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Help Us With More SCD Result Reports at Autism Research Institute

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Dear Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder following the Specific Carbohydrate DietWe urgently need your help!The ASD community has only found SCD within the past decade. Science affirmsthat bacterial toxins induce the symptoms of autism. SCD eliminates food for bacteria, making it a wise choice as an intervention for children with Autism, just as the  Low Phenylalanine FoodPattern diet is the right diet for children with PKU. Without enough resources to let parents know about it, the immense benefits of the SCD diet have not been visible to the many who could benefit.YOUR TESTIMONY CAN HELPThe Autism Research Institute has a web page for parents to rate treatments forautism, a page taken VERY seriously by parents and professionals.Just after the start of using SCD for ASD, there was insufficient clarity in the ratings as they appeared on the ARI website. They did not accurately depict the diet's effectiveness. The SCD statistics did not reflect the true picture for the following reasons:1BTVC, the authoritative guide to SCD mentions too briefly that there aretemporary initial die off reactions when one starts the diet. Manyparents stopped administering the diet after a week because of not realizing that the adverse reactionsare caused by dying bacteria and positive results begin at some point after these temporary symptoms subside.2Negative results are visible upon introduction ofpeanut butter before gut healing takes place. Parents may even increase theamount of peanut butter at the start of SCD to compensate for theabsence of rice and potatoes. Peanuts contain starch and are difficult todigest. As well, peanut allergy is the most common type of allergy.An allergic reaction to peanuts made some parents think that SCDwas not the right diet for their child.3 Starting tree nut flours and whole nuts too soon  instead of doing a gradualintroduction of the stages was another frequent error.When we observed these common reasons for SCD mistakes we posted appropriate cautions to our website.http://www.pecanbread.com/new/Improvethediet.htm4  There is also a small subset of children who need the addedhelp of an SCD counselor in order for them to achieve success on SCD.http://www.pecanbread.com/new/counselors1.htmlOur own website now contains information about temporary initial dieoff symptoms and warnings about peanuts and how to avoid mistakes, so theratings are improving. Our percentage of good results fromthe latest reports is very high which has increased our success rate.Success rates posted by ARI are not shown year by year but areaveraged together with rates from the earlier years.The number of parents  voting is very small, making it a longtime before the real potential of SCD can be seen. We are onlyone point ahead of the Gluten Free Casein Free Diet now. Higher numbers are needed in order to motivate parents to give up the ready made GFCF  foods laden with sugar and starch.ARI also does not update this feature on their website very often. Ratings have stayed the same as they were six months ago. We understand they may be planning to update ratings again soon. It could be a year before they do it again after that. This makes the need for your prompt participation urgent!There is no budget with which to publicize  the miracle of SCD. Our website feesare payed from our own pockets. It was parents like you who discovered the SCDdiet for ASD, not  autism research organizations. We were the true advocates who campaigned for SCD. We need you to VOTE RIGHT NOW!! Please keep hope afloat!Link to the ARI Survey:http://autism.com/treatable/treatratingsurvey.htmMany thanks.

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