Guest guest Posted March 5, 2008 Report Share Posted March 5, 2008 Britany Larsen Dear SCD Pals w/UC, My name is Britany Larsen, and I wanted to share some information with youand the readers of your blog about a program to raise awareness and supportfor ulcerative colitis (UC), Celebrating UC Success.The web is a place to get inspiration and support from others touched bydigestive health issues. The Celebrating UC Successprogram, from TheCrohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, in partnership with Procter & Gamble (P & G) Pharmaceuticals, is a way for people (patients, healthcareproviders, families and friends) to share their success stories, educateand inspire others.Through March 14th at 10:00 p.m. EST, you and your readers can share yourstory and enter the Celebrating UC Successcontest at who enters will be recognized with a prize, and grand prizewinners will receive a two-day trip for two to the Foundation’s NationalAdvocacy Conference, “IBD Day on the Hill,” in Washington, D.C.We’d also like to offer you the opportunity to interview the spokespersonfor the campaign, Josh Reineke, for your blog. Josh is a great “real” guywith a very inspiring story. For more information on Josh and theCelebrating UC Successprogram, please contact me. I've included theofficial rules below as well.Thank you so much for your time,Britany LarsenAccount ExecutiveMS & L Digital1675 BroadwayNew York, NY 10019britany.larsen@...Official RulesPrizes1. Participants - Everyone who submits an essay will receive a certificateof appreciation, recognizing their achievements and inspiration to the UCcommunity. Plus, all participants will receive a copy of Comfort Zones,published by P & G in collaboration with It’s aconvenient pocket-sized guide that lists the locations of over 430 publicrestrooms in 15 major U.S. cities.2. Semi-finalists – Up to 20 semi-finalists will receive a one-yearmembership to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. Currently theCCFA has over 50,000 members, served by ournational headquarters, as well as over 40 chapters nationwide.3. Finalists – The contest winners will receive a 3-day/2-night trip fortwo to CCFA’s National Advocacy Conference “IBD Day on the Hill” held inWashington DC in May 2008. The winners will receive round-trip airfare,hotel accommodations and $250 spending money.JudgingEssay entries will be judged on originality, sincerity, creativity and theappropriateness to the Celebrating UC Success theme. Preliminary judgingwill be conducted by D.L. Blair, who will select approximately 10-20semi-finalist entries for final review.The final judging will be conducted by members of The CCFA chapter staff.The judges will select five patients, one friend/family member and onehealthcare provider as the contest winners. The winners will be notified byphone/mail by D.L. Blair.LegalAll participants will be required to complete a publicity release andrelinquish their essay as the sole property of P & G and the CCFA forauthorized reproduction and use as both parties see fit, including use inprint or broadcast materials, media promotion and on each party’srespective Web sites. These releases will be jointly stored by CCFA andP & G.All patient finalists will have to have a diagnosis of UC verified by aphysician before the final award is received. Physician and family/friendfinalists will not need to have a diagnosis of UC. Patient finalists willnot be required to have a prescription for any UC therapy, including thosemanufactured by P & G Pharmaceuticals. Finalists will be required tocomplete an affidavit verifying that he/she holds all rights to theoriginal essay submitted, that the essay has not been previously published,has not won a previous prize or award and that he/she has followed theofficial contest rules.Open to residents of the United States (all 50 states) and the District ofColumbia, 18 years of age or older at time of entry, who are UC patients,family members/friends of a UC patient or UC healthcare providers. Voidwhere prohibited. See official rules (by which all entrants are bound) forfull details, including prize information. Sponsors: The Procter & GambleDistributing LLC,One P & G Plaza, Cincinnati, OH 45202, USA; The Crohn’s and ColitisFoundation of America, 386 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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