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Gillian, Love Your Body Day & a special gift

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Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share this with you since it’s very relevant to

Intuitive Eating and I’m sure many of you are not on my list. This email

references a second email with a special offer coming Tuesday or Wednesday. I

will post it here as well for those who are interested, but for everyone who is

new, please know this isn’t a forum for me to constantly promote myself,

I only share things that may be of value to members. J I will be

back on the group later this week and look forward to meeting all our new

people and offering my support and guidance.

I'm sending a special

note before I get my week started to wish you a Happy Love Your Body Day! Depending on your

source, it is celebrated this year on the 15th, 17th, or 18th, so I figured the

whole week is open to celebration. (See below for a special gift just for you!)

This is the first time I have heard of Love Your Body Day, but according to

their website, " NOW's Love Your Body

Day Campaign has addressed the advertising industry's portrayal of women and

its influence on body image since 1997 " . Love them or hate

them, politics aside, the National Organization for Women has a really great

movement going with Love Your Body Day.

For more information about the celebration and what you can do, visit the Love

Your Body Day website: http://loveyourbody.nowfoundation.org/. Keep in mind that NOW is a

group with some controversial views and values, so take what works for you and

leave the rest. :) There is a lot of good information about women's body image.

Here are some of my favorite body image-related sites around the internet. If

you have another, please let me know!

The Judgment of Paris: http://www.judgmentofparis.com/

A Short History of the Ideal Female Body: http://www.healthbolt.net/2006/12/27/a-short-history-of-the-ideal-female-body/

(note: contains some disturbing images)

Adios Barbie: http://www.adiosbarbie.com/

The Joy Project: http://www.joyproject.org/overcoming/inspirational.html

Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty (my personal

favorite!): http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com

A couple gifts for you:

I usually include these in my client's workbooks in the Body Esteem section.

First is the Body Image Questionnaire.

If you would like, go ahead and take it. Please know that a high score doesn't

mean you are " bad " or a failure. It just gives you some consciousness

about your thoughts and feelings around your body. The second gift is a good

start to change these thoughts.

Download Body Image Questionnaire:


The second attachment is called " Bodylove

Techniques " . Check it out and see if any ideas appeal to

you. I've done them all at one time or another. These are wonderful ways to

really take care of yourself and change your thoughts. I can tell you from

first hand experience that acceptance of your body as it is right now is the

most incredible freedom you will ever experience. And when I found acceptance,

ironic as it seems, I began to lose weight. I am not the only one to have had

this outcome, so maybe it will provide you some motivation to begin the

acceptance process.

Download Bodylove Techniques: http://www.healthieroutcomes.com/docs/bodylove_techniques.doc

I unfortunately cannot give credit to the authors of either of these exercises.

If you happen to know, please email me. But I can tell you they are valuable

and life-altering. I hope you take advantage of Love Your Body Day to take a

small step towards self-acceptance, body-esteem, and the freedom you deserve in

your life.

Please email me and let me know what you discovered using these exercises. I

hope they have inspired you to take some action towards a better relationship

between you and your body!


look for a second email to come in a day or two with a very special offer - I

hope you take advantage of it!



Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

Get your report, " The 6

Steps to Guilt-Free Eating " by visiting http://www.HealthierOutcomes.com

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