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Re: Pro EFA's and ADHD/Apraxia

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Yes!! Try the EFAs before medication -the right formula

worked wonders for my ADHD son Dakota -and no Aderol (sp?) or any other

medication ever as 2 neurologists recommended prior. Here is a recent

archived message answering the same question ~ (Kim -did you

try it yet?)

From: " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@...>

Date: Wed Oct 30, 2002 3:14 pm

Subject: Re: Global apraxia and ADD link?

Hi Kim!

Dr. Stordy I believe was the first to state this for our (dyspraxic)

children. However -Dr. and Dr. Portwook state

the " research has already shown a clear link between diet and some

of the behavioral and learning problems associated with dyslexia,

dyspraxia and ADHD. Certain key fatty acids found in fish oil and

evening primrose are crucial in shaping brain development and

function, but they have been disappearing from many modern diets.

These fatty acids matter to everyone, but they seem particularly

crucial for individuals predisposed to these kinds of specific

learning difficulties. "


The success is because they used an O3/O6 formula with higher EPA.

I know this because of my ADHD son Dakota's amazing results with


without drugs.

It (again) also doesn't matter which brand name you use -or even

if you use borage or primrose oil for the small amount of GLA (Omega

6) It does matter that you use fish oil together with a small

amount of primrose or borage oil -I've tried both and happen to like

the borage more -that's personal preference.

You see when I first learned about EFAs -or fish oils in 1999, I

heard about Efalex -probably due to Dr. Stordy's work on dyspraxic

children leaking out to a handful of parents of apraxic children.


I started Tanner on Efalex -and that is when he had amazing changes

in just weeks -however -when that bottle ran out -I ran out to the

store and bought " fish oil " ...after all -I thought they all stink

and they were all the same. I tried various fish oils -and the only

one that " worked " and that Tanner didn't regress on was Efalex - 3

and a half


ago -ProEFA or EyeQ didn't exist.

In spite of ADHD suspected -I never gave Dakota any fish oil until

September 2000 when Dr. Stordy's book came out and I read The LCP

Solution when I learned it could help ADHD too. We just didn't

know. I again messed up and gave Dakota all the reject fish oils

that didn't

work for

Tanner -which ended up being all the pure Omega 3 fish oil capsules -


DHA and EPA -because again -that's (unfortunately) all reported -the

importance of either the DHA or EPA (Omega 3) Dakota had little

change on the Omega 3 alone either -same as apraxic children.

Over time I started Dakota on the Efalex too -and in school they

reported positive results of that -but he was still considered

either ADD or APD by various teachers and pediatric neurologists and

Dr. Agin too. After Tanner had the surges on ProEFA on a much

smaller -one capsule a day (and cheaper) dosage of ProEFA -I

switched both my boys to ProEFA. The Efalex at 4-6 capsules a day

was getting to be over $17 a week! Again -Dakota had improvements -

but as I reported here to the group -and to the neurologists -it

didn't help as dramatically as they helped Tanner and others like

him. I was highly encouraged by more than one neurologist to begin

Dakota on Aderol " He doesn't have enough dopamine and it's just

going to keep getting harder for him " My husband and I were and

are resistant to medicating Dakota. Again -my brother was ADHD -and

yes he was a handful -however he was the youngest captain ever -and

was then made the youngest maritime law partner in one of the

world's largest Maritime Law Firms. I'm from the school of thought

that ADHD adults can achieve more than the average if they just

learn how to channel the energy.

When CHERAB hosted The First Apraxia Conference -I had the pleasure

to speak with Dr. -and she told me about EPA at that

time. I then read about the research Dr. did with higher

EPA and ADHD -and was thrilled. Anything to not do meds for

Dakota. Soon after I ordered the ProEPA to " up " the EPA in the

ProEFA for Dakota. (the rest of the story is here


(and more http://www.shop-in-service.com/index1.htm or http://www.cherab.org )

(I have Dakota and Tanner on a 2 to one ratio. One ProEFA to 1/2 of

ProEPA, or 2 ProEFA to 1 ProEPA) It's been well over a year now -

and it was a year before I told anyone here at the list. I waited

to see if what worked for my two -was also working better for others

that I spoke to. Yes it did. Unfortunately -no US company is making

the right

formula we need.

How good is the higher EPA added to the ProEFA? I'll put it this

way -Dr. Sinha -Dakota's last neurologist from Bridgewater, NJ asked

me for the exact formula she noticed such a difference -and if she

can have others call me. She said " There is no point even seeing me

again " She then added " Dakota will probably make an excellent

doctor " Each intelligence test he has received (he was classified

at the end of last year by the school as ADHD so that has been about

four times now counting the private neurologist testing too) has

shown a marked huge increase in his testing from above average -to

superior. Dakota in some cases almost tests perfect now in areas!

His grades again in third grade were straight A's with one B -and

most impressive -an A in " conduct " too! The teacher doesn't notice

any ADHD characteristics -and most that I've met here when I tell

them that Dakota was classified in NJ as ADHD state how " oh they

just like

to diagnose these kids " Try to explain that to all his past

teachers & MD's! Dakota was hyper -and still can be at times -

however -he

now knows how to focus and learn.

If you have a child with ADHD -the best thing I can tell you is that

once I gave Dakota the higher EPA with the Omega 3/6 -for the first

time in his life since he's been walking -he actually stayed with my

cart at the supermarket!!! (you have no idea!)

What's amazing is that the higher EPA has also worked wonders for

Tanner. Again -wait till you guys hear the talking page update.

Tanner's report card doesn't have grades -but he's on target for

all -reading, writing -and also -speech too!

You can read about Dr Stordy at the link above. Here is some

information on the other doctors who did the study on EFAs to treat



Dr is a Senior Research Fellow in Neuroscience at

the Imperial College School of Medicine at Hammersmith Hospital in

London, Co-Director of the Neuropsychiatry Research Group at the MRI

Unit there, and a Research Affiliate at the University Laboratory of

Physiology, Oxford. Her current research centres on the role of

fatty acids in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Recent

work includes treatment studies that show beneficial effects of

fatty acid supplements in the management of dyslexia, dyspraxia and

ADHD and reveal insights into the likely mechanisms underlying this

kind of treatment.

Dr Madeleine Portwood

Dr Madeleine Portwood is a Senior Educational Psychologist in County

Durham. Her research over the last eleven years has involved more

than 400 children / young adults and their families. Since

publication in 1996 her book " Developmental Dyspraxia – a practical

manual for parents and professionals " has sold more than 10,000

copies, not only in the UK, but in many other countries including

the USA, South Africa, Australia, Iceland, Greece, China and

Singapore. Professionals have purchased more than half, mainly

teachers who have designed and implemented school based programmes

to develop the skills of their pupils.

Madeleine's work has been the subject of television documentaries,

radio and newspaper features.


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I know that Efalex was a supplement originally used for ADHD, I got it at I

think GNC. We tried with my son and it did not help. My son with ADHD is

almost 6 yrs old and has epilepsy, we just started him on Aderrall 2 weeks ago

and are very happy with how he is doing.

My son with apraxia is 3.5 years and is on ProEFA, which has seemed to help him

alot. He says 5 words and signs about 75.

Feel free to email me with any questions.


----- Original Message -----

My son who has resolved apraxia was recently diagnosed with ADHD.

Does anyone have information about supplements that we can try first

before medication. I really don't want to medicate him first without

trying other things first.Thankyou.

, NY

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! Yes, I immediately tried this with my daughter, , who is 7

and in second grade. Actually, her history is so similar to others here,

and to my son jackson. Basically, had really bad colic and reflux

as a baby, chronic ear infections and ear tubes. To make things worse, she

had major sensory problems and she had a speech delay (not apraxia)...

because she spoke ALL the time, but we could not understand her. Hers was

more of a phonological (sp?) delay....which is approving all the time.

She still receives ST in school, but her therapist says she may no longer

need ST next year. YEA!

At the end of her kindergarten year at her IEP, the " school experts " told

me that she has a learning disability and would be in a main stream first

grade, but with an LD teacher who would work with her outside of the

classroom, along with speech. Then, last year, in first grade, the

teachers told me they think she has ADHD......I told them that either she

does or doesn't, and to get right to the point! So, we had evaluations

done at school as well as with our neurological pediatrician....and sure

enough, they all concluded her to have ADHD. After many trials of

medications ( I had no idea of EFA's at that time), she has finally

accepted concerta, a time released medication that she takes in the morning

and lasts for 12 hours.

The teachers all love , she has no disruptive behaviors and is on par

with her class. However, she has side-effects and withdrawl to the

medication nightly....sad to see.

Last week, I decided to try something by Nordic Naturals that they

recommended for ADHD, it was not Pro-EFA, but it was something like DHA?

Regardless, I have a bottle at home so I thought I would try it. I told

her what I was doing and although she is reluctant...she takes it. If I

do not see anything from this DHA stuff, I will then start giving her the

PRo-EFA that I give to my son.

OK, long message , but yes, we are trying something for her, and I

can't wait to see what happens, it is too new to notice anything yet.

But, it is interesting to see all of the similarities/differences in both


: speech delay, major sensory issues, chronic ear infections, ADHD

: verbal apraxia, minor sensory issues, no ear infections and lets

see what the future holds.

Again, today is doing great, receiving extra help and I am excited

to see what the EFA's hold, but my stress these days is with , who I

still think is never going to speak like other kids.


> Yes!!  Try the EFAs before medication -the right formula

>worked wonders for my ADHD son Dakota -and no Aderol (sp?) or any other

>medication ever as 2 neurologists recommended prior.  Here is a recent

>archived message answering the same question ~  (Kim -did you

>try it yet?)

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