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Fwd: Forced March to Mandatory Vaccination

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Natural Solutions Foundation eAlert

www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org www.Organics4U.org



October 14, 2008


Important Action Alerts In This Issue

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Health Freedom Warrior


Index for This Issue

1. Trenton Rally Against Forced Vaccination

2. Meet Mighty Mouse

3. Breakthrough Death

4. Mandatory Vaccination: How Did We Get There?

5. Special Halloween Update: Hershey's Uses GM Sugar! Don't Buy Hershey's!

6. Give Valley of the Moon Chemical-Free Coffee: the First Certified "Friendly Food" - Health Friendly, Eco-Friendly and Health-Freedom Friendly! 80% Tax Deduction!

7. Take back the internet with the Health Freedom WebRing and Advanced HealthCare Wiki!

8. Donate - It's Your Future!

Trenton NJ Rally Support Health Freedom, Opposes Forced Vaccination of Home Schoolers

Information: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=1166

New Jersey just keeps coming up with not-so-great ideas:

* Make annual flu vaccination, meningitis vaccination and more vaccinations mandatory

* Make religious exemptions harder and harder to get so that girls need 78 vaccines, boys 75 vaccines by age 15

* Institute an absurd "all or nothing" rule so that if a child has EVER been vaccinated his/her parents cannot obtain a religious exemption for the child

* Give Registered Dieticians a monopoly on any discussion or education about the relationship between health and food or food components like dietary supplements and make it illegal for anyone else, for example, nutritionists and doctors, to hold those professional discussions with patients (legislation in process, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1078)

* Fine preschools, which are generally private institutions, $500 per child, per day for all kids who are not fully vaccinated (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1019)

* Force homeschooled children to submit to full vaccination schedules or be sucked back into the public schools (legislation in progress, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1166)

New Jersey, like land last year, is a test, to see how far we can be pushed... If we do nothing, this is what our children, and we, can look forward to.

Considering that vaccines are the new frontier for Big Pharma, with vaccines in the pipe line for diabetes, cancers, more and more Avian Flu vaccines, infertility (voluntary and otherwise), anthrax, tuberculosis, agression, depression, morbidity, and other behavioral "problems", arthritis, asthma, new shots for older kids for the diseases they were already vaccinated against like whooping cough and meningitis, aggression, depression, dengue fever, HIV, malaria, rotavirus (now required in the US but a health problem only in the developing world) and a large number of others including, of course, the strange Avian Flu vaccines which are supposed to protect us against a disease which does not yet exist. That's one of the reasons the Natural Solutions Foundation fights for your rights: if you want these vaccines, fine, if not, you and yours should not have to submit your bodies to them!

Keep Those Cards And Letters Coming!

We read your letters. Sometimes you have problems you want help with, sometimes you have suggestions and sometimes you want to share your thoughts with us. We value them all. Here's What Nick Molorisi, a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter, had to say about our last Health Freedom eAlert:

Mighty Mouse Is Back!

"How many of you remember the days when Mighty Mouse cartoons produced an unusual hero? If you do, you are admitting to getting old.... Mighty mouse is back to champion the quest for our freedoms. Dr. Laibow had brought attention back to this mighty warrior for American Freedom like no other, back into play.

The Mighty Mouse in right in your hand when you are sitting at your computer...." Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1183) to read more.

Breakthrough Death,

Courtesy of the FDA

You've heard of "Breakthrough Bleeding," right? That's when someone starts to bleed in spite of the fact that the body, or a drug, should be keeping them from doing that. Well, there's another "Breakthrough" problem, and we are all vulnerable to it: "Breakthrough Death" which occurs when the latest medical "breakthrough" is so dangerous, so poorly tested, so poorly understood and so rapidly embraced by the ever-compliant media ("Ask your doctor is it's right for YOU") along with the ever time-pressured and sheepish medical practitioner that you, or someone you love, winds up dead or damaged because of a poorly understood, but hastily taken-up "Medical Breakthrough".

Who offers us the deadly embrace of new, poorly tested, lethal medical options, drugs, devices? The ever corporate-friendly FDA. And who is ultimately to blame? We are, for allowing these invasions and contaminations of our bodies, for surrendering our freedom to the ignorant "knowledge" of doctors and legislators "educated" by commercial interests.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1143) to read what a mother has to say about saying "NO!" to protect her daughters from the poorly tested, and unnecessary, but hugely profitable medical "treatment" insistently offered to them by their doctors. And, while you're there, take the actions listed to protect yourself and others from attacks on our health freedom.

Mandatory Vaccination:

How Did We Get There?

As a physician, I assumed that vaccinations were as helpful and as necessary as I had been taught that they were. Careful examination of the evidence soon convinced me otherwise, however, and now I am personally an advocate of the "No Vaccination - Ever" school of public health opinion.

However, the Natural Solutions Foundation takes the position that each person or parent should be free to make their own well-informed decision on these issues but that compulsory vaccination should never, never be forced upon anyone.

I have practiced nutritional and natural psychiatry and medicine for my entire nearly 40 year career in medicine and I have labored long and hard to reverse and correct the multiple damages caused to huge numbers of people by vaccines.

One area of grave distrust is the contents of vaccines.

Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=1135) to read more and take action.

Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Candy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will not use sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division of Hershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GM sugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets. According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar had all reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because "public resistance to GM foods seems to have faded."

But we do oppose genetically modified food.

en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en this year, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your own treats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykes who innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.

Click here (http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/gm_beet_goes_on/C520/L40/) to read the interesting and ominous article in New West News on the impact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here (http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26087) to email Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMO ingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.

New West News: http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/gm_beet_goes_on/C520/L40/

Valley of the Moon Coffee:

Wake Up to the Possibilities

Natural Solutions Foundation is all about solutions, natural ones, of course, but profound, innovative and far-reaching solutions to the health and freedom threats facing us all. You already know that and you trust us to identify those problems and solve them, too.

You know how deeply concerned we are about the degradation of our health through the degradation of our food and health freedom. Well, you probably also know that we created the International Decade of Nutrition to deal with this complex problem. We have initiated two agricultural research projects in Benin, Africa, and we are hard at work creating a demonstration eco community in the Chiriqui Highlands of Panama. In honor of the Indian name of this magnificent area, "Chiriqui", we have translated the original meaning into English and call our project here "The Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project.

We are currently looking for land for our BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Farm and Farm School, our Natural Medical and Wellness Center, our Community and Arts Center, our homes and our small hotel but but we've already begun producing safe, "Friendly Food" Certified products which you can enjoy and give to others to enjoy, too. That certification is part of the activity of our International Decade of Nutrition. We'll tell you which foods are really chemical free, BeyondOrganic and friendly to the earth, the workers, the consumer and the local economy in the area where it is produced.

Our first Valley of the Moon "Friendly Food" Certified product will be ready for you in time for the Holiday season: pure, chemical-free "Friendly Food" Certified Coffee raised by hand on our own shade grown coffee farm, the Valley of the Moon" Coffee Finca! (Finca means "farm" in Spanish.)

In fact, not only is this coffee chemical free, it represents a major step forward toward making organic coffee feasible here in Central America. Instead of loosing their coffee crops to a ubiquitous and devastating fungus called "ojo de gallo", farmers spray dangerous and very irritating chemical fungicides on their coffee. They get sick and so, we believe, do you when you make a water extract of this (and other) poisons like herbicides and pesticides and drink it.

When we came to Panama and learned about the problem, I determined to solve the problem and find an all-natural way to defeat the fungal threat. We've done that! The Valley of the Moon" Friendly Food Certified Coffee uses a brand new, totally natural technique so you, and the workers, are spared the contamination of conventional fungal poisons and your coffee is clean and delicious, truly Friendly Food

Click here (https://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=1130) to order Valley of the Moon Chemical-Free Food Friendly Coffee for yourself and your gift list. Every 1/2 lb bag supports health freedom and your health. 80% of your price is a tax deductible donation. The other 20% brings you the very best coffee I have ever encountered and General Bert and I have drink coffee all over the world!

What a gift! Can you think of a better way to spread health AND health freedom at the same time?

If you'd like to learn more about the unique and important Valley of the MoonDemonstration Eco Project, you can visit the Natural Solutions Foundation home pages, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org or www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org and watch our new Valley of the Moon Video Update or visit our Youtube channel, www.Youtube.com/naturalsolutions. You can learn more about the International Decade of Nutrition and its connection to the Valley of the Moon project and products at www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org

By the way, you are welcome to participate in this project in a variety of ways! Contact Ralph Fucetola, ralph.fucetola@..., to find out more.

Take Back the Internet Ranking System From the Skeptics

Web rings offer "a unique and effective means of searching, locating and navigating between web sites with similar themes. WebRing allows web site owners to group their sites together into ring communities, and provides a navigation tool that links web sites together called a NavBar. Linked sites not only eliminate the necessity of repetitive searches, but the NavBar also accumulates hits from all of the sites so that a hit to one site is a hit to all sites. Additionally, the NavBar acts as a link so your web site is linked to every other site in the community. So now your site is benefiting

from higher search engine results because it has more hits and more links."

If you want more internet visibility, join the Advanced HealthCare Webring. Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=1112) to find out more and learn how you and your business or service can benefit from the webring concept and the Advanced HealthCare Wiki.

Donate! It's Your Health Freedom, It's Your Future!


Natural Solutions Foundation is YOUR health freedom organization. We are working for you in your neighborhood, in your health food store, with your legislators, at your grocers and around the world. That's a big job, but protecting, defending and extending health freedom requires that big a focus.

Since you are are only source of support, your issues are our only agenda. We have no government or corporate sponsorship - NONE! That means that through good times and bad, we need to come back to you and ask you to support us. And we understand what that means: when the economy is difficulty, we ask you to continue to support us even though it might be tough. And thank you for doing that.

Ordinarily, about 4% of our very large readership supports us through donations. Obviously, we could do a lot better. Our membership is so large that if everyone, and I mean everyone, donated even a small amount on a monthly basis, we would not need to worry about how we were going to cover our expenses. If you are one of the 4%, thanks! Please consider making another donation (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) right now! All deductions are tax deductible and really help us.

On the other hand, if you are one of the 96%, we need your help now. Please chose one or more of the following methods to support us as we continue our total dedication to keeping YOUR health freedom free.

1. Make a 100% tax deductible donation now. Click here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189,) to support health freedom

2. Visit our unique shops,

* www.Organics4U.org where most purchases bring you a 40% tax deduction as our way of saying "Thanks for shopping here" and

* www.NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace.org where supporters can shop for each other's goods and services. If you'd like your goods and services to be available to other health freedom advocates, send an email to NSFMarketplace@... and we'll help you become part of the Natural Solutions Foundation Healthy Living Mall!

3. Buy or give our Chemical-Free Valley of the Moon "Friendly Food" Certified Coffee. You and your gift list will appreciate "A Little Bit of Heaven In A Cup" while you support health and health freedom. Every bag gives you a $20 deduction! It's the only coffee Uncle Sam Pays you to drink!

Click here (https://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=1130) to order in time for the Holidays! We'll send a gift card to your recipients and a Certificate explaining why this coffee is so special.

4. Donate the little left-over balances on your gift cards. The small balances on various gift cards never get used and, in the aggregate, represent huge amounts of money that the merchant, not you, winds up accumulating. They plan on that, as a matter of fact. But why not give those small balances to the Natural Solutions Foundation? After all, the money is already spent - you might as well use it for health freedom instead of putting it back into the merchant's pocket.

Click here ( http://www.donatemycard.com/index-2.php?cid=12) to make a big diffrence with a little bit of money!

5. Watch Movies to Support Health Freedom! Purchase downloadable movies and TV shows from Amazon.com by visiting our home page, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org, and scrolling down to order your films and shows. We'll get a 10% commission on every movie you watch. What a great way to support the Natural Solutions Foundation financially by doing what you love to do, anyway!

Thanks for being there for us! We depend on you and we know that you appreciate the work that we do to keep you informed and up to date, sharing the good news and the challenges with you. After all, it's our health freedom and our health. We really are all in this together!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation



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