear!!To: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 11:23 PM Kim,Interestingly I am just coming off of The South Beach Diet, where youare required to strictly watch both carbs and sugars. I too hadmoments since I started IE, where I lost it and went crazy with thesweets (not that you have yet, but I'm getting the impression you areclose:)). I've not been limiting anything and today I was hungry andreally craving a piece of toast with real butter and provolone cheese.So I had it. Then I sat there. I was completely satisfied. And it made me think. Was I craving sugar like a crazy woman againbecause of this toast like the South Beach plan led me to believewould happen? Honestly, NO. And I just sat there and realized how muchI had fed into thinking that one thing or another was going to causeme to go off the deep end, when in reality, I think that what causedme to go on eating sprees was the fact that I was depriving myself tobegin with. So go ahead and have those oreo balls. Heck, have them every singletime you feel hunger for the next week!! Eat them and eat them. I knowin my heart that if you do this faithfully, those things are going tolose their "magic" appeal very quickly. Because in the end it's notabout the food having some "power" over us, it's about the fact thatdeprivation breeds desire, and that at our core, we really, truly DOknow what we need. :0Now..I need to re-read this. For myself. And keep repeating it. ;)dawnzIEing since Aug. 08>> Hi everyone,> > I have been struggling with fear today. Fear that I'm eating "allwrong". I know what has brought this on. I made a dessert this weekend- Oreo Cookie Balls. I was given the recipe and a sample by acoworker. Well, in the spirit of having what I like in the house andlegalizing all foods, I made them. I ate them from taste hunger andloved them!! I figured if I ate them for physical hunger, I'd get sickfrom the sugar - I do notice that too much sugar makes me feelsick/yucky and not nourished. But now I'm scared!! I'm letting sugarback in my body and I'm scared. I've been in OA for 10 months - I hadno sugar for 8 months. I do realize that too much of it makes me feelcrappy. I don't feel I overate the Cookie Balls...My head is in a bigmess about this. I need some support here. I'm on the verge of noteating sugar again 'cuz the Diet Police and screaming at me!!! I cantrust myself with this, can;t I???> > AARRRGGGHHH! ! This is hard! > > Kim> IE since Aug 08> > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 15, 2008 Report Share Posted September 15, 2008 Katcha, Since I didn't have time to make the pnutbutter balls, but still wanted a "goodie", I bought a cupcake and some yummy looking italian dessert thing. Now, the best part here is, I only wanted the top of the cupcake, and the inner cream of the other thing. So that's all I ate!! Normally, I would made myself eat the whole thing so I "deserved" the favorite parts. When I was done eating the parts I liked, I threw out the rest!! I felt fine. Not full, not gross, nothing. I felt absolutely fine. Just thought I'd share that! Oh, and yes, there is chocolate in the pnutbutter balls - sometimes they are called Buckeyes. Kim IE since Aug 08 Subject: Re: fear!!To: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 11:33 AM Yea for you Kim!! Conquering a fear is fabulous and you will rewardyourself in ways you can't imagine now. Doesn't it seem like when youhave battled a 'demon' that you find out it was a kitty cat in lion'sclothing? Peanut butter balls sound tempting to me too - do they havechocolate in them a la Reese's taste?!? OH MY! - lions and tiger andbears - he he.ehugs, KatchaIEing since March 2007>> Dawnz,> Thank you thank you!! It really helps to hear that. I will be makinganother favorite dessert today after work - Pnut butter balls!! Irealize I have to legalize these types of foods before my "fear" andnegative thinking around them fade away. But my goodness, it is scary.> > I'm determined, however, to completely recover from disorderedeating and I truly beleive that IE is the way for me to do this. Myinstincts are leading me on this path. My intuition says "stick withit". So I will. > > I guess I was hoping I would be the one person who didn't have to gothru the complete "legalizing" of all foods! Yup, a true case ofterminal uniqueness LOL! Oh well.> > Thanks!> Kim> IE since Aug 08 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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