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Re: epsom salt baths/cradle cap

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Cradle cap (or cradle crap, as we call it! LOL!) has been an ongoing problem

with my 3 boys. It wasn't until my 2nd son was about 18 months old did the nurse

in the peds office clue me in on a great way to control it. She said to use a

Tar shampoo such as Neutrogena T-Gel (most drug stores have a cheaper generic)

about twice a week. It is very strong so you don't need/want to use it more

often than that. Of course, it isn't a " no more tears " shampoo so you have to be

careful not to get it into your child's eyes. I find that it's much easier as a

two person job. I have my husband cradle the boys in his arms in the shower with

him holding the baby's head as far back as he can. My kids were all pretty bald

so we needed to use only a tiny amount, about half the size of a dime. You do

need to leave it in for a minute or two for it to work best but it still works

pretty well if you have to rinse it out quickly if you have a wiggly kid. For

this, a hand-held shower head is a Godsend. It doesn't smell " baby fresh " so I

usually follow up with regular baby shampoo. While the babies hair is still wet,

comb it out with a very fine tooth comb. Prepare yourself for some REALLY gross

stuff to come off of your little cutie's head! After doing this twice a week for

about a month on each child, I now only have to do it once every 2-3 months to

keep the scalp clear. You may want to ask your Dr. for permission to do this

because this is very strong shampoo designed for adults with dandruff, excema,

psoriasis, etc. It worked well for my boys and we never experienced any problems

using it.

Hope this helps!


e also has had very bad cradle cap

since a couple of months old, and has never really grown out of it.

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Are any of the children with cradle cap taking Efalex/ProEfa? My two

both had horrible cradle cap, but it cleared up once they were on

Efalex. I never really thought too much about whether it was

coincidence or not. It could equally well have been the Polytar shampoo

I used on them, though I wouldn't do that again as I gather it has

arachis (peanut) oil in it which I have heard can lead to nut allergies.


>Cradle cap (or cradle crap, as we call it! LOL!) has been an ongoing problem

>with my 3 boys. It wasn't until my 2nd son was about 18 months old did the


>in the peds office clue me in on a great way to control it. She said to use a

>Tar shampoo such as Neutrogena T-Gel (most drug stores have a cheaper generic)


Sara e

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I had luck clearing my daughter's cradle cap when she was an infant just using

regular baby shampoo and a soft brush. I worked the lather all over her head

with a gentle

circular motion of the brush.


p.s. The ProEfa cleared her eczema, but the cradle cap was long gone before


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Thanks for the tip Dani. I will give that a try.

Nidia, sorry I missed your original post somehow. I have used everything from

baby oil and a comb to dandruff shampoos. The best thing I've found so far is

called Corium 21. It is an Aloe-based skin cream. It is good for everything

from sunburns to acne (I use it myself on my face for that very reason). My

husband also uses it on his hands (the skin tends to peel off when he's under

stress...everyday occurance at his job! lol) and has had excellent results with


The number to call to order it is 800-286-5007 or you can find them online at


And no joke about the crap that comes off in the comb! You think she would have

outgrown this by age 7.

danischrimpe <danischrimpe@...> wrote: Hi,

Cradle cap (or cradle crap, as we call it! LOL!) has been an ongoing problem

with my 3 boys.

Have a Beautiful Day!

Marie Van Nice ~ Independent Senior Kay Consultant


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thanks! We'll pass the info along it is for a friend with a 7 month old with

persisting cradle cap ~ she'll ask her doc too, thanks again I'll bet the

natural tar soaps would work well too. worth a shot..

danischrimpe <danischrimpe@...> wrote:


Cradle cap (or cradle crap, as we call it! LOL!) has been an ongoing problem

with my 3 boys. It wasn't until my 2nd son was about 18 months old did the nurse

in the peds office clue me in on a great way to control it. She said to use a

Tar shampoo such as Neutrogena T-Gel (most drug stores have a cheaper generic)

about twice a week. It is very strong so you don't need/want to use it more

often than that. Of course, it isn't a " no more tears " shampoo so you have to be

careful not to get it into your child's eyes.

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I have not started ProEFA or any such supplement yet with e...waiting to see

if therapy is going to help first.

Sara e <sara@...> wrote:


>Are any of the children with cradle cap taking Efalex/ProEfa? My two

>both had horrible cradle cap, but it cleared up once they were on


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