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Re: Please help regarding Florida Laws/schools

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Here's my 2 cents, even though I have not experienced this before. Decide with the school, how much time you think should be focused on having you daughter decide whether to put on a shirt or not. Set a timer, i.e. 15 minutes, and if she doesn't put one on, she doesn't get to go to school. If she is still topless, then she is unable to go to school. She may need home instruction, until she outgrows it, or someone has another idea.

Another thought. Having her put a shirt on a doll, right before it is time to put one on herself.

Best of luck,Phyllis

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If you do need an advocate, I can recommend the person who helped me, who put her heart and soul into it, as if it were her own child. Her services are free, and her experience immense. Feel free to e-mail me at


I no longer live in FL, but that is a long story. If you e-mail me and just want to talk, I can give you my phone number, or I can call you. I have a lifetime of experience with 5 special needs kids!

I like your spirit. You will make it, because you know how to laugh things off.



Yes it will be tough...the dolls are just about the only thing around here that are fully clothed! I am going to send her in a bathing suit if they get picky with me..I will mention this at the meeting, and keep praying that the right help gets sent my way. On a good note..if we ever decide to move to a nudist colony she will fit right in. That coupled with her running issues make the perfect streaker. You have to laugh or you will cry right?

I hope it does not get to that point. I have put in an emergancy request for services form the state. (We have been on the medwaiver but have been trapped in a paper work mess for the last few months. There is nothing worse than having the services right in front of you and you can't reach them!

I hope we don't have to wait much longer for help. I am in my own pain daily as I suffer from Fibromyalgia, not to mention that we are having to also deal with my son's issues and possiable diagnosis.Not a fun time right now, but I will somehow make it through.

Thanks again

Re: Please help regarding Florida Laws/schools

Here's my 2 cents, even though I have not experienced this before. Decide with the school, how much time you think should be focused on having you daughter decide whether to put on a shirt or not. Set a timer, i.e. 15 minutes, and if she doesn't put one on, she doesn't get to go to school. If she is still topless, then she is unable to go to school. She may need home instruction, until she outgrows it, or someone has another idea.

Another thought. Having her put a shirt on a doll, right before it is time to put one on herself.

Best of luck,Phyllis

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If you do need an advocate, I can recommend the person who helped me, who put her heart and soul into it, as if it were her own child. Her services are free, and her experience immense. Feel free to e-mail me at


I no longer live in FL, but that is a long story. If you e-mail me and just want to talk, I can give you my phone number, or I can call you. I have a lifetime of experience with 5 special needs kids!

I like your spirit. You will make it, because you know how to laugh things off.



Yes it will be tough...the dolls are just about the only thing around here that are fully clothed! I am going to send her in a bathing suit if they get picky with me..I will mention this at the meeting, and keep praying that the right help gets sent my way. On a good note..if we ever decide to move to a nudist colony she will fit right in. That coupled with her running issues make the perfect streaker. You have to laugh or you will cry right?

I hope it does not get to that point. I have put in an emergancy request for services form the state. (We have been on the medwaiver but have been trapped in a paper work mess for the last few months. There is nothing worse than having the services right in front of you and you can't reach them!

I hope we don't have to wait much longer for help. I am in my own pain daily as I suffer from Fibromyalgia, not to mention that we are having to also deal with my son's issues and possiable diagnosis.Not a fun time right now, but I will somehow make it through.

Thanks again

Re: Please help regarding Florida Laws/schools

Here's my 2 cents, even though I have not experienced this before. Decide with the school, how much time you think should be focused on having you daughter decide whether to put on a shirt or not. Set a timer, i.e. 15 minutes, and if she doesn't put one on, she doesn't get to go to school. If she is still topless, then she is unable to go to school. She may need home instruction, until she outgrows it, or someone has another idea.

Another thought. Having her put a shirt on a doll, right before it is time to put one on herself.

Best of luck,Phyllis

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What area of Florida do you live?

This most likely started out as a sensory issue and has turned into more than that. The school district cannot tell you that you can't send you child to school if she won't wear a shirt. This behavior is part of her disability and as such, they are supposed to work to correct it, not pass it off on you. They are required to provide a Functional Assessment of Behavior (FAB) and they also need to have someone other than school level personnel provide the assessment. They need to have someone at the region or distriict level who is trained in Autism and how to do at FAB. It is obvious from the comments made by the teacher and the aide, that they need assistance and don't know what is causing the behavior. Nor do they know how to correct it. Do you have an advocate that can attend the meeting with you?

Regards, Ven Sequenzia, Jr. PresidentAutism Society of AmericaState of Florida Chapter VM FaxNew MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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Hi, Yes it helps. Every bit of advise either cofims my thoughts or gives me new ideas. I know she is going to be OK. This "phase" is just laasting longer than most, and I don't want her to miss out on school becuase of a shirt! We are just praying we get the right help soon,

Thank you so much...

Re: Please help regarding Florida Laws/schools

I can relate, we've all experience some kind of stubborn behavior from our kids. Mine was potty trained at age 5 because he didn't want to get his lion king underwear dirty after several years of hair pulling training techniques that didn't work until he was ready, then we did the color thing if it wasn't red he wouldn't wear it, eat it or sit in it. But, look at it as a small disagreement bigger ones will come and you'll be prepared. As a suggestion limit what she has to wear and don't let her wear what she wants, I know it doesn't sound right but she might be giving you a harder time because she knows she can, maybe when she gets to school she sees the other kids and it's okay versus being at home, that peer pressure starts early and they don't want to be different, not knowing how to handle or verbalize it can frustrate them. Also, please keep in mind she is still young and her behavior while not perfect could be normal (age appropriate) , I

have two older kids so I was able to tell the difference in behavior between normal and needing attention.

This probably won't help but keep trying you'll find the right technique to get her to do what she needs to and be successful. e <mylittleskydreams@ yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi,If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I have a meeting with my daughter's school this Friday. We will be discussing some behavioral issues my daughter has. Nothing major, but it has become a big problem at home. Some I can not share online. However, one thing that is bothering me is my daughter's sensativity to clothing. She does not want to wear certain shirts right now..make that ANY shirts right now! I used to fight with her everyday about it..sometimes two hours at a time before school. (you know keeping a non emotiional face on..letting her choose her clothes, not showing any fustration etc.) Now I just wait until we leave for school to start the battle. I have tried everything to get her to wear her shirts. SOme days she does not have a problem and goes to her room and gets herself dressed. However, most days that does not happen. I have given her choices, hired behaviorists,

and basicaly been fighting this everyday for the last six months. She is in OT as well, and noone can figure out why she won't wear her shirt. I joke around sometimes and say..at least it is not her pants! ( I hope that is not next!)Anyway, I managed to get an exemption from the school regarding wearing a school uniform, however she still does not want to wear a shirt to school. She is in first grade, and only 35 pounds..so I don't have to worry about obvious other problems. However, the teachers and the aids force her to put her shiirt on before she gets into the school, and the whole screeching and crying batttle starts up again. When I asked for the exemption for the uniform, the person in charge told me that she does not have to wear the uniform, however if she does not wear any type shirt she can't come to school. Duh..like I really want my child to go to school naked! I understand what

they are saying to a point, but it is not her fault or my fault that this is all happening... I don't want it to get worse.It is so fusturating every morning, and so fusturating everytime a different aide tells me .why don't you just let her wear what she want to wear! Again, I try to explain to them she does not want to wear any shirt! What she may like to wear on Monday, she may not want to wear on Tuesday..I just don't know how to get this point across to them.Her teacher tells me to just let her wear what she wants to wear (and so did the behavirist we just let go) and I should pick my battles. I understand that..but what they don't seem to get it that she now refuses to wear anything..unless she feels like it. It has nothing to do with textures, tags, or, wanting to escape, colors etc. I think I am now the official expert on all shirts!What bothers me is that the teacher is telling me to

pick my battles, and then the people in charge are telling me if I don't win the "so called non battle" then she can't go to school. AM I wrong?? It is not like I am trying to match her clothes or trying to get her to wear a frilly dress..I just want her to GET dressed! Once she is in class she will usually settle down and join the class, so the teacher does not seem to think it is such a big deal. She refers to it as not always causing a problem. After a long six hours of my child wearing clothes she hates she come home, takes off her shirt and then puts on a bathing suit..go figure! I have no idea what that is all about. The only pattern I see is that she wants to wear small fitting clothing, usually tank tops/tank dresses, and bathing suits.I sent her to school today in a tank top she loved to wear last week, today she hated it, and again I was asked..why didn't you just let her pick out her own

clothes..uhh. .I must have stupid ingraved on my forehead or something.. If you can help please contact me. This is the least of my problems right now,(My daughter ran down the road after school yesterday and it took my over a half hour to catch her..thankfully she was dressed..thankfully I got to her before a car did!I have a meeting with the school this Friday to discuss this and some other behaviors. I would like to go in there at least "knowing" some of the laws. Thank you so much for letting me vent. I hope you all can give me some ideas by Friday,Thank you

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The clothing issue is clearly a sensory problem because of the hyped up nervous system. She could feel like she has creepy crawlers on her when she puts on clothing. Try giving her the Rescue Remedy and lavender flower drops and put some lavender oil on her and in her bath to calm down the nervous system.

I guess we can equate this to having to wear wool next to our skin when we were kids. The social inappropriateness is not going to make much sense to her because she is experiencing this on a physical level.

I do know also that there are certain medications that give the feeling of creepy crawlers on the skin. I don't know if this is the case if she is on any meds. You can check for that side effect.

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Insist the school provide her with OT with Sensory Integration due to the clothing problem. Florida schools do not provide Sensory Integration but you can fight for it as a necessity. There are trained OTs in Sensory Integration in the system. Ask the ESE coordinator to request the Head OT person in your District to be at your meeting.

OTs also have a special brush that you can brush the joints to elicit more serotonin which calms the child down. OT with SI is very effective in getting children to adjust to different textures next to their skin - they have a weighted vest...all these things help the child adapt to textures close to the skin.New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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