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Special Movie Screenings For Autism Families

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Special Movie Screenings For Autism FamiliesBy REGINE LABOSSIERE |The Hartford Courant November 17, 2008BEFORE A SPECIAL SHOWING of "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa," and Calverley of Torrington try to calm their son Spencer, 4, inthe lobby of Hoyts Simsbury Commons 8 Saturday. Spencer, who hasautism, wanted to leave, but the family stayed and Spencer sat in hisfather’s lap for the entire movie. (MICHAEL MCANDREWS / HARTFORD COURANT / November 15, 2008) SIMSBURY- This is a sight usually not seen at a movie theater: parents draggingtheir kids kicking and screaming to see an animated film.Four-year-old Spencer Calverley was in his father's arms, acting outthe kind of tantrum seen so often by parents — except this time hisparents were explaining that there was nothing scary about going into amovie theater to see " Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.""We've been explaining it, but anything new is hard," said his mother, Calverley of Torrington.Many parents would blush over such behavior at a movie, but Saturdaymorning at the Hoyts Simsbury Commons 8 was a little different."Here, it's a judgment-free zone," Calverley said.The theater in Simsbury broke all the rules for moviegoers at twospecial showings of "Madagascar 2." The lights were dimmed, but notturned off; the sound was turned down; there were no commercials orpreviews before the movie; and the youngsters in the audience wereallowed to run around, climb up and down steps, talk, shout, scream andcry loudly without being asked to leave.The special screenings, scheduled at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.Saturday, were orchestrated by Simsbury resident Yeisley. Sheunderstands the difficulty that parents of children with autism andother sensory disorders, such as Spencer, have controlling behavior inan environment where silence and sitting still for hours at a time isthe norm. Many people with autism and sensory disorders have troublevocalizing their pain or discomfort and use self-stimulation, alsocalled stimming, to express their thoughts. It often sounds like a loudhum or dull scream.Yeisley worked with the cinema's general manager to reserve the290-seat theater for the morning show and advertised the screening atschools and through word of mouth. The reaction was so great, she said,that she bought out the theater for a second show.Because of the overwhelming response, she said, she plans to work withHoyts and other movie-theater companies around the state to organizemore of these screenings."I know a lot of autism families who have never been to the moviesbecause every child with autism also has a lot of sensory disorders, sosights, sounds or crowds are very difficult for individuals," saidYeisley, whose 8-year-old son has autism. "However, this is apopulation that likes movies a lot. I don't know the last time I'veactually seen the end of the movie, because it just gets too difficultand we have to leave."While this may be the first such showing in Connecticut, similar eventshave taken place around the country in the past couple of years.The most well-known are hosted by AMC Entertainment in partnership withthe Autism Society of America, based in Bethesda, Md. Since August, AMCand the autism society have held monthly "sensory friendly films," asthey call them, in a dozen states, society spokeswoman Carin Yavorciksaid."It's a safe and accepting environment," Yavorcik said. "We hear somany great things from families. They'll tell us: 'This is the firsttime we're able to go out together as a family.'"But the experience was still trying for some families Saturday. As soonas the screen came to life with bright colors and characters and thefilm's music began, Noah Ridgeway, 4, jumped down from his cushy chairand huddled behind the seat in front of him, using his small hands toprop himself up so his eyes could peer over the seat."I scared, I scared!" he yelled to his mother, Charlene Ridgeway of Simsbury."It's OK, sweetie," she said, hugging him, then giving him a juice box.Noah's autism spectrum disorder causes him to be scared by loud noisesand things that are new to him. When she heard about the screening,Ridgeway realized she would be able to give her son the sameopportunity that she enjoyed as a child."I thought it was awesome. I could never take him to a regular movie,"she said. "I always dreamed about movies when I was a kid, and I'mhappy he could see it on the big screen."After the movie, Knall of Simsbury said the experience was ablessing for her family, which includes 7-year-old Jack, who has autismspectrum disorder. Previous trips to the movies meant having to bringearplugs, getting kicked out or having to walk out."This was fantastic," Knall said. "We've been waiting for this for years."Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live Click here

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