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Update On Surgery!!!

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Just wanted to update you all on our little 's Decompression

surgery that was done on Sept. 13th.. All went well with the surgery

and we came home on Sept 16th. She ended up going back in on the

19th because the incision looked infected and was leaking CSF Fluid.

she also has a VP Shunt so they restiched the incision and tapped the

shunt and found that it was not working propertly so she has to have

it repaired and all went well with that.. Then 2 days later in the

hospital it was again leaking and looked as if it were infected

again. They took her back in the OR and again restitched it ( but

this time with regular stitches) and again tapped the shunt but all

was working fine.. She then started getting these low grade fevers

(100.9) so they kept us as they were concerned about Menengiitis.

The CSF Fluid tested Negetive but still having low grade fever..

Well, all together we were there another 9 days and just kept a close

eye on her. She still seems to have low grade fevers and then back

to normal so Im just checking it constantly!!! We finally got to

come home and so far all is going well.. Shes just gets tired fast &

is week and not much into eating but I guess with all shes been thru

thats minor.. So just praying we can now have a speedy recovery and

get ready for " SANTA " !!! HAHA!!

Anyway, Thanks to all of you again for all your support and in

helping me understand what she is going thru.. She doesnt yet talk so

you all did it for her & I cant thank you all enough.. Talk again



mom to 2yr old with ACM & decompression surgery on Sept

13,2000 and a VP Shunt in place on June 18,2000 with one repair --


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