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Questions from Concerned Mom

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My son was diagnosed with Crohns this January spending 21 days in the

hospital. He was down to 87 pounds at 5'7 " Lucky to find SCD info,

he has been on SCD for 2 months and doing very well on the diet, up

to 113 pounds now. He has a different symptom where he experienced

no diarrhea, had some constipation with severe high stomach pain. He

actually had very few symptoms until the flare up - some stomach

aches when he jogged just a few weeks before.

He is still anemic and low on zinc - does he still have an underlying

problem that is not being addressed? If you are low on zince do you

have a high chance of getting fistulas? Will taking specific

supplements, iron and zinc sulfate, be a problem for his intestines?

He is still on lots of drugs, prednisone 5mg every other day;

omeprazole 60 mg/day); azathioprine 75mg/day: Asacol 800mg/day; and

stool softener 1/day). Any comments to help his recovery?

He is a vegetarian - any other vegetarians that have suggestions on

staying healthy with SCD diet. Any good bean recipes? He was able

to gain back his weight with no problem and is keeping his weight on

as he becomes more active. He would like to start running again -

any suggestions of what signs to watch for as you increase physical


He seems to tolerate all SCD foods very well, but has noticed when he

eats the banana bread or pancakes, his stomach does not feel good.

Anyone exerpience this problem too? Otherwise, no other foods bother

him. Has anyone determine what foods are best to eat at what time of


Ben is very faithful to the SCD diet, loves chips and tortillas, any

good recipes?

Thank you for this great list serve.

and Ben

Crohns 3 months

SCD 2 months

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Just to say I've been on the diet for a year and a half but I still can't eat lentils (I haven't even tried beans). I don't eat dairy, so I get my protein from eggs and the nut butters. Too much nut butter can overload the liver and give you pain in the stomach area. I limit myself to three cookies or the equivalent a day. Not easy!!

digestive problems for ever

CD diagnosed Sept 2006

SCD since Oct 2006

No meds

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Hi and Ben,I'm going to answer what I can in the body of your email,

He is still anemic and low on zinc - does he still have an underlying

problem that is not being addressed? If you are low on zince do you

have a high chance of getting fistulas? Will taking specific

supplements, iron and zinc sulfate, be a problem for his intestines?

Elaine recommended not taking iron supplements. They can wreak havoc on the gut, see http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/knowledge_base/kb/iron_supplements.htmI've never heard of low zinc meaning you have a higher chance of developing fistulas. There are legal vitamins sold at, http://www.lucyskitchenshop.com/freedavitamins.html Elaine recommended one each of the multi-vitamin and the B complex with C and zinc per day. As with anything, he should start slowly and see how his body reacts. Anemia has been discussed recently

on the list. One of the suggestions for those who don't eat meat is to use cast iron cookware and put a squeeze of lemon or orange juice on whatever you're cooking.

He seems to tolerate all SCD foods very well, but has noticed when he

eats the banana bread or pancakes, his stomach does not feel good.

Anyone exerpience this problem too? Otherwise, no other foods bother

him. Has anyone determine what foods are best to eat at what time of


Are those the only nut flour (or nut butter) items he eats? Maybe he can't tolerate the nut flour (or nut butter) yet.I'm not real sure about what foods are best at certain times of the day. It has been recommended to eat several small meals throughout the day to maintain energy, weight, avoid hunger, maintain blood sugar levels, etc. I think what he eats will depend on him and what he tolerates best.

Ben is very faithful to the SCD diet, loves chips and tortillas, any

good recipes? There is a good recipe in the SCD cookbook, Eat Well Feel Well for tortillas and tortilla chips. I like making taco shells from grated cheese. You grate whatever type of legal cheese you want, put a thin layer on a coated paper plate and put it in the microwave for a few seconds longer than it takes the cheese to melt. Take it out and fold the plate in half, don't crease it, and pin the two sides of the plate together with a clothes pin and let it cool that way. When you open it up, it'll be in the shape of a taco shell. You can also do chips this way and just don't fold the paper plate in half. For chips, you could also put the grated cheese on a cookie sheet and bake for a little while and let it cool and break into pieces.If he isn't tolerating nut flour or

nut butters, this may be the best thing to do until he can tolerate those things because the recipe in the cookbook is made from cashew butter.Hope this helps.Best wishes,Kim H.husband, , CD 1999SCD 2002

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