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Hi, all! I am " new " to this list (I was a member about 6 months back, but

unsubbed, since we weren't " trying " at that time). Anyway, here are my

stats - I had Proximal Open RNY on 12/1/98 at 330#. My surgeon told me to

expect to get to about 180-185#. At the time of my TT/Life/Arms on 05/15/00

(18 months post op) I weighed 176#. One month later I hit 165 (my personal

goal - 1/2 of my starting weight) and have been floating back and forth

between 160-165 since then. I think I have " bottomed " out and am VERY happy

where I am. Well, my husband and I were just married on 10/08/00. We have

been together for 5+ years, and we stopped BC as soon as we were married.

My cycle has always been regular and I normally have NO problem telling when

I am ovulating. So...here I am counting days, taking temperatures, etc. I

have some questions for you " experienced " women - 1) what about morning

sickness - since we really don't " vomit " , what have some of your experiences

been? What about weight gain and eating - I normally eat about 1500

calories a day (and I don't exercise) - what have you all been doing to

ensure that your baby is getting everything he/she needs? Is it OK to

continue with protein supplements (Designer Protein)while you are

pregnant/trying? Any other advice? Thanks in advance - I am looking

forward to being part of this group!



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  • 1 month later...


I can tell you surgery will help you get prego. I had one child and after

her I was up to 370 pounds........stayed there for over 2 yrs and had surgery

this past Feb2000. I got prego in July and cant wait for our new baby to


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Hey ta,

I had always been told, since the age of 18, that I would probably

never be able to get pregnant due to my obesity. Well, I had my

surgery on 9-11 of this year, and I am now 9 weeks and 2 days

pregnant. No, we didn't plan on this, we were going to wait the

customary 1 to 1 1/2 years before even trying. Well, needless to

say, to late. My husband and I are very happy and excited about the

pregnancy. So, already the surgery has been well worth it.


> Hello Everyone,


> My name is ta I am 28 years old and 6 days pre-op (RNY). I am

> very excited about the possibility of having a child in the nesr

> future because I have suffered weight related infertility for a few

> yesrs now. My husband and I are looking forward to having at least

> two children. As my surgery date approaches I am becoming more and

> more nervous but I ahve odne so much research and I feel that this


> my last hope so I am just trying to remain calm.


> I would like to thank everyone in this group for sharing their

> stories because it has given me more hope than I have had in long

> time. I guess I had almost given up on the idea of becoming a


> even after my OB/GYN told me that significant weight loss would

> drastically increase my chances of have a healthy pregnancy. I


> didn't see how I was going to loose the weight. Well I guess


> it for now thanks again.


> ta

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Hi ta,

My name is Kenya and you can say that I am in the same boat as you. I was

told by my PCP that I should easily get pregant and surgery is one of my

main reasons for going forward with the surgery that and the fact that I

have never been thin. It is something that I look forward to. I keep having

this fantasy of my husband picking me up and carrying me everywhere. I know

its silly but he has never been able to carry me over a theshold and this is

something I like forward too.

LOve and God bless,


New Member

Hello Everyone,

My name is ta I am 28 years old and 6 days pre-op (RNY). I am

very excited about the possibility of having a child in the nesr

future because I have suffered weight related infertility for a few

yesrs now. My husband and I are looking forward to having at least

two children. As my surgery date approaches I am becoming more and

more nervous but I ahve odne so much research and I feel that this is

my last hope so I am just trying to remain calm.

I would like to thank everyone in this group for sharing their

stories because it has given me more hope than I have had in long

time. I guess I had almost given up on the idea of becoming a mother

even after my OB/GYN told me that significant weight loss would

drastically increase my chances of have a healthy pregnancy. I just

didn't see how I was going to loose the weight. Well I guess that's

it for now thanks again.


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hi and welcome.

im julie. i am a new mommy to kristen. i have been married 5 years in

april. i had infertility problems due to my weight and got pregnant very

fast after surgery. please, be careful and wait the recommended time. i

cant speak too loudly cuz i didnt. it was a rough ride though.

good luck as your surgery date comes soon.


New Member

Hello Everyone,

My name is ta I am 28 years old and 6 days pre-op (RNY). I am

very excited about the possibility of having a child in the nesr

future because I have suffered weight related infertility for a few

yesrs now. My husband and I are looking forward to having at least

two children. As my surgery date approaches I am becoming more and

more nervous but I ahve odne so much research and I feel that this is

my last hope so I am just trying to remain calm.

I would like to thank everyone in this group for sharing their

stories because it has given me more hope than I have had in long

time. I guess I had almost given up on the idea of becoming a mother

even after my OB/GYN told me that significant weight loss would

drastically increase my chances of have a healthy pregnancy. I just

didn't see how I was going to loose the weight. Well I guess that's

it for now thanks again.


Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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it is fun being picked up and carried. at first it scared me but now he

does it just because he knows he can : )


New Member

Hello Everyone,

My name is ta I am 28 years old and 6 days pre-op (RNY). I am

very excited about the possibility of having a child in the nesr

future because I have suffered weight related infertility for a few

yesrs now. My husband and I are looking forward to having at least

two children. As my surgery date approaches I am becoming more and

more nervous but I ahve odne so much research and I feel that this is

my last hope so I am just trying to remain calm.

I would like to thank everyone in this group for sharing their

stories because it has given me more hope than I have had in long

time. I guess I had almost given up on the idea of becoming a mother

even after my OB/GYN told me that significant weight loss would

drastically increase my chances of have a healthy pregnancy. I just

didn't see how I was going to loose the weight. Well I guess that's

it for now thanks again.


eGroups Sponsor

Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3


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Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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p.s....gives a whole new meaning to being swept off your feet!!!


New Member

Hello Everyone,

My name is ta I am 28 years old and 6 days pre-op (RNY). I am

very excited about the possibility of having a child in the nesr

future because I have suffered weight related infertility for a few

yesrs now. My husband and I are looking forward to having at least

two children. As my surgery date approaches I am becoming more and

more nervous but I ahve odne so much research and I feel that this is

my last hope so I am just trying to remain calm.

I would like to thank everyone in this group for sharing their

stories because it has given me more hope than I have had in long

time. I guess I had almost given up on the idea of becoming a mother

even after my OB/GYN told me that significant weight loss would

drastically increase my chances of have a healthy pregnancy. I just

didn't see how I was going to loose the weight. Well I guess that's

it for now thanks again.


eGroups Sponsor

Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3


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Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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hi and welcome.

i am julie. i am 1year 4month post op. i am a new mommy of 3 months. i am

down 155 lbs and feel great!!! good luck to you in your new venture. its

well worth the trip!!


New Member

Hello everyone,

My name is Kenya and I am new to the list. I live in Atlanta with my

loving husband of four years. We both rededicated our lives to the

Lord back in 1998, when we moved from New York to Atlanta. We have

had our ups and downs spiritually,financially and through the

marriage and the Lord has seen us through and it seems as though we

are going through a time of reaping


I love young people, especially teen-agers and am a youth leader at

my church. My husband and I want to have children but haven't been

blessed yet with them and I feel I need to weigh less in order to run

around and take care of them. I have been called all kinds of names

and felt rejected especially by Christians growing up in a religious


I never considered surgery until I saw Lou's testimony. Looking

at the before pictures of her made me realize that I look exactly

like her and I don't want to look and feel that way any longer. I am

26 years old and have been labeled as morbidly obese all my life,

weighing 106 at 6, 215 at 9, 300 at 13 and 409 at 16. I have been

considering getting surgery for the last month or so. The reason

being is that I am a diabetic and my doctor told me that I have

become insulin resistant. Because my diabetes is weight related,

losing weight would insure that I would get rid of my diabetes. Along

with my medical reasons I am considering having the surgery because I

have come to a place where I have accepted myself, more than that, I

have accepted the fact that I am loved and those people who don't

love the inside of me, I don't need to have them in my life anyway.

The point is that I am ready to start living the fun and active life

that God intended for me and my family to have, this will be a

generational curse that is broken and I can't wait to start living!!!!

I have my first appointment with a surgeon December 14, I am excited

and scared. I know I have been out of control for too long. I have

prayed and will continue to pray that I am making the right decision.

I have many questions about pregancy but I will ask them later after

I get to know ya'll better.

Ready to start living actively in Christ,


Let the weak say I am strong!

Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 02/10/2001 1:12:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

darceerenee@... writes:

<< I am 15 wks pregnant and 9 months post op from a fobi pouch. I am a

little concerned with my lack of weight gain. I have lost 5 lbs

since finding out about my pregnancy. >>

Unless your dr is worried, dont worry. I lost 25 pounds over the first 4

months. Make sure you dr. does u/s monthly to monitor the baby for growth

(mine does) and that way they wont force you to gain or make you feel badly

for losing if you are eating all you can. I eat tons of food and have not

gained any of that back so Im at a loss for my pregnancy. Im 33 wks now and

the baby is nearly 5 lbs. I see a high risk specialist and she is very

pleased. As long as the baby does not stop growing all is fine!

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First of all- DON " T PANIC! Are you calm now? (yeah right) lol- I was 10

months post op from Open RNY and lost 3 pounds in the first few weeks of

pregnancy and contined losing inches (although not weight) until I was 5

months pregnant (everywhere but my belly. I was about 25 to 30# from goal

when I got pregnant- so this is probably why. I'm sure with the weight loss

you doc will do an ultrasound to make sure the baby is growing right. And,

although we did have weightloss surgery- our bodies do know we are pregnant-

and the baby still takes what it needs first- so you need to concern

yourself with you-too! Try tiny meals or snacking throughout the day- or

drinking with your meals- anyway to sneak in the nutrients- if that is what

your doc wants- it can be done. I manage to eat almost 2500 calories a day-

although now that I've gained 6 1/2 (the 3 I lost plus 3 more) pounds now

(I'm 7 months pg), now I worry about gaining back all my pre-surery weight-

will the worries ever end?

The pain you are having could be what I had- with pregnancy the digestive

process slows down in an attempt to store more calories- and we get

constipated easily. Even though I would still have a small BM it turns out

that my bowels weren't emptying everything and I had pockets of fecal

material stuck in my colon which runs from your cheast to your left rib cage

and down into the retum. Once I took a mild laxitive (or if I eat too much

sugar) I start bm-ing like crazy and the pain went away, So If I find myself

now not eliminating as much as I think I should- I make sure to sort of

" dump " by using food to clean myself out- or if that doesn't work- Correctal

sems to work gently and safely.

I'm sure you know the symptoms of pre-ecclampsia- so all I will mention is-

it is a little early for you to be showing signs of it already. Do you have

protien in your urine? Are you swelling? Is your blood pressure up? Even

though you have had weight loss surgery- you can still gain weight/retain

water if you are developing pre-ecclamsia- so don't try to worry too much

till you and your doc figure all this out.Headaches and migranes are also

-by themselves- a sign of pregnancy- without being tied to pre-ecclampsia.

Hope this helps a little till you have you answers!

a Sisson

Open RNY 10/14/99 @313#

Now 179 1/2 # and 7 months pregnant

>From: darceerenee@...

>Reply-To: OSSG-pregnant

>To: OSSG-pregnant

>Subject: New member

>Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 06:12:02 -0000


>I am 15 wks pregnant and 9 months post op from a fobi pouch. I am a

>little concerned with my lack of weight gain. I have lost 5 lbs

>since finding out about my pregnancy. I suffered a lot of nausea,

>and had a lot of dizziness, which has lessened in the last 2 wks. My

>dr is concered with a severe upper abdominal pain that I am having

>which is accompanied by migranes. Since I have had pre-ecclampsia

>with a previous pregnancy, she is now very concered about symptoms.

>If anyone has any advice for me it would be very welcome.



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congratulations and welcome.


New member

I am 15 wks pregnant and 9 months post op from a fobi pouch. I am a

little concerned with my lack of weight gain. I have lost 5 lbs

since finding out about my pregnancy. I suffered a lot of nausea,

and had a lot of dizziness, which has lessened in the last 2 wks. My

dr is concered with a severe upper abdominal pain that I am having

which is accompanied by migranes. Since I have had pre-ecclampsia

with a previous pregnancy, she is now very concered about symptoms.

If anyone has any advice for me it would be very welcome.

Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jackie S.

Welcome, did you subscribe to daily e-mails, this is a fun way to keep up on

all the posts. I am also somewhat new to the group. I signed up about one

month ago and I had WLS, 1/99 and have two children pre surgery and am trying

for our third post op. I am a little nervous of what a pregnancy will be like

with such a small stomach but feel it can't be any worse that having a

pregnancy 100lbs over weight. Good luck to you and I will look forward to

your posts.

Thereasa in Oregon

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welcome and best of luck to you.


New Member

Hello all! I just want to introduce myself and tell everyone a little

bit about me. My name is Jackie, I am 29 , I live in Indianapolis

Indiana..anyone else near here? I am married going on 8 years with

one son who will be 6 next month. I had the RNY on Oct.20, 2000 and

have lost 101 pounds to this point. Like many of you I have tried for

many years to get pregnant again with no luck, but my husband and I

are very excited to try it again after the weight loss. I saw this

site and thought It would give us some insight on any special needs,

and or problems that might arise for us wls patients. Hope to get to

know many of you! And I look forward to hearing about how things have

gone for any of you! Jackie S.

Children are a reward from the Lord.

Psalm 127:3

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  • 1 year later...

Hi dtcs,

I didn't see it. And, like that saying goes, " If after first you don't

succeed, try try again. "

- Edith

One of the Moderators / WelcomeToOz Family of NonBP Email Support Groups

" twhorsesrule " wrote:


> Being new I wrote " our story " then pressed " post " instead of send -

> did you get it?


> Let me know - thanks - dtcs@...


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I too am beginning to go down that road of genetics first and environments


Just Saturday I was reading from


It was talking about Neurotransmitters and I found it to be very interesting.

There is so much they still do not know about mental illiness.


new member

> Hi all - I did an intro and accidently deleted it - duh. Here goes

> number two! I have a 23 year old daughter who was diagnosed with BPD

> last year. She is very high functioning - a first year medical

> student - so it has been very confusing to live through

> the " episodes " that are characteristic of this disorder. It's like

> having some shameful secret - and always waiting for the other shoe

> to drop. SO we were actually happy to have a name and the hope that

> can come from understanding.


> I'm a recovering alcoholic (almost 11 years now) and have been

> custodial parent for my daughter and son for all but a few years of

> my non-BP son's high school years. SO I'm pretty easy to " blame " when

> anything is wrong with the kids. Actually I do recognize myself in

> some of the feelings attributed to BPD. I seriously wonder about my

> children's dad - reading about being married to a BP was VERY

> familiar, even tho we have been apart since my kids were 5 (BP

> daughter) and 3 (non-BP son).


> I look forward to learning and sharing (I find in the materials that

> there a few no no's that I used to do pretty consistently - and she

> would come apart - didn't make sense until now.)







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  • 6 months later...

Tell me, what is 5-HTP? my daugher, 16, has BPD. She is now only on zoloft,

150 mg, antidepressent, as this is what she started with before being diag.

w/bpd, then onto an eating disorder, which she has now gotten under control.

we spent 2 1/2 yrs, in and out of six different facilities, putting her mood

controling drugs, which we have totally stopped. Seems the zoloft is working

good all by itself. She goes to therapy every week. This also helps her, and

she likes this therapist, after having gone through quite a few of those too,

until we found one she could relate to. She no longer cuts, and is almost back

to her old happy, artistic self. School is around the corner, so we will


Good luck


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Debbie, 5-HTP is " Nature's Serotonin Solution " according to one book. It is

promoted as a natural Prozac or Paxil and the studies are weak, at best. I took

my daughter off of everything for a year and can tell you that there was

absolutely no difference.


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Have you tried Trileptal (I think that's the right spelling). My daughter is

having a great deal of success with it, having been switched off Depecot (sp.)

due to big weight gain problems. You do need to work with a psychiatrist or MD

that is pretty savy as Trileptal is usually used in Epilepsy and thus those not

familiar with it may not be comfortable prescribing an adequately large dose.

Hope this helps,


New member



Hi-I am the parent of a 17 yr. old girl who we have discovered may be more <BR>

BPD than just Bipolar.<BR>


We have gone thru every antidepressant, antipsychotic, and every mood <BR>

stabilizer, it seems with horrendous results-weight gain, acne, loss of



She is now off all meds and we have her on a good vitamin regimen and will <BR>

start trying 5-HTP.<BR>


I am interested to read how other people cope. I have read " I Hate you-don't


leave me " and " Stop Walking on Eggshells " . <BR>





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