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ocular rosacea

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Good grief! After reading all these recent posts regarding eyes and the

medical community's failure to properly identify and treat ocular

rosacea I am so annoyed. (I really meant pissed off) I mean, duuhhh!

Consider how many of this group who are known to have rocacea on our

faces also have eye involvement. Consider that we have nearly identical

symptoms. It's not rocket science folks! Are there no clinical studies

about this stuff? Why are so many doctors (unlike Nase & Sy thank God)

ill-informed and unaware to such an extent that they so often

misdiagnose this disease??? cea certainly seems common enough to

warrant more awareness than our collective experience indicates exists,

so what's the problem? Are the drugs most commonly used to treat

cea (Metro twins) manufactured by a company who has some sorta

corner on the research grants? I simply do NOT understand why such a

common, simple to diagnose (if we can figure it out by studying a bit

and talking amongst ourselves they oughta be able to diagnose it)

disease isn't clearly recognized and better understood. Whew! Okay,

tirade over. Any thoughts?


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I had a particularly stubborn chalazion a few years ago that just wouldn't

go away. (It had been there for two months.) My derm. prescribed Augmentin

for it and it started to heal right away. The Dr. said that Augmentin works

well for this.


Re: ocular rosacea



>I've had about 5 chalazion removed over the past 2 years. It is my

>understanding that my opthamologist either removes or cuts up the gland to

>prevent the chalazion from reoccuring. I think that you can just drain

>them, but you might want to check with your doctor.


>I've also had a chalazion cause another chalazion. After the swellling of

>the first chalazion went down, I had a couple of small lumps on my eyelids

>from other glands that were irritated by the swelling of the first

>chalazion. One of these eventually became a new chalazion. This may be what

>you're experiencing.


>As far as what to do to prevent them from happening...I do 2x scrubs daily

>as well. I also found that once I started eliminating some trigger foods

>for my facial rosacea, I noticed that my eyes seemed to be less irritated.

>Unfortunately, I haven't completely gotten rid of them (I've got one right

>now!). Like you, I've also found that the hot compresses don't really work

>that well.


>I don't have an answer, but lately I've been wondering why the things that

>are definite no-no's for facial rosacea, are exactly what they recommend

>for ocular rosacea (hot compresses and topical antibiotics with steroids

>-Maxitrol). I wonder if I'm just perpetuating my condition?




>dschapker40@... wrote:


>> I have had 3 chalaizon drained over the past year. Any advice on how

>> to get them to stop forming. I was my eyelids with baby shampoo 2x/day.

>> I have used warm compresses but it has never made a chalaizon on away

>> once it is there. I always get it on the same eye in about the same

>> place. I fear if I keep getting them removed it will cause scar tissue

>> or permanent lid damage. Any advice?


>> Diane


>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


>> eGroups.com home: /group/rosacea-support

>> - Simplifying group communications





>eGroups.com home: /group/rosacea-support

> - Simplifying group communications





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