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Re: Hi all!

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Hi - The only thing I really do at the gym is the treadmill - 30 to 40 minutes. I also do some strength training on my arms and abs. I am going to start doing more because I am going to start the Self Challenge. Good Luck. TLyn.

Re: Hi All!

OK here I go again. Hopefully this will post. Good Morning everyone! This weekend I ran 3 miles on saturday and 3 1/2 miles on Sunday, plus cut off 1 minute per mile on my sunday run. I haven't done that since my surguries! The next great thing is I tried on a pair of jeans on Saturday which two months ago I could not get around my hips, and the fit!! The bad news, which isn't really that bad is that I maintained this week and did not lose . With all that running who would have thought? Anyway, not so bad at all!

I am also commited to start back at ww and go to the meetings starting on thursday, and my daughter is going to come with me.

Have a great day everyone

And how was your weekend?

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  • 6 years later...
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>> I am finding the same thing to be true for me. If I eat hither


> thither, I feel like I am constantly off balance and on the edge of

> hunger. I love the feeling of eating a real meal, getting super

> satisfied, and then forgetting about food for 5 hours or so.

Hi ,

Yes, I had this reinforced for me this week. Had a steak dinner with

mashed potatos and string beans on Monday. Felt very satisfied and

content all evening. No snacking required. Last night, had an egg

salad sandwich for dinner. Ended up snacking all night and never felt

satisfied - a couple of slices of salami here, a bowl of cereal

there, some candy here, a banana there, on and on.

I guess there is no real harm in that, if you don't feel like eating

a big meal. But I felt like I was just taking the edge off my hunger

and never felt that satisfied feeling.

Now if I could just find someone to make me a complete meal every

night! ;-)

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