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Re: SCD-legal liquid/pureed foods?

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Well, here's what my surgeon has approved for me:

Clear Liquids

Beef broth (31

calories per cup)

Chicken broth (20

calories per cup)

Fruit juices

(diluted pear, ¼ cup per day, 50 calories, 11 g carb)

Thick liquids

Goat yogurt

(diluted with water if necessary – same as goat milk, 168 calories per


Tomato juice (½

cup per day, 41 calories per cup, sky high in sodium, would ordinarily

balance with high-potassium lentils.)

Orange juice (up

to 1 cup per day, 113 calories per cup)

Beef broth (31

calories per cup)

Chicken broth (20

calories per cup)

Soft foods

Goat yogurt

(same as goat milk, 168 calories per cup, up to 2 cups per day)

Puréed vegetables

(carrots, winter squash, butternut squash, peeled zucchini, 25-40

calories per 4 ounces)

Puréed pears (1/4

cup per day, 70 calories per serving)

Hard boiled eggs

(roughly 100 calories per egg, unless mixed with avocado pudding)

Ripe bananas (109

calories, must be fully speckled with black, 1 per day maximum – do not

have banana if having pear.)

Avocado pudding

(mashed ripe avocado, fresh lemon juice, salt, white pepper, 283 calories

per serving, roughly one very ripe avocado)

Cow yogurt (well

dripped, approximately 124 calories per half cup. Up to 2 cups per


Puréed / finely

ground chicken thighs (39 calories per ounce unless mixed with avocado


Puréed / finely

ground boiled beef (39 calories per ounce, unless mixed with

avocado pudding or homemade mayonnaise and a dollop of homemade


Given your situation, you may wish to modify the fruits and/or vegetables

to suit what you tolerate. The above is based on my personal tolerances,

and I don't do well on much fruit juice or most fruits. My oncologist has

said that she doesn't need me on a strictly CLEAR liquids after the

surgery, so I can use blueberry, pomegranate, and black cherry juices,

all of which I can handle small amounts of. The finely ground meats can

also be made " soupy " by adding broth to them if the avocado

pudding is too high fat for your issues.


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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Marilyn wrote:"Here's what my surgeon approved for me.... <snip>"-------------------Marilyn,Bless you and thank you for your help. I will start with your clear liquids suggestion and move on from there. I'm "fortunate" that my condition tends to suppress feeling hungry, so I don't have to feel excessively deprived when cutting back my consumables. Pear juice sounds delightful. Is there a legal pear juice out there?I have been thinking of you and sending positive thoughts/wishes, and will continue to do so. I admire how you've handled your situation, and applaud your ability to ask for the support you need. That is a life skill that helps so much when things get tough. I'm still learning how to do this,

myself. Handling rough patches gives me more practice. Another of the silver linings that I try to focus on :-)Best to you,Nina in MA

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Hi Nina

As you know, I have mild gastroparesis along with my Sphincter of

Oddi dysfunction, so I get upper GI symptoms flares often. As a

result I go on clear liquids often too, even after all this time on

SCD. Just part of having functional disorders. I also tend to eat

softer, more liquid foods at my last meal of the day routinely, so I

can sleep reasonably well.

I used to make chicken or turkey broth using the three standard

ingredients of carrots, onions and celery. But I've been on clear

liquids so many times (or something!) that I've developed an allergy

to carrots, onions and celery. So I just make chicken or turkey broth

with water and the meat, and simmer it for several hours. It's bland,

I admit, but my body tolerates it. When the meat is falling off the

bones, I strain it a few times, save the meat to eat separately, and

then freeze the broth in individual portions. I generally add water

to the broth before I heat it; diluting it helps my upper GI cope


My upper GI doesn't tolerate beef broth at all, and sometimes fusses

at turkey broth, but usually handles white-meat chicken broth OK.

I also have a juicer, and make my own juices regularly. Again, my

upper GI doesn't handle fiber and reacts bacly to juiced vegetables.

So I just make fruit juices, strain the liquid twice to remove as

much fiber as I can, then I dilute by 500%. During a stint of clear

liquids I tend to use apple juice only, but sometimes will have a bit

of orange juice for some variety, depending on how my upper GI is


I regularly make and drink my version of the SCD electrolyte drink. I

need it all the time just to maintain my nervous system, but need the

extra boost when my upper GI is flaring. I have had to modify the

recipe ingredients to better suit my stomach and upper GI.

Generally I just have broth and juice when I'm on clear liquids, but

if my stomach is cooperative, I'll also have some gelatin made with

apple juice.

I've found that my upper GI doesn't like pureed foods. Seems odd,

but my stomach rebels even before it hits my Sphincter of Oddi. Even

soft foods like mashed winter squash causes difficulties, so I can't

advise you on this.

These days my upper GI symptom flares usually only last for 24 to 48

hours, which is a huge improvement. Unfortunately most of the time

the flares have nothing to do with my food choices (haven't eaten

anything " new " ) but are triggered by some other physiological cause.

So, I just try to cope as gracefully as I can [grin].

Kim M.

SCD 4+ years


> Hi Everyone,

> My question may get into territory that's more " medical " than " diet-

related " , but I thought I'd pose it and see if anyone had ideas.

> I have a condition called Gastroparesis, where my stomach empties

slower than normal. Sometimes this condition flares up, as when I'm

stressed or get a cold/flu virus. When I'm flaring, I have to change

my diet to be more liquid than solid, as doing so gives my gut a

rest. Since I've started SCD, this is my first flare, so I'm a newbie

at modifying the SCD to accommodate my stomach condition. That's why

I'm coming to you for some suggestions.

> I'm looking for recommendations on simple, liquified or pureed

foods to get me through the next week or so. For the first few days,

I need to be on clear liquids. After that, I can start adding pureed

foods (like pureed squash soup, for example.) I'm not worried about

weight loss so I don't need high-fat or high-calorie foods, just

nourishing foods. Your suggestions for recipes or nourishing drinks

(like the SCD electrolyte solution, etc.) would be very much

appreciated. I am considering purchasing a juicer, as it occurs to me

that this is one way to get some good minerals/nutrients in easy-to-

assimilate form. If you have suggestions there, I'll take them too.


> Thanks a million,

> Nina in MA









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I am in the process of testing

the 4 ounce bottles of Earth's Best Pear Baby Juice just to have

something semi-legal that doesn't have to be refrigerated for the

hospital. I cannot recommend it as Elaine was adamant about most juices

except homemade, and those she specifically approved for the legal list.

She was especially wary of " baby juices " because of the

Beech-Nut indictment some years ago.

For whether or not I can tolerate the Earth's Best, it's " Reply

hazy. Ask again in about six hours, " because I just drank a 4 ounce

bottle of the stuff. Their apple juice, tested last week, caused

immediate (within 1 hour) diarrhea. I can tell you that I found both the

apple juice and the pear juice extremely sweet, and not nearly as good as

homemade. Even if I do tolerate their pear juice, I will not use it after

I get home to my juicer. But I have a strong suspicion that the hospital

would get upset if Harry installed a refrigerator, a blender, my juicer,

and a Foreman grill in my hospital room.

OK, I promised to report on the Earth's Best juices I was testing for the

hospital. As noted, the apple juice caused an immediate reaction, which

resulted in its elimination (so to speak) as a candidate for hospital

convenience food.

Regrettably, I have also eliminated the pear juice. It was a bit more

sneaky and subtle. It didn't create an immediate reaction... it waited

until after I had eaten dinner and was driving home in rush hour traffic.

I had my standard eat-out dinner at my standard restaurant which I've had

dozens of times with no reaction.

I did make it home, but I was screaming Gallimore's Lament about the

traffic. (Friend of ours comments regularly about slow-moving traffic

with " People in this town just won't GO. " ) Well, I wanted THEM

to get going, so I could get going! The results were not pure liquid as

with the apple juice, but a semi-liquid toxic-looking sludge accompanied

by enough gas to asphyxiate half the city.

I do NOT have this problem with the SCD-legal juices, so long as I do not

exceed my limitation on quantity for the day.

So, as with every experiment that I've ever made which contradicts

Elaine's teachings, I come back to " Dah lady knowed what she were

talkin' 'bout! "

And thus I turn my eyes skyward, and ask for forgiveness, telling her,

" You were right. Mea culpa. "


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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