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Re: Digest Number 781

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Did the Doctor hit/nick a blood vessel during the procedure? You should

have had a pressure dressing applied and kept in place for a long time


Just a thought.

Barb - MI

Re: [Lyme-aid] Digest Number 781

> From: " " <jeand@...>



> > are you taking prozac? That can cause a clotting problem

> > Sharon



> Nope. Not taking anything ... no aspirin, no antibiotics, no nothing.


> occasional Advil for headaches but that's it ... nothing in the amount


> would cause the clotting problems I am having.) I should have the lab

> results back tomorrow. Will let you all know what happens.


> Ann (TX)

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> are you taking prozac? That can cause a clotting problem

> Sharon

Nope. Not taking anything ... no aspirin, no antibiotics, no nothing. (An

occasional Advil for headaches but that's it ... nothing in the amount that

would cause the clotting problems I am having.) I should have the lab

results back tomorrow. Will let you all know what happens.

Ann (TX)

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> Ann,

> Did the Doctor hit/nick a blood vessel during the procedure? You should

> have had a pressure dressing applied and kept in place for a long time

> after.


> Just a thought.


> Barb - MI

It's possible I suppose but the skin tag was sooooo tiny that it was just

one little snip at the skin, not even a cut into the skin. Right now I'm

more concerned about the liver function tests than I am the clotting

problem. When the bleeding wouldn't stop he decided to do some bloodwork to

find out what was going on. My SGOT and SGPT both came back *extremely*

elevated so now we're waiting on more labs to be back tomorrow. He's

checking for Hep A, B & C, along with doing a serum copper panel and

something else. (Can't remember.)

Thanks for the input!!

Ann (TX)

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Everyone,

Deep down inside we all know or have an Idea what healthy eating is. That is why we are here to encourage, motivate and remind each other to eat healthy.  A while back I was eating raw fruits and veggies and juicing them, and then I went astray because I had fallen into temptation.   I saw a post about colon cleansing and today I had raw fruits and vegetables.   I always juice and eat raw fruits and vegetables, but this day was different for me since I didn't have any junk food or cooked food.  I feel like someone blew oxygen and nitrogen me.  I had raw green turnips; raw parsley, raw carrots, raw celery, raw collard greens and I also juiced all that stuff.   Like I said what made today different then my other days is that I didn't eat junk or cooked food.  Why did I not stray from eating healthy today?   I did not stray away because of the encouragement that I had received from this group.  I wanna thank everyone in this group.  You guys are the best.  Lets keep on encouraging each other.  Btw I feel so good.  You know how you feel when you get a buzz from alcohol?  Well I got that same feeling but to a higher extent.  Sorry I had to use that as an example.  I didn't buy organic veggies and fruits I won't be buying that stuff until I can afford it.  We have all been a victim when it comes to trying to improve our health. You will try anything and you will spend your last penny on a product just because someone says it will help or you think that it will help.  The best things in life are free everyone.  A person can grow his own veggies for free, but some of this stuff that’s out there won't do us any good.  Don't get me wrong not everyone is trying to make a buck.  Some people actually do care.  I ran out of beets so I didn't have any of that today.  We are all made of the same thing, so what can help one person can help another.  Someone told me about homozon a while back and I tried it for myself. Once again I am so glad that you told me about homozon.  Thanx everyone for the motivation.


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  • 7 months later...

and Amy!!

It is a peice of cake (any way for me it was!). You go to sleep and wake up

feeling so much lighter!!! Think positive thoughts about how much better

you will look and feel! Know that God is with you whenever you reach out to

Him in faith! I had the tummy tuck, face/chin lift, my eyes and my arms

done in May and June of this year. It was worth every penny! I'm going

back for my thighs and tummy to be liposuctioned in March. I can't wait!

Love, In Jesus,

Betty Pappas

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  • 7 months later...
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I have been a member of this board for many months, though I haven't posted

in almost that long. I am writing in response to the mention of Pro EFA. My

son, Spencer, is almost 3 yrs. old and was diagnosed as autistic at 17

months. We started every " accepted " therapy...speech, o.t., social, etc. and

I did a ton of research (and still do, daily) about alternative treatments

for him. That's how I found out about this board and the Nordic Naturals

products. I stated Spencer on ProEFA and didn't really see any change that I

could attribute to the product. In further research, I found a big chunk of

research implicating Cod Liver Oil in opening the neuropathways to autistic

kids and increasing their cognitive function, speech, etc. The protocol calls

for the administration of bethanecol, a gastro drug after a period of loading

with the " clo " . Spencer was almost completely non-verbal (3 unintelligible

words) in mid December. We began giving him the Nordic Naturals CLO the very

end of November. By the end of Feb., he had 150 spontaneous words (as

documented in a word catalog completed by the UC San Diego longitudinal study

for Autism Research. As I type today, there is not a single word or sound

that he will not attempt to reproduce. Admittedly, his articulation still

needs alot of work, but if you consider where ANY child would be who has only

been verbalizing for less than 6 months, I think you would agree that this is

not of great concern. The reason I am writing to you all now is because I

recently became aware of another company-Equazen, in the UK, that

manufactures EFA products. Apparently, their quality standards are extremely

high, like Nordic Naturals. I e-mailed them directly and asked why I should

buy their products instead of Nordic Naturals. The answer I got from the

company is that Equazen also infuses organic EPO into their EFA products. The

claim is that EPO is the major remedy for the brain and eye function

impairment that is seen in kids with language and neurological issues. So, I

welcome any info that you all may have about the products, the company, or

EPO inparticular. I am writing only to tell you what I found out and am very

interested in your experiences or personal knowledge on this subject. By the

way, Spencer's cognitive functioning, motor skills, social awareness and

participation and eye contact have increased so dramatically, that I really

have parents and therapists who don't treat Spencer ask me what I am doing

because they want to try it themselves. I have always said that I would never

abandon the " standard " therapies, but that the nutritional interventions are

what have made the biggest and most dramatic improvements in Spencer. Thanks

for listening!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/23/2002 9:08:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

rivergal777@... writes:

> I always feel EXTREMELY bloated in my feet and hands and face.

> What am I doing wrong?

> I do live in Arizona and it is 115 here, therefore, I am forced to drink

> tons of water.

> Anyone else experiencing this? Any words of advice?



You need T3, IMO! Check out the 's Thyroid People. If you haven't had

success with this medicine and are still gaining weight, you need to find

someone to give you more medicine but the right type. And definitely with T3

in it! Look at www.wilsonsthyroidsyndrome.com. My bet is the info there

could really help you! They have doctor's referral if you're in a place

where you can employ another doc.

Good luck and write back,

in LA

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Hi...I have been reading the posts on this panel for 5 weeks now since I

visited my doctor and my TSH reading came back as a 42.3. The message she

left on my voice mail was that I would be feeling like " night and day " in

the next 4-5 weeks. Well...I can tell you that I don't feel any better....I

have gained another 3 pounds, and I go to the gym 5 days a week doing 30

min. cardio, weight training, and have tried going back to kickboxing which

two years ago I could attend 2 classes in a row....now I can't make it

through one.

I have lost my fiancé because I am so insecure about my weight (30 lb.

weight-gain in a year and a half), and I am always tired.

I have been on a strict eating plan for 3 weeks now (never ate BAD...but

didn't eat GREAT)... so thought that might help. nope.

I am only 32 and in the last year and a half I feel like I have been in a

downward spiral!

I have been on Levoxyl (white tablets...2 a day)....doesn't seem to help at


I always feel EXTREMELY bloated in my feet and hands and face.

What am I doing wrong?

I do live in Arizona and it is 115 here, therefore, I am forced to drink

tons of water.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any words of advice?

I went back today for more blood tests

Digest Number 781

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  • 1 month later...

, every time I key in the verification word, it says it didn't work!

What is wrong? Thanks for any help you can provide! Randi

hyperthyroidism wrote:


> There is 1 message in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. RE: Digest Number 780 (verification)

> From: <mshomon@...>


> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________


> Message: 1

> Date: (unknown)

> From: <mshomon@...>

> Subject: RE: Digest Number 780 (verification)


> here,


> I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail.


> Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails.

> You won't have to do this again.


> http://spamarrest.com/a?80670200:997188


> Spam Arrest - Take control of your inbox!

> http://spamarrest.com


> ------------------------------------------------------------

> You are receiving this message in response to your email to

> mshomon@..., a Spam Arrest customer.


> Spam Arrest requests that senders verify themselves before

> their email is delivered.


> When you click the above link, you will be taken to a page

> with a graphic on it. Simply read the word in the graphic,

> type it into the form, and you're verified.


> You will only need to do this once per Spam Arrest customer.

> ------------------------------------------------------------


> [This message contained attachments]


> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

To some it is a major issue, to others it isn't. I've chimed in

before after reading that some members can't sit for long times at

the keyboard. For them, scrolling through stuff that doesn't apply

anymore can be difficult.

There is no (and never has been any) thought of being kicked off

the board because messages were too long. That's not the way we

operate (boo!) here. But since this is a rather unique audience,

its a polite thing to avoid blindly replying without deleting the

stuff that doesn't matter. Again, I'd put this issue in

the " courtesy " catagory.

The easiest way to do this is to left-click at the start of what

you want to delete, scroll to the end of what you want to delete,

and shift-left-click there. Now, a bunch of text is highlighted.

Simply hit the backspace key. (The delete key works also.)

I've been on one board that even enforced quoted parts of earlier

messages to be four sentences or less. I never have and never will

enforce such a ridiculous rule.

> Is this really a major issue?

> I can speak for myself in saying that I personally forget from

time to time to delete previous messages. I wouldn't call that

laziness, just slips my mind. I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone!

> As I've heard someone state before, sometimes this group goes way

off of the subject of why we are all here. I wouldn't want to

jeopardize my membership to this board because it is very helpful

but why the drama?

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I receive each message as an email, and have no difficulty with the redundancy.

In fact, I get piqued by the messages that give one no clue as to the message to

which they are responding.

Re: Digest Number 781

Is this really a major issue?

I can speak for myself in saying that I personally forget from time to time to

delete previous messages. I wouldn't call that laziness, just slips my mind. I'm

sorry if I annoyed anyone!

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Hi, everyone:

If you don't like lots of email messages on a daily basis, and if the

digest format annoys you (like it does me), another option is to read

the messages directly at the Web site. I don't have any email

delivered to me anymore -- I just visit the site during the day when

it's convenient, and if I'm out of town for a while, well, I don't

have a big pile of messages to read when I get back. Also, it's a lot

easier to follow threads at (though not as good as it should

be, and that's 's great drawback) than in email -- you can just

click a link to review the original message, rather than scroll

through hundreds of emails in your In box.

That's just my $.02 on the topic. I haven't received Feisty as email

in more than two years.



> I receive each message as an email, and have no difficulty with the

redundancy. In fact, I get piqued by the messages that give one no

clue as to the message to which they are responding.

> Re: Digest Number 781



> Is this really a major issue?

> I can speak for myself in saying that I personally forget from

time to time to delete previous messages. I wouldn't call that

laziness, just slips my mind. I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone!



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I tried that for awhile, but I couldn't manage to get to the site to

read the messages very often--more than a month went by and I never

did catch up.

I like the digest because I can quickly scan the posts, but when the

same post is repeated in its entirety four or five times in the

digest, it gets to be a bit much.

I work full time and go to school full time--the digest would be

faster to read than clicking individual messages if it wasn't so

hard to find the new messages. Sometimes, a reply is sent to a

reply to a reply to a message and there are 4 old messages at the

bottom of a post to wade through.

A real threaded message board would be nice, but most of the free

ones launch too much other crap when you visit them.

The simplest solution would be for me to quit reading, but I am

still trying to decide whether to have revision surgery or continue

to wait and see, so I hate to quit reading.

See the two messages below this? This is from replying to just one

message at the site. It wouldn't be that hard to delete it and just

mention what I am replying to at the beginning of the email (ie. I

tried your suggestion of only reading messages at the site,

elissa, . . .)

> > I receive each message as an email, and have no difficulty with


> redundancy. In fact, I get piqued by the messages that give one


> clue as to the message to which they are responding.

> > Re: Digest Number 781

> >

> >

> > Is this really a major issue?

> > I can speak for myself in saying that I personally forget from

> time to time to delete previous messages. I wouldn't call that

> laziness, just slips my mind. I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone!

> >

> >

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offers a couple delivery options for the site traffic. You

can either get individual emails, as you appear to have. Others

choose to get a " digest " where up to 25 posts are grouped together.

This option doesn't clutter the Inbox as much. One cannot simply

scan and delete, though.

> I am confused as to the problem, I do understand that it can be

difficult to sit and read sometimes as I often have back ache and

simply cannot sit at my computer and read all the stuff.


> However, I do have a laptop and I will use that when that problem

occurs, but I read the first few lines if it doesnt concern me I



> It really isnt that hard!

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Hi, Elissa --

I agree that it is much easier to deal with groups by

reading the mail onsite.

Does this mean you are no longer receiving any posts

to moderate? I am offline most of the time right now

== need to reformat my hard drive at the least -- and

am worried that maybe poor is handling the

entire " mailbag " all by his lonesome! In which case,

he deserves a medal.

Otherwise, medals to both of you. I hope to be back



(who also has numb, burning, freezing,

cramping fingers in her writing hand, sometimes

extending as high as the shoulder -- since four this

morning -- someone please assure me this has NOTHING

to do with scoliosis or spinal surgeries and send me

an instant cure by return email . . . Thanks!)

--- ekm1220 <elissajunk@...> wrote:


Hi, everyone:

If you don't like lots of email messages on a daily

basis, and if the

digest format annoys you (like it does me), another

option is to read

the messages directly at the Web site. I don't

have any email

delivered to me anymore -- I just visit the site

during the day when

it's convenient, and if I'm out of town for a while,

well, I don't

have a big pile of messages to read when I get back.

Also, it's a lot

easier to follow threads at (though not as good

as it should

be, and that's 's great drawback) than in email

-- you can just

click a link to review the original message, rather

than scroll

through hundreds of emails in your In box.

That's just my $.02 on the topic. I haven't received

Feisty as email

in more than two years.



> I receive each message as an email, and have no

difficulty with the

redundancy. In fact, I get piqued by the messages

that give one no

clue as to the message to which they are responding.

> Re: Digest Number 781



> Is this really a major issue?

> I can speak for myself in saying that I personally

forget from

time to time to delete previous messages. I wouldn't

call that

laziness, just slips my mind. I'm sorry if I annoyed



> [Non-text portions of this message have been


Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington

Rod Malalignment Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group

does not control ads or endorse any advertised


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Hi, :

Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your computer problems. I hope

they're getting worked out.

Regarding moderating the group -- I just moderate it at the

site, which is fast and easy. When I get to the top of the group,

there's a warning message displayed that says messages are pending. I

approve 'em, and that's that. I started approving posts when

took a vacation, and now I just approve whatever is sitting in the

queue when I show up. I figure between me and and you when

you're around, it's getting updated at least once and usually several

times daily.

I stopped getting email delivery when I had my surgery last year, but

I've found that I vastly prefer reading the group online. It doesn't

clog my mail queue, there's a semblance of message threading so I can

find earlier posts if I want to, and it means that I can read the

group without having to launch my mail program when I'm trying to

avoid doing my actual work.

Anyway, of the many things to worry about, I don't think whether the

posts are getting approved fast enough should make the list. At

least, no one has complained yet. (I'm not fishing here. I'm just



> > I receive each message as an email, and have no

> difficulty with the

> redundancy. In fact, I get piqued by the messages

> that give one no

> clue as to the message to which they are responding.

> > Re: Digest Number 781

> >

> >

> > Is this really a major issue?

> > I can speak for myself in saying that I personally

> forget from

> time to time to delete previous messages. I wouldn't

> call that

> laziness, just slips my mind. I'm sorry if I annoyed

> anyone!

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




> Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington

> Rod Malalignment Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group

> does not control ads or endorse any advertised

> products.




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  • 1 year later...

Just a question for anyone or Alobar in particular: " How long can you

consume the 5 gallons VCO? Do you repack it immediately in smaller

containers as soon as you open the pail? " Thanks, Tess

coconut oil mfg list


> Here is a list of Coconut Oil mfg from my candidasuppport e-group on

> . Worth the visit if you are interested in learning how to control

> candida without drugs. Bee Wilder moderator.


> This is in no way a complete list of retailers but it is a good start.


> Coconut Oil Websites


> 4Radiant Life

> http://www.4radiantlife.com/


> African Pacific Pty Ltd. (Australia)

> http://www.africanpacific.com


> Ceres Organics (New Zealand)

> http://www.ceres.co.nz/pages/ceres_brand.htm


> Coconut Oil Supreme

> http://www.coconutoil-online.com/


> Garden of Life

> http://www.gardenoflife.com/


> Kaiora Organics (New Zealand)

> http://www.chantal.co.nz/welcome.html


> Kokonut Pacific

> For those of you down under

> http://www.kokonutpacific.com.au/


> Nutiva

> http://www.nutiva.com/


> Omega Nutrition (U.S. & Canada)

> http://www.omeganutrition.com/products-gourmet-coconut.php


> Quality First International

> Based in Ontario, Canada

> http://qualityfirst.on.ca/


> Simply Coconut

> Colorado Springs, CO

> http://www.simplycoconut.com


> Spectrum Naturals

> http://www.spectrumorganics.com/index.php


> Tropical Traditions

> hand-pressed coconut oil from the ines.

> Also provide expeller pressed version.

> http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/


> Wilderness Family Naturals

> http://www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com/




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