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Re: More info??

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It has for me Jenn - except if I'm drinking...and I mean REALLY drinking...oh

hell...I'll just say it...when I'm drunk I want a ciggarette ;-)

In a message dated 5/6/99 12:06:02 PM Central Daylight Time, jerbs@...




question: does the feeling that you need one in your hand every once in a

while ever go away? :) jenn >>

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It does all lessen over time.


Re: More info??




>Just have to brag.... may 10th will be one year of quitting smoking, ( I

>quit the say I found out I was Prego ~ cold turkey) :) Jenn -----> who is

>patting herself on the back because she LOVED her cigarettes:)




>At 11:41 PM 5/5/99 +0000, you wrote:



>>Here is the usual:


>>It is a risk factor of SIDS; it can contribute to low weight gain since it

>>may impact the let-down reflex; it flavors breastmilk and babies may

>>dislike the taste; carcinogen compounds are present in breastmilk; even

>>second-hand smoking in the house, but not by the mother cause carcinogens

>>to be present in babys urine. So by not breastfeeding, she isnt increasing

>>the good health of her baby, just the opposite.


>>That said, breastmilk is still a better choice for babies than formula. It

>>contains other properties that formula never has, and less things that are

>>not useful to a baby that formula has, like excess iron and minerals.


>>The half life of nicotine is 95 minutes. Like any other drug, she should

>>time when she smokes to be well before, or right after nursing. Smoking

>>when she nurses can impact her let-down reflexes and interfere with milk

>>production and the babys ability to get enough milk. Smoking lowers

>>prolactin levels in the body, too, which is the hormone that causes milk to

>>be produced, as well as the mothering hormone that lowers stress.


>>Mothers who smoke also have higher metabolic rates and fewer caloric stores

>>for lactation and may need to eat more calories.


>>I also have some literature on the nicotine patches, and it is approved by

>>the AAP as an acceptable drug during lactation. Tell her to get on them!



>> (an ex-smoker!)


>>At 09:39 PM 5/5/99 , you wrote:



>>>Does anyone have any info on smoking and breastfeeding? I have yet

>>>another firend who asked me about this in the chat room i go to. Y'all

>>>are gonna think i am a smoking, drinking boozer, but really i'm not! LOL

>>>I just want to be able to give these people who ask me questions the

>>>right answers!

>>>Thanks in advance




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man i get it something awful when i get into the car... i used to always

light up then!:) Its weird though.. i don't crave the cigarette itself,

the thought actually makes me a little natious (sp) but I find I want to do

the action. the last cigs i had (i was prego and didn't know it yet ~ but

this gave me a clue) made me literally gag! so that is the last memory i

have associated with inhaling the smoke, which I think makes it easier!:)


At 11:48 AM 5/6/99 -0700, you wrote:



>I don't think so. I just find better things to put in my hands. :D




> Re: More info??






>question: does the feeling that you need one in your hand every once in a

>while ever go away? :) jenn




>At 11:02 AM 5/6/99 EDT, you wrote:

>>From: LilNukie@...





>>smokeless by quitting cold turkey for the last 5 years!


>>In a message dated 5/6/99 12:24:09 AM Central Daylight Time, jerbs@...





>> Just have to brag.... may 10th will be one year of quitting smoking, ( I

>> quit the say I found out I was Prego ~ cold turkey) :) Jenn -----> who is

>> patting herself on the back because she LOVED her cigarettes:) >>



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>Attachment Converted: " c:\eudora\attach\Re More info "


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