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Thanks Wendi.

In a message dated 4/14/99 5:16:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

naturebaby@... writes:

<< ,

someone will hire you. You just have to sell yourself. I believe that you

can create a situation that will work for you. Good luck to you.

Wendi >>

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In a message dated 4/14/99 2:54:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, LilNukie@...


<< Oh how I envy all of you that are able to stay home with your babies. I


all the time because of all I'll miss out on as he grows up. I've been

trying and trying to finish some courses to become a medical


but then find out no one wants to hire you to work from home if you have no

experience ARGH! Now here I sit at work playing on the computer instead of

finishing my lessons because I don't think anyone will ever hire me to work

from home. Sorry....just venting :-)


I can understand how you feel, most days I would hate to work as well.

But I am VERY Lucky and I know it, that I have a husband who makes enough

money to provide well for us, so that I don't have to work!

BUT then there are also the days that I would trade jobs with him, ANY

SECOND, just so I could have a break.....

He thinks I have it so easy.....HAHA! One of these days I am REALLY going to

just let him do everything, and see what he thinks then!

But , I would say No nothing is going to make it so you can be there

100% of the time except more money, and sometimes it just doesn't work that

way......Unfortunately! But your son will know you love him and you work so

you can give him all the things he needs. That doesn't mean you love him any

less! And I am sure he knows this now, and will in the furture!!

But I have to say I really admire mother's who work and then still come home

and take care of the house , it takes One HECK of a woman to be able to do


I have a hard time making sure the launrdy gets done, I could just see me

trying to make a deadline with work as well......LOL!!

Keep your chin up, I am sure you are a WONDERFUL Mommy!!


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At 09:52 PM 4/14/99 , you wrote:

>Oh how I envy all of you that are able to stay home with your babies. I cry

>all the time because of all I'll miss out on as he grows up. I've been


Here's what I did. I was 3/4ths of the way through RN school when I was

surprised with my first pregnancy. I didn't really want to miss 10 hours

of his days, either.

Sit down *with* your hubby.

Write down the most likely weekly income you job will give you.

Subtract the costs for the week's fuel to get you to work.

Subtract the costs for the week's fuel to get your baby to daycare.

Subtract the costs of a week's childcare.

Subtract the costs of your lunches for the week.

Subtract the costs you spend at the vending machines in a week.

Subtract the amount of taxes withheld each pay period.

Subtract the extra taxes of your higher income bracket (divided by 52 for

one week).

Subtract the cost of hiring someone to clean your house once a month

(divided by 4).

Subtract the costs of one dress/uniform for your professional appearance

(divided by 4 -- 12 dresses a year is NOT much!)

What are you left with after spending 10 hours away with your baby? How

much will this really augment your family's finances? Can you manage to

save at least that much if you stayed home? Could you be willing (both of

you) to forego a night out for dinner in lieu of staying in with popcorn

and a video? Is this " profit " enough to satisfy you for the 2 or 3 hours a

day you'll see your baby? Can you do it for the length of time you wish to

stay home with your child? For some women, it's one year, for others it's

until the child starts Kindergarten.

I have three children and my end " profit " was a negative number!! I'm a

stay-at-home mom, too, and I try to find a little income on the side that I

can do when I'm able! I know that I'll eventually finish my RN, work

full-time, and will be satisfied with my decision to post-pone my career.

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In a message dated 4/15/99 4:55:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

kellie@... writes:

<< Ok I looked up the web page that was posted and I never knew breastfeeding

could be painful ?? I'm in apanic now but I have 6 months to find out why it

hurts and how to stop it all I need is words of wisdom!




It is not BREASTFEEDING that is painful, what it is, is that the latching on

of the baby is something new to your nipples in the first few weeks, and you

will get sore, and things like that. And sometimes it is because the baby is

not positioned right, this is where Lactation Consultants come in handy. If I

could tell every new mom, I would tell them to have them check the position

of the baby IN The HOSPITAL....to avoid the major problems before they

happen! But in the worst case scenario, would be when your nipples can crack,

have blisters, and even bleed sometimes! But this is because your nipples are

not used to the STRONG suction of a newborn sucking on them as often as a

newborn will.....so one way to think of it, is it is like you have to toughen

them up at first.....but it does NOT last forever. And within a few weeks you

will get used to it, and then you can have a great nursing relationship! But

about the first 6 weeks can be tough......but if you REALLY want to do it,

you can stick it out! I had a really hard time at first, but I stuck it out,

and now my daughter will be 16 months old on the 18th!! And she shows NO

Signs of planning on weaning anytime soon!


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In a message dated 4/14/99 1:34:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, LilNukie@...


<< What should I do? Should I increase

my dosage of fenugreek? >>

this sounds really normal. You milk will decrease while working as your

work week progresses. That is why we have weekends, to build it back up

again. Continue with the fenugreek. Keep up your fluids. Maybe add Mothers

Milk Tea at the end of the day, before you go to bed. Friends at work did

this & did see a few oz increase when they pumped. Good Luck, & let us know

how it goes.

Cristina Mom to Amber 7/11/94 & Austin 10/31/97

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<blockquote type=cite cite>Ok I looked up the web page that was posted

and I never knew breastfeeding could be painful ?? I'm in  apanic now but

I have 6 months to find out why it hurts and how to stop it all I need is

words of wisdom!</blockquote><br>

Breastfeeding should never hurt. & nbsp; If it does, the & quot;hurt & quot;

can be quickly remedied by better positioning. & nbsp; Remember that it's

called *breast*feeding, and not *nipple* feeding and that will help you

most. & nbsp; <br>


If you have 6 months to learn how to breastfeed with success, why aren't

you attending La Leche League meetings? & nbsp; They're not just for moms

who need help. & nbsp; :)<br>



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>Thank you Cristina. Where can I find Mothers Milk Tea? A health food store?


Our grocery store carries it on the same aisle as their vitamins and health


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In a message dated 4/16/99 1:04:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

Mparker90@... writes:

<< Stacie,

Yes, she is so right on target! Bfdg does not hurt at all. There are other

contributing factors that can cause the latch on process to be painful. In

lighter skinned people it is said that it can take a bit longer for the

nipple to " toughen up. " The feeling if the latch is correct is nothing more

than a slight pulling...NO pain involved.


I wish I had known that, I am whiter than a ghost.......LOL!!! And It feels

like that NOW, but it sure hurt when I first started, but Lexi also had a

really small mouth, so I had to deal with that!


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In a message dated 4/17/99 10:18:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Mparker90@... writes:



I hear that can make a difference. I am white as a ghost too! My poor


nipples looked like raw meat...thrush came into play too though.


The same happened to me ! I also looked like I had been run through a

meat grinder..... Lexi got a yeast infection at about 2wks old, and the

STUPID doctor never even thought to look for thrush, then at almost 4 weeks

they yeast infection had not gone away, and she had white spots all in her

mouth. So then we FINALLY got some Oral Nystatin, and we had to go through

two bottles of it, to clear everything up! Then I ended up getting

mastitis.....so it was no picnic......I hate thrush! But we finally got all

the kinks worked out around 3-4 months old, and we have done GREAT since

then, well except for when she first got teeth, but that is a different



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I am soooo glad that she learned. I guess they do eventually. I am sorry to

hear that you are scarred for life though...lol. It is not funny, just

sounds so dramatic I guess. I am sure looking into Lexi's eyes makes the

battle wounds worth it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

What is a depo shot? Joan

MadelynnS@... wrote:

> From: MadelynnS@...


> ,


> Try cold cabbage leaves on the breast, and then make sure you don't have a

> mastitis.. (a breast infection), because that can be a sign of it..


> Christi


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Is the one side the side the shot was given on?

Love, /indigo



ICQ # 28220116

> >

> >Hey everyone,

> >I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER


> >milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have tried,


> >still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is totally

> >engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night.


> >has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is


> >hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in


> >of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a


> >on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY


> >this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.

> >Thanks,

> >

> >mariaw@...

> >http://www.mariaann.com

> >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?

> >http://www.ONElist.com

> >Explore a new hobby, discover a new friend, laugh at a new joke!

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Breastfeeding is Best!!

> >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

> >If you like this list also check out

> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> >



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Acutally, YES it was. LOL


Is the one side the side the shot was given on?

Love, /indigo



ICQ # 28220116

> >

> >Hey everyone,

> >I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER


> >milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have tried,


> >still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is totally

> >engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night.


> >has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is


> >hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in


> >of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a


> >on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY


> >this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.

> >Thanks,

> >

> >mariaw@...

> >http://www.mariaann.com

> >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?

> >http://www.ONElist.com

> >Explore a new hobby, discover a new friend, laugh at a new joke!

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Breastfeeding is Best!!

> >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> >

> >If you like this list also check out

> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> >



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Check out our homepage for details.


Breastfeeding is Best!!


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, did you check for a slight fever ? Or perhaps an infection at the

injection site?

Please let us know..what you find out!

Love, /indigo






> Is the one side the side the shot was given on?


> Love, /indigo

> indigomoon@...

> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/2570

> ICQ # 28220116



> > >

> > >Hey everyone,

> > >I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER

> producing

> > >milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have


> I

> > >still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is


> > >engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night.

> Angel

> > >has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is

> still

> > >hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in


> > >of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a

> little

> > >on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY

> would

> > >this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.

> > >Thanks,

> > >

> > >mariaw@...

> > >http://www.mariaann.com

> > >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


> > >Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?

> > >http://www.ONElist.com

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> >


> > >Breastfeeding is Best!!

> > >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> > >

> > >If you like this list also check out

> > http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> > >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> > http://www.ONElist.com

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> >

> > If you like this list also check out

> > http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> >

> >

> >

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> >

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that is exzactly what happend to me then... massage and nurse a lot ..

also check your temp often.. if you run one you probably have mastisis(sp)

and need to go in. if you don't run a temp just keep massaging.. i know it

burns a lot.. i took some mortin and it seemed to help with the pain.

good luck,, I hope it passes quickly! oh yeah and i had to switch paiges

postions around to when she was sucking more from that area too.. Jenn:)

At 04:03 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:



>After taking a shower that is how is has become. It is part of my breast,

>not the whole thing. It is very painful. And kinda burning. Ya know what I



> Re: HELP!





>A while back this happened to me, sortof. Mine was a clogged milk duct.

>the way i got rid of it was by taking long hot showers and massageing it..

>and nurseing from it constantly and massaging it before and after. it was

>better in about a day and a half:) hope that will help you, although i

>think my problems was a little differet, it was just part of my breast not

>the whole thing.. but very hard and very painful! Jenn:)




>At 02:59 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:



>>Hey everyone,

>>I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER producing

>>milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have tried, I

>>still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is totally

>>engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night. Angel

>>has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is still

>>hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in TONS

>>of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a little

>>on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY would

>>this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.










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>million members to help you with stuff from daycare to dieting.


>Breastfeeding is Best!!



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Sounds like a plugged duct or the start of mastitis. Nurse and massage that

side with warm compresses. Maybe DH can help clear it too(LOL)if baby does

not want to nurse well.


SAHM to (8), (4), Kaitlyn (2), and baby born 12/17/98.

*Breast fed is best fed*






>A while back this happened to me, sortof. Mine was a clogged milk duct.

>the way i got rid of it was by taking long hot showers and massageing it..

>and nurseing from it constantly and massaging it before and after. it was

>better in about a day and a half:) hope that will help you, although i

>think my problems was a little differet, it was just part of my breast not

>the whole thing.. but very hard and very painful! Jenn:)




>At 02:59 PM 4/29/99 -0400, you wrote:



>>Hey everyone,

>>I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER producing

>>milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have tried, I

>>still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is totally

>>engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night. Angel

>>has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is still

>>hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in


>>of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a little

>>on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY


>>this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.










>>Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?


>>Explore a new hobby, discover a new friend, laugh at a new joke!


>>Breastfeeding is Best!!



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>http://www.onelist.com/ad/iVillage0. We've got experts and over a

>million members to help you with stuff from daycare to dieting.


>Breastfeeding is Best!!



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I have no fever nor any signs of infection at the injection site.



, did you check for a slight fever ? Or perhaps an infection at the

injection site?

Please let us know..what you find out!

Love, /indigo






> Is the one side the side the shot was given on?


> Love, /indigo

> indigomoon@...

> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/2570

> ICQ # 28220116



> > >

> > >Hey everyone,

> > >I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER

> producing

> > >milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have


> I

> > >still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is


> > >engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night.

> Angel

> > >has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is

> still

> > >hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in


> > >of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a

> little

> > >on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY

> would

> > >this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.

> > >Thanks,

> > >

> > >mariaw@...

> > >http://www.mariaann.com

> > >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


> > >Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?

> > >http://www.ONElist.com

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> >


> > >Breastfeeding is Best!!

> > >http://www.maclee.com/breastfeeding

> > >

> > >If you like this list also check out

> > http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/weanedbuddies

> > >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Birth Control.


What is a depo shot? Joan

MadelynnS@... wrote:

> From: MadelynnS@...


> ,


> Try cold cabbage leaves on the breast, and then make sure you don't have a

> mastitis.. (a breast infection), because that can be a sign of it..


> Christi


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Sounds like a potential clogged duct. Hot showers, massage, lots of nursing on

that side, pump if you can. Lots of water and rest. Take care of yourself you

don't want to get mastitis.



Hey everyone,

I am REALLY engorged. Ever since I got the depo shot I have OVER producing

milk. I have even been able to hand express about 4-5 when I have tried, I

still have had NO luck with pumps. Anways. Now my left breast is totally

engorged. It is like a rock. It started feeling this way last night. Angel

has nursed on it several times, and it has helped VERY LITTLE. It is still

hard. When I try hand expressing I get don't get anything out. I am in TONS

of pain. And she keep falling asleep on that side. I have fed her a little

on the other side too so this doesn't happen to both breasts. But WHY would

this happen to only ONE side?? What can I do?? HELP.






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this happens to me all of the time- for some reason my right breast

produces far more milk than the left (at least I guess that is it?) i can

pump 4 oz on the right, only 2 on the left (using a doubble pump) and then

my right side is always engorged!!! I have heard the cabbage leaves work

well for relieving pressure - I hope you get some relief soon! ;-))



Hannah 12/10/97

Tarah 3/31/99

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

I had this problem about a week ago, and ended up waiting for 3 days until they sent me the number. I know how frustrating it is!


I have tried and tried to switch my email address for my WW groups

and it won't let me without a confirmation #, yet it will never

email it to me. Is there anyway that the moderator can change it for

me. My name is Becky (famfrnds) old email is

rdwa74@... and I want it changed to

pnkldy_tbirds@.... I would appreciate any help.

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Hi Becky,

Sorry I am late! I saw that you did get registered at the new email address.



I have tried and tried to switch my email address for my WW groups and it won't let me without a confirmation #, yet it will never email it to me. Is there anyway that the moderator can change it for me. My name is Becky (famfrnds) old email is rdwa74@... and I want it changed to pnkldy_tbirds@.... I would appreciate any help.Becky

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  • 4 months later...

We had the same problem and the scale need to be recalibrated. I took

it to the a local scale company along with the manual and the guy their

calibrated it for me. I then bought a gram weight set so that I can

recalibrate the scale myself if I need to.

Koch Mom to keto kid 6/00


OK I'm really stuck now! My Acculab GS200 scale has gone on the fritz!

I was trying to weigh eggs on it and there was NO WAY it was 200 grams

on there! Now it's stuck on H! I've been pushing the buttons, even

took out the battery to see if it would reset itself but it stays on H.

What am I to do now?? I can't measure anything. I don't even have a

regular scale! I don't think guessing would be a good idea huh? Anyone

have any suggestions??


We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in

which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we

think we cannot

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