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my spastic days

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Well, my spaciscity came on first in the evenings in Jr. High School.

Then by the time I was in 9th grade, it hit in the afternoons. By the

time I got to college I had it just about all the time. No wonder I

stayed drunk and popped my valium - I thought it helped. It was hard to

live with and 'control'. By the time I got to graduate school at about

age 22 or so I wasn't 'as spastic'. But lol, I sure was drunk a whole

lot! I was doing alot of swimming at that time (lived in Arizona) so

weather was warm and dry and pools all over. And I was still eating my

valium, just less of it. By nightfall, I sure was ready to party and

believe it or not no spascisity problems on the disco dance floor!

(Please understand, I am not recommending alcohol and/or valium for

this!) This is just my experience.

When I quit this lifestyle sobered up once and for all, I still had some

spasticity, but I did notice it wasn't so bad and that's when I thought

that maybe my own personal stress might have something to do with it.

Then the spascisity just returned later in the evenings.

In about 1986 I started taking Elavil for nerve pain and voila, within 4

days, no spascisty! None of those wicked tremors either! Also better

sleep, and in general much more relaxed. And yes, because of relief of

symptoms that had taken up so much time to control, I was happier!


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