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Fw: When The Behavior Chart Doesn't Get Filled...

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When The Behavior Chart Doesn't Get Filled...

Hi Tina~

"But there's not enough time for thekids to complete their behaviorcharts..."

Have you ever run into this problem?

Maybe you have a chart for your child orstudent that takes 5 repetitions tocomplete the chart...

But by the end of the day or the end ofthe school day, the chart still isn'tfilled because they didn't repeat thebehavior enough times.

Of course you can start fresh the nextday with a new behavior chart...

But here's the thing...

It's REALLY important (especially in thebeginning) that the chart gets filledall the way up.

Your child or student NEEDS to feel thatsense of immediate success.

And as the adult in the situation, youhave more control over this than youmight think.

Yes, it's the child's decision as towhether they do the new behavior ornot...

But YOU need to be on the child's sideand help them fill their chart by givingthem LOTS of opportunities to performthe new behavior.

This is one of the reasons I don'trecommend that people start out withchore charts.

You can only "take out the garbage" onceevery few days..

And you can only "make your bed" oncebefore school...

So when there are actions like that onthe chart, there's not enoughopportunities to do it.

You need to pick behaviors to work onthat can happen A LOT.

Things like:

At home: - Use your regular voice. - Put toys away after you use them. - Play quietly with your brother.

At school: - Raise your hand before speaking. - Stay seated during lessons.- Walk in the hallway.

Those are behaviors that a child wouldhave many opportunities to do during aday or even an afternoon.

So your job as the parent or teacher isto CATCH THEM doing the new behavior.

The more you catch your children doingthe new positive behavior, the moreattention you'll be putting on it...

This means your child or student will bethinking about it more and then doingthe new behavior more also...

And THAT means that your child will getto mark his chart and feel that sense ofaccomplishment. Ta-da!

So if you're worried that there isn'tenough time for your child or student tofill his chart...

Make sure the behavior you're working onis one that WILL allow for it to happena lot during the time that you're withyour child or student...

And make sure to CATCH THEM doing thenew behavior and praising them for it sothey can mark the chart and fill it allthe way up.

Best wishes,

~Miss Mona

P.S. Remember - it's REALLY importantthat the child find success filling uphis chart very early in the process.Help him succeed by catching him beinggood.

And you can get some charts to downloadhere if you need some:


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