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Re: Another newbie (also w/ DCCC, iron, die-off questions)

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Christy, Welcome to the list. The DCCC that you bought is not legal. There should be 0 grams. Ask your regular food store to carry Friendship Farmers Cheese. That is what I did. Or you can order it online.

the best thing to get iron is to have liver a couple times a week.

About die off: this is from www.pecanbread.com also visit www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info for lots of information Katy

Temporary Initial Symptoms

Why do the die off reactions occur?

The same toxins the gut pathogens have been giving off all along, which drive the kids into their world of autism... are all being released now, all at ONCE, as these bad guys bite the dust. Hopefully, you can think of it that way... it's not your child.... it's like your child's possessed by these bad guys who are DESPERATE to survive and are driving your child crazy.

They WANT TO SURVIVE.... so they are sending your child messages to GO GET FOOD. Meaning, they want their Nutrigrain bars and their sugary cookies and all the other stuff that they've been thriving on all this time. They KNOW they will DIE if they don't get it.... so they are willing to go to desperate measures to influence their "host".... and break down your will to defeat them. This is a life or death struggle for them and they mean to win. You must make up your mind that your plan is to erradicate them from your child's body once and for all..... and determine you won't give in to them!

How to decrease the severity of temporary initial symptoms.

Gradually decrease the amount of starches and sugar at least a week before starting Do not use antifungals at the same time as the beginning of SCD Take a chelation break if you are doing chelation.

List of possible die off temporary symptomsMost children will not have these symptoms.

Flu Like Symptoms nausea and on rare occasions vomit. dizziness achy joints and back change in bowels (diarrhea or constipation) strange skin rashes runny nose and funny cough headaches behavior changes/irritability/tantrums/short tempered sleep disturbances

Things you can do to make it more tolerable:

Epsom Salt soaks in a warm tub Activated Charcoal Capsules for a brief time. Do not take it during meal times or within 2 hours of medications and supplements. Slowing down the introduction of enzymes (some call this the "low and slow" method. Going slower in the introduction of the SCD probiotics and yogurt. You should wait before introducing these if you have a strong die off symptoms (www.pecanbread.com has ideas on introducing this yogurt) Following the directions in Chapter 9 and 10 in the introductions of foods.

.. Directions for doing the Epsom Salt baths: The water should be warm.Start with 1 cup of salts in waist deep water and soak for at least 20 minutes. If this is tolerated go up to 2 cups of salts per bath. If it is not well tolerated (hyperness, irritability, whining), cut the dose to 1/2 a cup. or less until you get to a point it is tolerated. It indicates the person is detoxing more than their body can tolerate.

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Thanks, Katy, for the list of initial die-off symptoms.

That must be what I'm going through with the back pain, muscle, and joint pain. I'm sometimes in bed 10 hours, too. I'm more relaxed and sometimes excessively fatigued. The nausea, dizziness, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms I experienced at first were easier to discern as detox. In some ways, I feel better and in some ways I feel worse. Par for the course. Today is Day 18.


About die off: this is from www.pecanbread.com also visit www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info for lots of information Katy

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Hi Christy, Here is a link for legal sources of DCCC. http://www.scdiet.org/8resources/drycurd_sources.html I was lucky and my Wal Mart carries the Meadow Gold brand. In the outline of the intro diet on the BTVC website, Elaine says you can sub homemade cream cheese for the DCCC. http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/beginners_guide/the_intro_diet2.htm. SCD has helped me so much. I have had a few bouts of die off but they were nothing compared to how I felt before my first hospital stay. And by die off I mean intestinal pain. Also, I've been pretty tired and sluggish, but that's starting to go away.I was hospitalized in October after I initially started SCD but didn't follow the intro diet (which is what was my

savior). I was on high doses of prednisone and couldn't control myself with sugar and went off SCD. No combo of meds were working for me and I was still in constant pain so that's when I went back to SCD and got off my meds because like you my next step was immunomodulators and that was not an option for me (unless SCD didn't work). I hope you have luck with it. I had to take the diet very very slow at first but now I'm adding new foods left and right and can tolerate yogurt. I feel SO MUCH better. Sorry I help with your other questions, Misty Kimble, LACD SCD - Jan 5 08christyhal wrote: After much searching, I finally found DCCC at Whole Foods. It's made by Sunshine Dairy Foods in Oregon. I noticed that the nutritional label says it contains 1 g of "Sugars" (and thus 1 g of "Total Carbohydrate"). Does that mean it's illegal? If I contact the company, what should I ask them?Also, can someone explain why DCCC is legal at all? I thought that cottage cheese was a fresh (not aged) cheese. Is it something about the process that removes all the lactose? Also, is it possible to make your own? (Any recipes?)OK, one last thing -- what should I expect in the way of "die-off" or initial detox? I am trying to figure out if I can get back to a normal work schedule next week. I am feeling well now, but I am wondering if I'm going to feel worse

again before I get better with the start of the SCD.Thank you for being a great resource and source of support! I hope this diet works because I don't want to go back to the hospital or on immunomodulators, which would be the next step if this doesn't work.Thanks!-ChristyCrohn's colitis 9 yrsmesalamine, prednisoneSCD 3 days(!)Seattle, WA

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christyhal wrote:OK, one last thing -- what should I expect in the way of "die-off" or initial detox? I am trying to figure out if I can get back to a normal work schedule next week. I am feeling well now, but I am wondering if I'm going to feel worse again before I get better with the start of the SCD.Welcome to the list,People react so very differently, it's hard to predict. Best toplay it by ear and if and when you get sick, to take it from there. There's certainly no predicting when it might begin. Or theseverity. But you might want to stock up on some activated charcoal andsome epsom salts for your bath when you are feeling well andmaybe freeze some extra chicken broth (though in my case, Icouldn't even eat that, it tasted terrible) because if you do get sick, you won't have the energy. MaraSCD 9.5 months

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Hi, Christy,

Welcome to the list. Glad you were able to find us, though, as we've said

before, sorry you needed to.

Not being a vegetarian myself, I'll be following your adventures with SCD

with interest. Elaine always felt that it was possible, as long as you

were willing to eat eggs, dairy, and fish, and I see that you


Regrettably, the 1 gram of sugars in the Sunshine cheese renders it


You can find a scan of the label of Friendship Dairy's Farmer Cheese,

which is a legal DCCC here:


Here is a recipe for making your own DCCC. It comes from the comments on

this recipe page:


" My recipe is my grandmother's, and makes a small curd cheese.

To about two gallons of skimmed milk I add a cup of buttermilk and allow

the milk to come to room temperature and sit, covered, for 24 hours. I

then gently cut the curd into about half inch cubes and let it rest for

about 15 minutes. Then I start to very gently stir and warm the curds. I

do this by using a 'double boiler' method where I heat the water gently,

raising the temperature about a degree a minute until it gets about 110 F

and let it stay there for about thirty minutes. Then raise it to about

120 and keep stirring gently until the curds are 'dry'.... in other words

they will shrink up and sink to the bottom of the pot. If you bite into

the curd and it is like yogurt it is not done yet. When it is done,

strain and rinse with ice cold water and put into cheese cloth and

squeeze out the moisture until it is dry enough to suit you. Salt and put

into container and refrigerate. "

If contacting the company, you need a physical letter on the company's

letterhead, signed by someone with authority to make such a pronouncement

regarding the company's products, not an email or a phone call. Too

often, those answering the phone, or writing an email legitimately don't

know, and will say whatever they think the customer wants to hear in

order to get them off the phone so they can get on to the next phone


What you have to ask if you contact the company is if the cheese is made

with a bacterial culture. If it is, then you have to find out if any

unfermented milk or cream is added after fermentation. If it was, then

the product is not legal.

In general, soft cheeses are not legal because they have not been

fermented and/or aged enough to allow all the lactose in the milk to be

broken down. But DCCC without added milk or cream is fermented long


For a vegetarian, the only thing I can suggest to improve iron is cooking

in cast iron -- and putting a squeeze of lemon or orange juice on

whatever you're cooking. Make sure you're getting enough tolerated

Vitamin C, as that improves iron absorption. You might also want to have

your B12 and folic acid levels checked, as that can be a factor in

anemia, as well as low iron.

Whether you feel better or worse at the beginning of SCD is something

none of us can really answer. Everyone is an individual. For

myself, when I was starting SCD, I was also recovering from emergency

gall bladder surgery in which they handed me entirely too much

anesthesia. I slept most of the first three weeks after I came home from

the hospital, so if there was die-off, I probably wasn't awake for


Keep in mind that you have been ill for some time -- you aren't going to

recover overnight. SCD is incredibly healthy. It can be a miracle worker

-- but it does take time.


New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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