Guest guest Posted September 20, 2008 Report Share Posted September 20, 2008 I would like to comment on two things regarding this. The child was probably put in the ESOL program to boost funding to the school. I believe this, because she was born in this country and speaks clear english without problems. When dealing with anyone in the school system, especially when making a reasonable request, DO IT IN WRITING. This protects you and shows previous on-going communication as to what should be done. If you don't have an advocate, you should consider getting one. G.Subject: school communications and strange ESOL incident..To: sList Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 4:40 AM i'm wondering if there had been many people here who have had experiences where phone claas and verbal communications have been ignored and dissmissed as non existent. and the one time a letter is writen it's like this is the first time anyone has ever heard of anything although one has repeatedley expressed concerns and made calls that were essentially ignored. and the one time something is written in paper it's like why didn't you say so before like this is the first they've heard of such concerns. also my friend whose happens to be haitian, have had hr child go thorugh ESOL, by the schools recommendation have other schools insist that this is an issue although the child was born and raised here, english is her primary language, and her english is crisp clear as any other american child? so why was she tossed in ESOL and why was the principal so vehement in defending such recomendation? if following his reasoning than all of mine meices and nephews who come from multilingual homes should have met the same persitence that our kids need ESOL simply on the basis that a secondary language is being used at home. and NEVER had a met such ferver and vehemence as ESOL consideration taking seriously and considered beofre something like a learning disabilit eval to take place. this child i know very well, has absolutely no problems with her english, and is so blatantly ADHD it's noticeable. and his first thought is ESOL? i kept staring at him while he defended his ESOL theory to the hilt. never experienced such a thing ever. sure she's haitian, but she's haitian american, born and raised and obviouosly speaking english as any typical american child does who may or may not have bilingual backgrounds. i felt sick feeling this child was her parent was given the run around and railroaded simply on the basis of her nationality. he just wouldn't let it go. i mean on his reasoning alone then all students who were born and raised in the US who come from bilingual homes but whose parents have stated that english is their primary language should all be ignored and should go through ESOL before having an evaluation for a learning disability done. the mother and i explained that the child can't even read creole, while she does read english, that she has been completely immersed in american english televisdion, education, language, friends with numerous non haitians kids, and has been exposed to english way more often than she has with creole. he simply didn't make sense. i've spoken to family members and friends and from what i gathered ESOL has been persued with such persistence for children who were born and raised in other countires and not really been an issue with clear and everday average english kids where if they spoke you wouldn't tell which child had the bilingual haitian background and which child had an english only background? have any parents also experienced this illogical persistence in ESOL for a perfectly english competent child born and raised here and indistinguishable from english only stdents? i felt so concerned that race and nationality was an issue here but need to sound off. for although all of our kids and cousins kids have all had multilingual backgrounds and requested LD evals to take place no one that we have recalled ever pursued ESOL as a necassary avenue to explore in our kids and she speaks just as well as our kids. multiple languages are spoken at home, hebrew and spanish, why wasn't ESOL agressively pursued as it was with this child? why were we treated so differently. i couldn't help but feel that being haitian they were being treated this way and dissmissed. please respond. it really bugged me something awful. i felt so terrible for them. i mean we meet with resistence but they didn't even pretend. it seemed so obvious that this was an issue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2008 Report Share Posted September 20, 2008 would like to comment on two things regarding this. The child was probably put in the ESOL program to boost funding to the school. I believe this, because she was born in this country and speaks clear english without problems. When dealing with anyone in the school system, especially when making a reasonable request, DO IT IN WRITING. This protects you and shows previous on-going communication as to what should be done. If you don't have an advocate, you should consider getting one. Re: school communications and strange ESOL incident.. thanks i was so upset i could barely make write. we are not going to let things go. we'll cntact an dvocate and i've written another letter. her english is as clear and crisp as the average american child born and bred here. no one will ever tell her from a child from english only backdrop. i just went to sit in with the parent who as requesting an evaluation as her childs learning disabilities have been so long ignored. she's a preemie, and everyone knows how common LD's and other issues be so common in the mini babies. but she needs ESE not ESOL, she rites backwords too. she look quite aspi or adhd with such other issues. i took hours cleaning up my letter and i=2 0will not let this go next time we'll rcord the meeting. our nurse looks after us well i don't want her girl to rot in ESOL. is there a difference in funding to te school from ESE and ESOL? someone mentioned ESE has the headaches of IEP's and Mckay for the school to deal with while ESOL would be a better convenient program to toss kids they can get away with into. is there some sort of internal affairs for school admin or principal, for racist behaviors? there was much emphasis on hr being haitian and neding this service because of it. and why would ESOL b a more logic option for a child born and raised here with immaclate english? why the fact that she looks lika walking poster for adhd and was a preemie? and from some numbers i got from some preemie lists that as much as 80 percent of preemies strugle or deal with LD's. but ESOL is the the theory that makes more sense to all of them? that makes no sense. they were deliberate in their actions. i should not sit quiet after witnessing such display of racism. our tax dollars should not be paying for racist behaviors. it should not be tolerated. i checked with the ACLU of broward county. and will contact them tomorrow. i am describig the racism behavior and attitude. how obscene to ignore and propose that it's more probable that it's a social thing and not an LD. uh hello, she was a preemie and at risk for LD becaause of it but she was tossed into ESOL before and then in regular class again and then now they want her there again. i a calling help me howard or miami herad anyone that will investigate racism from school amins towards vulnerable parents. i know they (school nazi's) get in all of our way i been there. but their behavior is much uglier when it' toward vulnerable parents, say haitian or latinamerican parents who don't know much about what their rights are. from what i've seen and this was the second time i sat with limited english parent. they get treated much worse. when we left our nurse was jesus crying. it bugged me beore. infuriated me this time around. it's too oten i see such behavior now. no chool administrator should get away with blatant discriminatory practices. it should be confronted and named for what it is. i'm still angry. sorry.. j.h rst time anyone has ever heard of anything although one has repeatedley expressed concerns and made calls that were essentially ignored. and the one time something is written in paper it's like why didn't you say so before like this is the first they've heard of such concerns. also my friend whose happens to be haitian, have had hr child go thorugh ESOL, by the schools recommendation have other schools insist that this is an issue although the child was born and raised here, english is her primary language, and her english is crisp clea r as any other american child? so why was she tossed in ESOL and why was the principal so vehement in defending such recomendation? if following his reasoning than all of mine meices and nephews who come from multilingual homes should have met the same persitence that our kids need ESOL simply on the basis that a secondary language is being used at home. and NEVER had a met such ferver and vehemence as ESOL consideration taking seriously and considered beofre something like a learning disabilit eval to take place. this child i know very well, has absolutely no problems with her english, and is so blatantly ADHD it's noticeable. and his first thought is ESOL? i kept staring at him while he defended his ESOL theory to the hilt. never experienced such a thing ever. sure she's haitian, but she's haitian american, born and raised and obviouosly speaking english as any typical american child does who may or may not have bilingual backgrounds. i felt sick feeling this child was her parent was given the run around and railroaded simply on the basis of her nationality. he just wouldn't let it go. i mean on his reasoning alone then all students who were born and raised in the US who come from bilingual homes but whose parents have stated that english is their primary language should all be ignored and should go through ESOL before having an evaluation for a learning disability done. the mother and i explained that the child can't even read creole, while=2 0she does read english, that she has been completely immersed in american english televisdion, education, language, friends with numerous non haitians kids, and has been exposed to english way more often than she has with creole. he simply didn't make sense. i've spoken to family members and friends and from what i gathered ESOL has been persued with such persistence for children who were born and raised in other countires and not really been an issue with clear and everday average english kids where if they spoke you wouldn't tell which child had the bilingual haitian background and which child had an english only background? have any parents also experienced this illogical persistence in ESOL for a perfectly english competent child born and raised here and indistinguishable from english only stdents? i felt so concerned that race and nationality was an issue here but need to sound off. for although all of our kids and cousins kids have all had multilingual backgrounds and requested LD evals to take place no one that we have recalled ever pursued ESOL as a necassary avenue to explore in our kids and she speaks just as well as our kids. multiple languages are spoken at home, hebrew and spanish, why wasn't ESOL agressively pursued as it was with this child? why were we treated so differently. i couldn't help but feel that being haitian they were being treated this way and dissmissed. please respond. it really bugged me something awful. i felt so terrible for them. i mean we meet with resistence but they didn't even pretend. it seemed so obvious that this was an issue. 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Guest guest Posted September 21, 2008 Report Share Posted September 21, 2008 Yes the funding levels are different. Perhaps someone from one of the following agencies can assist you:Thw HAP Coalition1040 N.W. 10 Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 ** Phone: FAX: E-Mail: HAPCoalition@...____________________Pierre Toussaint Haitian Center130 NE 62nd Street Miami, FL 33138pierretoussaint@... American Friends Immigrant ServicesSouth Dade Office Tower 110700 Caribbean Blvd.Ste. 301Miami, FL 33189Phone: Fax: Lucio -ReynozoEmail: L-Reynozo@...Subject: Re: school communications and strange ESOL incident..To: sList Date: Sunday, September 21, 2008, 1:30 AM would like to comment on two things regarding this. The child was probably put in the ESOL program to boost funding to the school. I believe this, because she was born in this country and speaks clear english without problems. When dealing with anyone in the school system, especially when making a reasonable request, DO IT IN WRITING. This protects you and shows previous on-going communication as to what should be done. If you don't have an advocate, you should consider getting one. Re: school communications and strange ESOL incident.. thanks i was so upset i could barely make write. we are not going to let things go. we'll cntact an dvocate and i've written another letter. her english is as clear and crisp as the average american child born and bred here. no one will ever tell her from a child from english only backdrop. i just went to sit in with the parent who as requesting an evaluation as her childs learning disabilities have been so long ignored. she's a preemie, and everyone knows how common LD's and other issues be so common in the mini babies. but she needs ESE not ESOL, she rites backwords too. she look quite aspi or adhd with such other issues. i took hours cleaning up my letter and i=2 0will not let this go next time we'll rcord the meeting. our nurse looks after us well i don't want her girl to rot in ESOL. is there a difference in funding to te school from ESE and ESOL? someone mentioned ESE has the headaches of IEP's and Mckay for the school to deal with while ESOL would be a better convenient program to toss kids they can get away with into. is there some sort of internal affairs for school admin or principal, for racist behaviors? there was much emphasis on hr being haitian and neding this service because of it. and why would ESOL b a more logic option for a child born and raised here with immaclate english? why the fact that she looks lika walking poster for adhd and was a preemie? and from some numbers i got from some preemie lists that as much as 80 percent of preemies strugle or deal with LD's. but ESOL is the the theory that makes more sense to all of them? that makes no sense. they were deliberate in their actions. i should not sit quiet after witnessing such display of racism. our tax dollars should not be paying for racist behaviors. it should not be tolerated. i checked with the ACLU of broward county. and will contact them tomorrow. i am describig the racism behavior and attitude. how obscene to ignore and propose that it's more probable that it's a social thing and not an LD. uh hello, she was a preemie and at risk for LD becaause of it but she was tossed into ESOL before and then in regular class again and then now they want her there again. i a calling help me howard or miami herad anyone that will investigate racism from school amins towards vulnerable parents. i know they (school nazi's) get in all of our way i been there. but their behavior is much uglier when it' toward vulnerable parents, say haitian or latinamerican parents who don't know much about what their rights are. from what i've seen and this was the second time i sat with limited english parent. they get treated much worse. when we left our nurse was jesus crying. it bugged me beore. infuriated me this time around. it's too oten i see such behavior now. no chool administrator should get away with blatant discriminatory practices. it should be confronted and named for what it is. i'm still angry. sorry.. j.h rst time anyone has ever heard of anything although one has repeatedley expressed concerns and made calls that were essentially ignored. and the one time something is written in paper it's like why didn't you say so before like this is the first they've heard of such concerns. also my friend whose happens to be haitian, have had hr child go thorugh ESOL, by the schools recommendation have other schools insist that this is an issue although the child was born and raised here, english is her primary language, and her english is crisp clea r as any other american child? so why was she tossed in ESOL and why was the principal so vehement in defending such recomendation? if following his reasoning than all of mine meices and nephews who come from multilingual homes should have met the same persitence that our kids need ESOL simply on the basis that a secondary language is being used at home. and NEVER had a met such ferver and vehemence as ESOL consideration taking seriously and considered beofre something like a learning disabilit eval to take place. this child i know very well, has absolutely no problems with her english, and is so blatantly ADHD it's noticeable. and his first thought is ESOL? i kept staring at him while he defended his ESOL theory to the hilt. never experienced such a thing ever. sure she's haitian, but she's haitian american, born and raised and obviouosly speaking english as any typical american child does who may or may not have bilingual backgrounds. i felt sick feeling this child was her parent was given the run around and railroaded simply on the basis of her nationality. he just wouldn't let it go. i mean on his reasoning alone then all students who were born and raised in the US who come from bilingual homes but whose parents have stated that english is their primary language should all be ignored and should go through ESOL before having an evaluation for a learning disability done. the mother and i explained that the child can't even read creole, while=2 0she does read english, that she has been completely immersed in american english televisdion, education, language, friends with numerous non haitians kids, and has been exposed to english way more often than she has with creole. he simply didn't make sense. i've spoken to family members and friends and from what i gathered ESOL has been persued with such persistence for children who were born and raised in other countires and not really been an issue with clear and everday average english kids where if they spoke you wouldn't tell which child had the bilingual haitian background and which child had an english only background? have any parents also experienced this illogical persistence in ESOL for a perfectly english competent child born and raised here and indistinguishable from english only stdents? i felt so concerned that race and nationality was an issue here but need to sound off. for although all of our kids and cousins kids have all had multilingual backgrounds and requested LD evals to take place no one that we have recalled ever pursued ESOL as a necassary avenue to explore in our kids and she speaks just as well as our kids. multiple languages are spoken at home, hebrew and spanish, why wasn't ESOL agressively pursued as it was with this child? why were we treated so differently. i couldn't help but feel that being haitian they were being treated this way and dissmissed. please respond. it really bugged me something awful. i felt so terrible for them. i mean we meet with resistence but they didn't even pretend. it seemed so obvious that this was an issue. 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