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Re: Germany trip

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Hi Jodi,

Grammy sent me your e-mail address. I'll write more later today, it's

dinner time where I live ;-).

Best, Sabine

CD, SCD 5 years.


> anyone do this diet in germany?

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hehe.. thanks..

my husband corrected me (he says for the fifth time) that we are

flying out of newark on saturday the 22nd arriving in hamburg on

sunday the 23rd- so i guess there will be no shopping after all! only

on that following tuesday!

bon apetite! i should learn how to say that in german!


> >

> > anyone do this diet in germany?


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Hi Jodi,

where to buy organic (bio) in Hamburg:


opening hours: Öffnungszeiten/Oeffnungszeiten

So (abbr): Sunday

O with 2 dots on top: oe


Lidl Supermarkt (supermarket)

Reeperbahn 157

20359 Hamburg-St. i/St. i


Mo. - Sa. 7-23 Uhr / So. 10-20 Uhr


PLZ: Zip code

They sell fresh fruit, veggies, and meat/poultry. So you will not go

hungry Easter Sunday.

You can safely buy any kind of meat, poultry, and fish in Germany.

" they only had 11 new messages and these groups have way more

activity "

??? They? Hey, that's US! And WE got lots of cheeses, not to mention

OUR safe labelling and more. Now, really...

Please bring your own yoghurt maker plus voltage converter.


Yoghurt (starter): Landliebe Joghurt original. Please do not

use " Landliebe mild " because it contains bifidus. To be found at

almost every super market, try Edeka.

Total Greek yoghurt is also safe to use.

No need to bring butter, and nut butters - just make sure you have

enough to eat during the trip. Eggs are save to use, better buy

organic. No problems regarding salmonella.

Our organic shops (see above) sell nut butters (Rapunzel).

Mustard: Dijon Senf by " Arche " (organic), or Maille.

What to avoid, when you read the small print:

sugar: Zucker

spices: Gewürze/Gewuerze



Restaurants: Besides Fischküche, try to find an Italian restaurant

near you and don't be shy to ask. You might find fish, tomatoes and

spinach, and a lot of understanding.



Just an idea, why not, just ask. I would.

Where to buy fish & sea food:


Mühlenkamp 17

22303 Hamburg

040 2708077 (Phone)


English is a common language in Hamburg. You might want to take a

print-out of the following when eating out , though; I always do:

" Aufgrund einer sehr schweren Allergie kann ich bestimmte Dinge nicht

essen. Ich danke Ihnen schon im Voraus fuer Ihre freundliche Hilfe

und bedaure, Ihnen Umstaende zu machen!

Das kann ich nicht essen:

Getreide, Cerealien, Mehl, Brot, Nudeln, Staerke, Gluten,


Pfeilwurz, Kartoffeln, Suesskartoffeln, Mais, getrocknete Bohnen,


Sojasauce, Tamarinde;

Zucker, Melasse, Mais- und Ahornsirup;

Laktose, Milch, Sahne, Buttermilch, Yoghurt, Margarine;

Gewuerzmischungen, Zwiebel- und Knoblauchpulver, Industrie- und


Geraeucherte, eingesalzene oder sonstige industriell bearbeitete

Fleisch- und


Gemuese und Obst aus Dosen;

Balsam-Essig, Bruehwürfel, Instant-Suppenbasen, zugekaufter Fond,


Agar, Carragen, Backpulver, Instant-Cafe bzw. Tee, Schokolade, Kakao,

Carob, Bier.

Das kann ich essen:

Fleisch, Gefluegel, Fisch, Meerestiere, Eier, alle anderen Gemüse,


Nuesse und Mandeln, alten Hartkäse, alle anderen Essige, Honig,


Wein. "

Where to go, very beautiful: Cafe Engel http://www.restaurant-

engel.de/index.php. Just have a cup of tea and enjoy.

Have a save trip, additional questions are welcome.

Enjoy, Sabine

SCD Germany

CD, SCD 5 years

PS: Bon appetit: Guten Apptetit (GOO-tan uppah-TEET). Thank you:



> hehe.. thanks..

> my husband corrected me (he says for the fifth time) that we are

> flying out of newark on saturday the 22nd arriving in hamburg on

> sunday the 23rd- so i guess there will be no shopping after all!


> on that following tuesday!


> bon apetite! i should learn how to say that in german!


> jodi

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Dearest Sabine,

Thank you so much for all of this invaluable information- you are

making my life so much easier, manageable and more organized! My

husband thanks you as well! I am not nearly as nervous now as my only

worry really is getting too hungry! I have a couple of comments..

> where to buy organic (bio) in Hamburg:

Is there a way for you to look up the big Bio-Markt?

I think it is on Strasse?

I don't know if that tells you too much.

> shopping:

> Lidl Supermarkt (supermarket)

> They sell fresh fruit, veggies, and meat/poultry. So you will not go

> hungry Easter Sunday.

They will be open on Easter Sunday?? Fantastic!

> " they only had 11 new messages and these groups have way more

> activity "


> ??? They? Hey, that's US! And WE got lots of cheeses, not to mention

> OUR safe labelling and more. Now, really...

This made me laugh! You are right and I was careless with my words!

LOL!! It is a pleasure going into European Markets and health food

stores I wish the USA would learn. I have never been to Europe on SCD

so I'm concerned. That's ok, all of you guys are making it so much

easier for me.

> English is a common language in Hamburg. You might want to take a

> print-out of the following when eating out , though; I always do:

This is super handy!

> PS: Bon appetit: Guten Apptetit (GOO-tan uppah-TEET). Thank you:

> dunkeshoin.

I do remember that they say " cheous " in Hamburg (and the North) when

you say goodbye!

Now, only for the pronunciation!

I wonder if you know about the area we are staying in and if it is

decent and not a dump? (boy that has happened in the past LOL!)

I can email you the map link off-list- but since you wrote St. i

in the Lidel link I thought perhaps you might know or are willing to


I am sure they have Reform Haus near the area too? If not we will

stop in one when we visit our friends when they get back from vacation!

If I purchase fruits and vegetables in a regular supermarket are there

any in particular I should look out for that might be heavily sprayed?

I am very sensitive to spray.

Also, I would like to buy organic eggs so all I have to do is make

sure it says " BIO " on it? I rather not get any with added vitamins or

Omega's as they do here and put it in to the hens feed.

Once again, appreciation is hard to put in words.. My deepest thanks!!

I am so happy this diet is enabling me to live a little. It has been

dark in my life for way too many years. Thank you everyone for

helping.. Thank you Elaine and Dr. Haas.


SCD 5 months


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Dear Jodi,

you're welcome!

> I wonder if you know about the area we are staying in and if it is

> decent and not a dump? (boy that has happened in the past LOL!)

> I can email you the map link off-list

Yes, please do! sabine.magdalena.buettner@...

My family and I are still collecting ideas; I just remembered a shop

where you might find good cheeses. :-)

See you later,


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